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Everything posted by terox

  1. No the skill array sets the following values in the following order "aimingspeed" "aimingaccuracy" "aimingshake" "spotdistance" "spottime" "commanding" "courage" "endurance" "reloadSpeed" "general" the second matrix then sets the randomisation (tolerance) for the first array. So if the first value in the first array (The skill setting array) is 0.5 and the first value in the randomiser array is 0.1, the actual skill set that each individual AI gets for "Aiming speed" will be somewhere between 0.4 and 0.6 if you did not use this addon and set the AI skill in the editor to say 0.7, every skill ("aimingspeed" to "general") would be 0.7 and testing has proven that at the moment this is not good, the AI are way too accurate at those levels
  2. No that's not how it works. if you set the slider value in the mission editor for the unit, lets say you set it to 0.75 every attribute aimingaccuracy, spottingdistance,commanding etc is set to that value What this does is ignores that slider value completely and sets each individual attribute value independantly. I am in the middle of some very boring and repetive testing, all of which is revealing just how bad at the moment the skill balancing is. BIS of course will address this at some point The testing has basically been concentrating on SpottingDistance SpottingTime AimingAccuracy I have a spreadsheet which is logging all the testing data that i am gathering, but in a more basic form, what i am finding is An OPFOR Unit with a mission editor skill slider at 0.634 (This is the default for me when i place an individual unit on the map) has the following abilities with the following settings (Unless otherwise states, all skill attributes are 0.634 AimingAccuracy set to 1.0 at range 100 is 100% accurate AimingAccuracy set to 0.5 at range 100 is 49% accurate AimingAccuracy set to 0.4 at range 100 is 36% accurate AimingAccuracy set to 1.0 at range 300 is 75% accurate AimingAccuracy set to 0.5 at range 300 is 16% accurate AimingAccuracy set to 0.4 at range 100 is 11% accurate SpottingDistance & Spotting Time (This is a bit of an odd one and is very difficult to get consistency) however Typically they can spot you at 385metres in broad daylight when running across a flat surface, eg the runway if either value is higher than 0.5 The distance they spot you at isn't effected by Spottingtime until it is below 0.25 if you set spottingtime and spottingdistance to 0.2 they dont see you until you are approximately 64 metres from then (54 if walking) There is a difference in spotting if you are walking, running or crawling I am using a mission that reports back the knowsabout values, distance to enemy, shots fired, rounds on target etc to get accurate data for each test So the basic outcome of this so far is that you really need to define values very differently from what the slider gives you to get intersting AI that dont laser shoot you at nearly 400m and the testing is ongoing
  3. All about MaxSizeNonguaranteed The purpose of this thread is to Discuss the MaxSizeNonguaranteed setting in the server's ArmA3Alpha.cfg Compile a list of questions that only BIS DEVS can answer for us Define how to calculate the required value Define What relationship if any it has to the other bandwidth settings Define how it could/should/would be tested in a Benchmark mission based scenario This thread is part of a much wider discussion on server bandwidth optimisation Tutorial: Server Bandwidth & Optimisation Useful Links BIS WIKI: basic.cfg What the BIKI states What is known The value must not exceed 1300 What is assumed: What we need to know: What value if any, does it default too, if the entered value is unacceptable? How is this value calculated correctly? How is this value calculated correctly when running multiple ArmA3 servers on 1 box? Would this value vary for PVP and CooP servers Would this value vary depending on the number of players the server supports How would you stress test or test this in a Benchmark mission scenario? What relationship does this value have to the other bandwidth settings ? What else ? Calculation Formulae (Not yet defined)
  4. All about MinErrorToSend This thread is part of a much wider discussion on server bandwidth optimisation Tutorial: Server Bandwidth & Optimisation Useful Links BIS WIKI: basic.cfg Read from this post to the end of the thread What the BIKI states What is known The engines runs calculations on objects comparing the perceived status of an object to the actual status of an object. The outcome of this calculation is an "error value" When the error value is greater than the value set by MinErrorToSend data is sent across the network to update the clients about the status of the object Typically the type of data that is being checked in the computation is velocity, vector, position and distance to the player object etc To give you an idea of the amount of movement that can occur before these objects are updated by this monitor For the default value 0.001, an object at a range of 1 km can move 50 metres 2km can move 200m In reality the actual distance it moves before an update is sent is likely to be much less as the velocity, vector and other object data is likely to change forcing an earlier update. The gaps between these updates are filled using a simulation based on last known values and smoothed by interpolation (introduced in 1.60, before that you could see the jumps caused by the estimated simulation not matching the real object position). Increasing this value decreases the amount of data being sent across the network Setting the value too high creates a "warping" effect where you see moving objects teleport instead of smoothly moving Relationship to other settings The calculation also takes into consideration another setting called MinErrorToSendNear this setting, unlike MinErrorToSend is an absolute value and is not dependant on distance. So if the calculation for the error ireturns an error value less than MinErrorToSendnear, no update data is sent What you are trying to achieve Setting the MinErrorToSend as high as possible without seeing any teleporting and maintaining what visually appears to be smooth movement How to test the value You could test this by having a test mission where AI at various distances, 100, 200, 500m, 1km, 2km distance from you are running across your path left to right and vice versa and view their movements through binoculars Increasing the MinErrortosend from default until you have the optimal setting What we may need to know: Would this value need to be lower for PVP compared to COOP Would the optimum value change depending on the number of players that the server supports? Anything else else ? Calculation Formulae This is an internal engine calculation and not a calculation you would use to set your value
  5. The first page on the Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server explains the locations of the files. Editing is done with notepad, e.g assosciate .cfg with notepad There is an example of the file I commented on in the first post too If the messages you want to send to the players are things like your teamspeak details and the server rules etc, then a better way is to use the serverside addon that is also linked too on the first page of the tutorial thread. This adds a section to the briefing automatically for every mission
  6. 1) 2 ways of doing this a) For a specific mission, edit the mission and add Global/side chat messages in scripts.....goto ARMA-3-ALPHA-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTINGfor more info. b) By editing the CONFIG_Vanila.cfg MOTD lines and defining the delay between messages 2) Check the tutorial first post for log information. (The chat is not logged) 3) a)Only 1 server admin can be logged in at a time b) What player commands, if you mean voting etc, some things are disabled when the admin logs in, voting threshold can be set so it doesn,t work c) You may also be referring to scripting commands, if so another mission editing question 4) This is mission design and nothing to do with administering a server .....goto ARMA-3-ALPHA-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTINGfor more info. 5) Same as 1 6) Mission editing again..... 7) Mission editing again...... sounds like you are only interested in wastelands, try asking the mission editing questions on the wastelands thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?155995-404Wasteland-TPG-Edition-(Built-In-Anti-Hack-Script)
  7. I am not 100% sure what you mean. I assume you mean Client connects to the server to play as normal Client runs the ArmaServerMonitor.exe locally. This somehow is then fed data from the server? How will the data be fed to the client?
  8. terox

