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Everything posted by Variable

  1. Is it safe to update TS?
  2. Thanks a lot! What a pleasant surprise :)
  3. Variable

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Well, this is one of the advantages defenders SHOULD have over attackers, and that's totally logical.
  4. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    ok, looking forward to it :) This mission sounds cool!
  5. How about this one? http://ots.mwrc.net/en/product.php?product_id=44771
  6. Variable

    A few no-respawn COOP missions

    Igor, following our Steam conversation, placing a reminder here of my point regarding the new version of the pack - clothing selection system is buggy, and a bit of an immersion killer. Hack'n Blast also didn't end after completing all objectives and hiding in the chappel, although played in previous version, you might want to confirm it does work on the latest. We also had some objectives jumping during the briefing (the "task assiged" icon alternating between all objectives, some weird stuff..) I really recommend you to use FHQ task tracker, it will be the end of any task and briefing problem, during the mission, during JIP and on dedicated server. We also played one hell swoop last night - Great mission! Few issues: 1. I think that parachuting into a town packed with hostile infantry and armor is enough of a challenge, adding such a strong wind is a bit over the top... ;) Without the the strong wind players will be able to actually steer themselves effectively and parachute to the AT point. Some wind to compensate against is a good idea, it's just too strong right now to allow for effective HALO. 2. Can't pick up backpacks from the crate, something was broken in the last Arma 3 update.
  7. I understand, too bad... Anyway I'm glad you explored that option as it could have been plain awesome. Another question if I may - would you create an acoustic radio for divers?
  8. Variable

    Best PBO opener for ARMA 3?

    I use cpbo by Kegetys. Double click on a pbo > extracts it, right click on a folder > pbo = turn it into a pbo. Nice, clean and simple, with no over spec if you don't need the extra controls. I never did.
  9. Variable

    AI Configuration - feedback

    Yes. Yes, and this is logical, and more usable than it was before. Balancing the mission should be up to the mission maker.
  10. Variable

    COOP 12 - Operation Kinetic

    Most certainly will! I intended to select it last night but we were too many and later too few... I will attempt to select it next time incase our number allows.
  11. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Day 4 - Initialization doesn't work. After initialization complete we can see the messages on the top right corner, but no teleportation occurs. we just left on that salt lake.
  12. Thanks! Most appreciated. This and the different underwater radio frequencies are the main difficulties we have with TFAR since last update. Looking forward to it!
  13. NouberNou, will you hear gunfire and other ambient noise through the radio?
  14. Variable

    COOP 12 - Operation Kinetic

    Sold! :) Installing on the CiA server.
  15. Zyklone, can you please update the Comrades in Arms server's query port to 2101?
  16. Same problem here. Looking forward for an update! I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Zyklone for years long service for the community, not a day goes past without me checking the CiA server page:)
  17. Variable

    CCIP script for aircrafts

    I would also be very much interested in an addon version :) I would also suggest that in CCIP mode a line will connect the piper with the center of the HUD.
  18. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    We got the message about all the power generators blown up, didn't get an exfil marker. Since no fire mission ever came, we destroyed the comm tower ourselves, but even that didn't help.
  19. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Tried 3rd mission. Took out the power generators and placed the beacons on the radio tower. We got all the radio up to "splash in 40 seconds - splash" but no boom. Couldn't extract... :(
  20. Variable

    My first campaign

    Arma 1 had a narrator? I have no recollection of that. Do you mean like a news reporter or an actual naration? I'd love that, I do hope ill get around to testing it with all that annoying RL :)
  21. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Yep! Great mission. See this post for some details about it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=2691176 Eventually I'll make a video of it. Got a lot of raw data I recorded during tge mission.
  22. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 1

    Whiztler, in light of today's Arma 3 official patch, does the pack require updating? Or are we good to play episode 3 tomorrow in its current version?
  23. Variable


    Is there a video available that actually shows the improved AI?
  24. Variable

    [MP CO15 Campaign] Wolfpack Vol. 2

    Yay! Second volume released! Thanks whiztler, looking forward to playing it.