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Everything posted by Wilco

  1. Wilco

    Project OPFOR

    Love it dude, outstanding work!
  2. Forgot about this thing. RHS and Kunduz.
  3. Don't mind me, just exploiting my GTX 1070 to it's fullest. All of this captured at 40+ FPS.
  4. Focusing on some air this time around. RHS as usual.
  5. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Courtesty of our talented member ZeeAlex!
  6. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Little ingame testing today of this good looking 'gal.
  7. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    From my stand point (Vehicle Commander for an LAV-25A2) there will not be an LAV-AD variant solely due to the fact it's been phased out. The LAV-M and LAV-AT area are an absolute possibility. The LAV-C2/LAV-L maybe not so much since it doesn't provide THAT big of an active role in the ArmA III community (FiST/Logistics). An LAV-R sounds nice, but it all comes down to planning and practicality in the ArmA side of things. The LAV-MEWSS? Don't count on it ;)
  8. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are you talking about the number of rifles being converted? Or the percentage of the rifle that needs to be converted? Case A. I don't see why the Army would convert the A4 to an A2. Case B. Considering the bolt carrier group, lower receiver (to include trigger assembly), stock, front sight post (to include gas block) are all the same. The only things needed to be changed on the A4 (from an A2) would be the upper receiver (old bolt carrier group works fine in this), carry handle (now detachable), and the rail adapter forward grips. To me, that is FAR less than 60% of the rifle and is relatively "cheap" for an upgrade.
  9. Tonight during a game with 3rd SFG CIF. RHS, CUP, Crye, Spec4, and some 3rd SFG CIF packaged mods.
  10. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The LAV-25A2 with the Armatec Survivability Kits is in the works.
  11. I'm on a huge screenshot binge today. The usual RHS and Tanoa
  12. Sorry man, broke the rules a smidge but I fixed it!
  13. Coming from a guy who has shot this weapon system, it's an absolute beast and I hope you feel that way in game firing it! From the sounds to seeing the actual weapon ingame. Zee absolutely blew this model/texture work out of the fucking water.
  14. Wilco

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    What's up? Explain it here and we will try to get to it.
  15. It's been an absolute pleasure to give Zee everything she needed to create this weapon and in the end when she showed me the finished product it absolutely BLEW my mind. Another outstanding release from you Zee, glad to see the public finally being able to get their hands on it! Incase you guys were wondering what the green "string" is, that's 550 cord. That's how we keep our two pins attached to the weapon so we don't lose the damn things.
  16. Edit: Being a narrow minded American, haha. Other than that I love this thing, adds hours of fun with little to no knowledge of how to make a mission, epic.
  17. Says the man perfectly capable of doing some fine modeling in this specific area ;)