    Chat log ?

    nope, dont know if this helps, but if you miss something important... use pageup
  9. this info is given out when the admin runs "#monitor 5"; AFAIK the only way to run these commands via a script requires an admin to be logged in, then you could do something like the following if (servercommandavailable "#monitor 1")then{servercommand................ Not sure how you would log this data though If time is precious, any spare time you have on this project would be better spent in other areas
  10. TICKETS RAISED that need your Vote_ 0009106 0009111 0009221 0009374 0009381 0009383
  11. The config file even states .I re-read though all your posts. Am I correct in assuming you are trying to run 2 x A3 servers from the same installation, eg same root directory ? If this is the case, it will cause you problems. There are 3 different methods for running multiple servers. If you have the space, use method 1 (see first post) which is basically a copy of the master install in a different directory If this is not the case, you need help from a TADST mod or user
  12. how much more load would it create if you also had the data in/out bandwidth displayed as "Total" and as "Per player". per player being an average
  13. I will add this functionality in the next version I could also add a boolean check and see if the mission has defined it and if so, disable the "On the fly" updating. The latter would be more beneficial than restarting the server to change the config and while i'm at it, I could also define Probably a setvariable for a per unit instance and boolean per mission instance to prevent the addon editing the skill values. something for missions like perhaps Zeu_ServerskillOptions = [a,b] element A 0 = disable skill setting for all units in this mission 1 = disable skill setting for any unit that has a unit setvariable[ "Zeu_SetServerSkill",FALSE] in its INIT field 2 = Set Skill for all units element B 0 = disable "On the fly" skill setting 1 = Enable "On the fly skill setting"
  14. Did you edit the ***.cfg when the server was down ? This sounds like some sort of write permissions issue. I don't use TADST so i cant offer you any help with it. Make sure you are editing as Administrator
  15. Just to offer my support. There are a lot of players watching this thread even if they arent posting on it. Please stick with it as we really do need fresh islands and you are the only one working on a standalone system. Stick with Non BIS islands and get the creators permission, then the newcomers to the ArmA series can also use them without fear of copyright infringement
  16. That all seems okay. 1) Make sure your client is running the same branch as your server... e.g Stable or DEV. (For all intentions and purposes, the DEV and stable branches are treat as completely different games) 2) Having done that if the problem persists then have your server report to Gamespy and see if it is listed in your server browser on your client. (Filter to shorten the list) If it doesnt, there must be a firewall issue somewhere Google "ActivePorts" and download that tool, it will tell you if the ports are truly open Also, if you are running ArmA2 on that box, shut it down while testing(Ports may be conflicting as they share the same defaults) Also have a look at the .rpt rfile to see if there are any major errors in there. If you still have issues, temporarily remove all the missions in your MpMissions folder and try restarting the server
  17. Thanks for the test builds, working apart from AI count showing as 0 I can confirm two"ASM.fsm started" in my RPT They are next to each other and NO, I am not defining anything in any missions, this is just from running it from the addon only F.Y.I a lot of Dedi servers are run as services, normally using something like Firedeamon or TADST This is the normal method when you want to give admins the ability to start and stop the servers without giving them backend access. If you want some feedback and to get this out to a greater audience. 1) Offer a way of displaying this to a web page so it can be viewed without backend access. This is good for mission developers to monitor their test missions as well as admins to have the web page up on a second monitor when playing 2) Build it so it can work with either services and direct processes and you will have then a very useful tool. Good work by the way
  18. terox

