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Everything posted by zulu1

  1. Are those objects you placed via the editor? If you place objects too close together AI will try to avoid it as an obstacle. You need to create some space in between.
  2. zulu1

    How can we make Fuel Air Bomb?

    You can try to message the guy on YouTube who posted the video.
  3. zulu1

    An open letter on basic ARMA:CWA support

    WoW the LOL clan comes out of hiding to make a rare appearance..Zapperguy, KillerBee and JGaz :) While I support this I am not holding my breath waiting for BIS to take any action. Thanks to poweruser and PFC the loss of Gamespy has been overcome, but only a small core of MP players is aware of OFPMonitor leaving a larger group of potential MP players thinking that MP functionality is dead. If some kind of patch could be developed to fix the Gamespy screen that would make me happy.
  4. There are 3 variables you need to pass to the script, you can't use it as stated in readme. plane=name of plane carrier=name of ship launcher#= either "katapult1" or "katapult2" So in the editor you need to put a name in the name slot for the plane and ship.
  5. I thought I had a script specific for that ship, but I guess I don't. You can play with this and see if it works. ;Not a brillant script, but one I thought a few people might find handy. ;Make a script called AITakeoff.sqs; _plane = _this select 0 _speed = _this select 1 _XDirection = (direction _plane) @(Call {(_plane setdir _XDirection); ((speed _plane) > _speed)}) exit ;Place a plane on a map, on the runway, pointing in the direction of takeoff. ;Place the below in the INIT field; ;[this,200] exec {AITakeOff.sqs} ;If you change the: ;((speed _plane) > _speed)[/quote] ;To: ;((GetPos _plane) Select 2)>30[/quote]
  6. I think I have something, but I need to check when I get home.
  7. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Here you go https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ckqqntdpvqva8pe,26dxz32xerr1okd/shared
  8. zulu1

    Custom Reveal Distance

    Maybe you need to add "sol1 dotarget player" before the dofire command ? Also like Mac suggested a "knowsabout" condition in combination with reveal should work.
  9. Rozek, Nice start, it will help new players that haven't learned these things yet. One thing needs clarifiication. In vanilla OFP/CWA the below is correct. Except with JAM3 and WGL smoke does block AI view.
  10. I was going to suggest another port, but look like you've already gone down that road. Do you have a firewall or some AV program that is blocking your UDP/TCP ports? Or maybe something is already using those ports?
  11. Hi, First of all do you have the correct files? ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/ofp-server-1.96.shar.gz and http://www.kegetys.net/ofp/linuxarch10.zip Some help can be found here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Operation_Flashpoint:Dedicated_Server and this forum thread might help also: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170933-does-anyone-have-linux-server-running-for-cold-war-assault
  12. zulu1

    Mission requests and ideas

    Hi Inlesco, Long time no see... Here you go ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/campaigns/TIM10.EXE and WGL version http://wargames.armaholic.eu/files/campaigns/wgl_terror_in_malden.rar
  13. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    BINVIEW is the best, but PBO Decryptor v1.3 also un-bins. Hit the "Open" Button, then when the window pops up go to the "Files of Type" Box and use the drop down arrow and select "OFP Binary (*.BIN)". Both work, trust me, Like Prof T. says "i'm doing it since 2005".
  14. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    BINView...Thanks to InternetArchive link was recovered. https://web.archive.org/web/20090226194628/http://www.downloads.thechainofcommand.net/zips/CoCBinViewSetup.zip Also see my collection of Amalfi's tools...one of the PBO tools also does unbin and there is also cpp2bin which restores file to a bin file. http://www.mediafire.com/download/3hvz8iim56us4jp/Amalfi_Tools.rar
  15. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    @Black_M Some of what you're looking for were created many years ago for the WW2 community, but they were not done by RHS. http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8123 ftp://ofp@www.ofpr.info/unofaddons3/t34-85.rar http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=4602 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8502 ftp://ofp@www.ofpr.info/unofaddons2/Lib_RKKA_Installer.exe ftp://ofp@www.ofpr.info/unofaddons2/Lib_T3476_Installer.exe http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10637 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10725
  16. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Since they don't currently exist and RHS is done with OFP it is not going to happen, unless you are going to do it yourself.
  17. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Is this it? It's the only multicam that I have from IVO. http://www.mediafire.com/download/6gezc5atl6cm7yf/IvoMSF.rar ---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:56 ---------- JdB has supplied me a list of files on OFPR.info that are marked bad and many of these are on the list. Insted try one of these all in one packs: http://www.fileplanet.com/153848/download/Operation-Flashpoint:-Resistance---BAS-All-in-One-Addons-Pack or http://www.gamefront.com/files/5964613.
  18. zulu1

    Bundeswehr 1985 Addon

    WoW, This is starting to get really cool now. Keep up the good work. OFP needs your work more that A2:p
  19. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    krychuzokecia You're right the file is damaged. Here is a good copy: http://www.mediafire.com/download/m92a0q7rrpi8f9l/Bas_Dera_V1_55.rar
  20. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    I don't know what is wrong with the link on the page but this should work ftp://ftp.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/Kodiak2_Winter.rar Maybe JdB can fix it?
  21. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    I sent .kju a PM asking about it. In the mean time I have all of the WGL files. Let me know what you need. It would be nice if you set up your server with all of the addons, islands and missions that we used to have on the old servers: Zeus Shacktactical CiA EWE Cossacks edit: .kju has gotten back to me and assures that the files are still there. He is in touch with Foxhound to see if he can get it back on line again. Good News The files are now back Many thanks to .kju and Foxhound.
  22. zulu1

    Operation Left Hook

    Thanks krzychuzokecia and L.K. for trying this. I added an overview as you suggested. Also some sneaky bastard :j: pointed out a weakness in my layout. I think I have more than fixed that now too. Try it now Faguss :nerner: :cheers: Fixed mission end so that both objectives must be completed and you must fight to sneak up on the town from other routes. Last and final update in first post. Time to move on to another. Maybe a sniper mission for krzychuzokecia
  23. zulu1

    Operation Left Hook

    The spamming is because I applied the First Aid script to all of the units so when others are close it shows on your menu also. The best tactic is to position your squad in a standoff position a good distance from the camp and the town. I used detection triggers so once your spotted they start to come after you. So with you squad located you now want to get spotted, then run for cover and let them come to you. Armour acts the same so make sure you have plenty of launchers. Of course there will be units in both the camp and town you need to move in and clean them up. Using this the camp is pretty easy to defeat. The town is a lot tougher and will take more time. Remember the Russians have had plenty of time to take up defensive positions in the town. Ok I removed the first aid from all but the player. I also fixed the timing of the radio chat. New link in the first post.
  24. zulu1

    OFP Addon request thread

    Here you go. http://www.mediafire.com/download/lt1dbj7tin2j3n5/FallujahV2.1.zip