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Everything posted by Variable

  1. I think the most basic tip to keep music files small is to convert your music tracks from stereo to mono. "Audacity" can do that, and I guess most of the other audio softwares out there.
  2. Oh yeah, sorry about that. Now it's fixed. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1600754
  3. Another self promotion here... You may want to try my SP mission "Bitter Memories". I recorded the voice of my wife for it, and It received a good score on OFPEC so it can't be that bad :). It can also be played as a coop. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1600754
  4. Variable

    Good co-op missions?

    Hi, check the following (can't provide links as I'm on my mobile phone now but they are all on these forums) Falseprophet coop pack Nkenny coop pack Chickenfeed's coop missions Vanha's coop pack In addition you may check my mission Bitter Memories (details on my signature below). It received a good score on its review on OFPEC so it can't be that bad :) We run coop nights for serious team play on the Comrades in Arms server so if you like coop you might be interested. Details on my signature. Good luck!
  5. Variable

    RunQWist Arma2 Missions [SP/COOP]

    Thanks for these missions RunQWist, do you have any more of them? I gave this a try on our dedicated server. Just played 5 minutes through each mission to test them and they look very nice. One comment though: I recommend you, with all my heart, to avoid placing crates that contain the whole US or Russian arsenal in the beginning of the mission. It just looks bad, makes the (serious) player feel as if the mission creator didn't bother to think through of what weapons will make the mission interesting, and what weapon loadout will keep the mission balanced. And, of course, it's highly un-realistic to have all these weapons available for the players to choose. It's a major immersion killer in my opinion and it's something many mission makers do these days and that's a shame. In any case, the mission are hosted on the Comrades in Arms coop server. You are welcome to join us, details on my signature. Thank you for creating these missions!
  6. Variable

    CiA co-op night

    Hey Wiggum, don't worry about it, it's ok. Stuff like that are part of the Arma 2 reality and believe me, we had worse... :) Sorry I couldn't be there, right from the beginning I had to get to my crying daughter and went afk. I look forward to playing it again.
  7. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Thanks a lot! Checked it today and indeed the preferences saved until Arma 2 is turned off even if many missions are played. The bottom name list is permanent (can be set to off) and that's just great... Thanks Blakeace!
  8. Variable

    [SP] Zero

    I have the same problem. Intro goes ok, but before the actual playing starts, the missing cwr2 addons message appears. When approving it, it's back to the mission selection menu.
  9. Excellent! Thanks for the quick response.
  10. Variable

    Blake's PRADAR

    Thanks mate :) and as soon as I have more time I will edit the too many gigabytes of raw footage I took during CiA coop nights and make a nice video (subscribe in order not to miss it ;)) Not at the moment, but it wouldn't be hard to implement a menu option to toggle between on and while holding space. Do you still plan to enable a permanent command bar names?
  11. This feels like a silly question but are CWR2 demo and this winter release fully compatible to work together on a dedicated server?
  12. I had the same problem. The only thing that helped for me was enabling "extended armor" in the difficulty settings. That pretty much made this mission close to OFP standards. Actually, if memory serves, the mission was quite impossible without extended armor in OFP as well... I have a different problem. I looked for it and couldn't find any reference to it. In "Wake Up Call", the mission where James Gastawski eliminates the Shilka's in Kolgujev, I have some text showing on the top left corner of the screen when the team gets detected. In addition, and this is really weird, when I blow up the first Shilka it doesn't explode, but the objective ticks. However, I heared a distant explosion sound that followed my satchel detonation. When I move towards that sound I find the second Shilka, it's dead as if it was blown up, and I can't finish the mission because I still have the 2nd shilka objective no completed... In any case, thank you guys for this amazing work. it brings so many good memories despite the xboxe's version weird voice acting :p
  13. With the help of Zipper5, I just found this release... Thank you for it!
  14. Variable

    Official Zombies ?

    Please don't ruin this brand with ridiculous additions. It will be just a matter of time until you could use super-unrealistic-childish content made by some parts of the community after the release of the game. There's no need to alienate the main core of the community who wish to keep the realistic warsim characterization of the game.
  15. You never cease to surprise us Kingnothing... Thank you very much for your efforts!
  16. Variable

    Stagler's single player missions

    Thanks for the mission Stagler, gave it a try yesterday. I don't use ACE. The only mod I use is JSRS sound mod. At the intro the AA gunner fired, but seems like he was late in doing so (he wasn't in the frame). The missile went in a completely different direction than the chinook and didn't hit it. The mission itself was way too easy. I just found a military offroad Jeep drove around until I found the Chinnok. I received some fire, but none that made me disembark and fight. I went back safely and completed the mission, after about 3 minutes, without firing a shot. At the outro the plane didn't drop any bomb. I hope this helps. This reminds me that I still need to try your addons missions...
  17. Variable

    Singleplayer with epic plot

    The second I realized that I need to "buy" my weapons, was the second all the immersion just died for me.
  18. MadDog, since you tried both Tapatalk and convo, what's better?
  19. Variable

    Stagler's single player missions

    Looking forward to try this. Thanks Stagler!
  20. Variable

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm not sure that sounds captured by video camera's narrow frequency range microphone could faithfully represent how they are actually sound. Having said that, I prefer that sounds will be cool and exiting, more than realistic :)
  21. The missions on the Comrades in Arms [CiA] coop server usually finish with the players that started the missions. If one or two are about to connect we usually keep an ai open for them to respawn to. If that's not possible, that's ok too. It's rather a serious gameplay with no dropping out and dropping in during the mission. We don't play missions that include revives and/or respawn as we feel all should value their own life. It has a massive impact on the gameply and immersion for all players. We really wish more missions designers drop using respawn in their missions... If you want to join and play with us you are more than welcome! Please check this page on our website for details. Hoping to hear from you soon!
  22. Thanks for this mission Laggy! it seems very invested. It is now hosted on the CiA coop server (games are open to public, details on my signature). I just gave it a try to see how it holds, just flew the Apache a bit, and it seems solid. I will let you know how it turned up. (You should ask Armaholic to include the nice video on the news post of your mission)