    Trolls, Goons, Hackers... Oh well!

    If you play on servers that are not correctly adminned or not adminned at all, expect this.
  19. Can you post your command line arguments and your ***.cfg (Hiding the passwords and logins) also try opening port 2304 too Can you see your server in the gamespy browser
  20. For the second time........... 1) Remove the lines in your command line that states the steam ports, these need to be defined in the ****.cfg, which in your case is your " TA2DST_config.cfg " Steam ports configuration IS NOT a command line argument Your Server No.2 is using the default steam ports. Your number 1 server I assume is also using these ports. These ports need to be unique for each server instance Your reporting IP should be "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; not arma2
  21. Have you tried running the commands from a script, checking before hand if the client that you are running the script on, is logged in, Try running this loop in a script execVM'd from the init Log in start the mission It will give you 30 seconds to log out. Then wait until you see the sidechat message stating you cannot run server commands Then log in and wait to see if the sidechat message runs and the server monitor starts if (IsDedicated)exitwith{}; sleep 30; _can= FALSE; _KEEPCHECKING = TRUE; while{_KEEPCHECKING}do { sleep 3; _can=switch(serverCommandAvailable "#kick")do { case TRUE: { Player sidechat "I CAN run admin commands here"; Player sidechat "Attempting to run MONITOR"; serverCommand " #monitor 5"; _KEEPCHECKING = FALSE; }; case FALSE:{Player sidechat "I Cannot run any server commands";}; }; }; sleep 5; Player Sidechat "Server command has been run, you should see the monitor now";
  22. all of this information, file location etc is stated in the first post on the Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server stickied thread
  23. You need to re read the first post in this thread. Defining the steam ports in the command line will not work, it needs to be defined in your ****.cfg (Example in first post CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg) if you have defined -port=2302 for Server No.1, it will also use 2303 & 2305 (Port forwarding advice states leave at least 10 ports between virtual server installs) So server No.2 should be at least port 2315, I would suggest 2322 Specifically check the section that details Port forwarding, how to run multiple servers and take a look at the CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg and I have no idea what "-high" does, I have never seen that stated in any command line argument After that, if you are still stuck please paste 1) Both your command line arguments 2) Both Your ***.cfg remembering to remove the passwords Pastebin might be the best way
  24. Lol Killzone, we think you are trolling :-) To login as admin on a dedicated server you must 1) Join the server with your ArmA3 client 2) Open the chat window by keying "/" 3) Type the following #login SERVERADMINPASSWORD You should then get a message that you have logged in as admin. From that point to issue any server commands you simply open the chat window again and type in the necessary commands with the necessary parameters. These are all preceded with the "#" when you want to opt out of being the admin you type #logout in the chat window See the first post in the Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-on-a-dedicated-server for a list of server commands, they are coloured to indicate which ones are know to or not to work