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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    Did not notice any significant FPS improvements (only when all graphic settings were switched to max levels and I got 14 fps, but the camera was moving rather smoothly, not like slide-show).
  2. spooky lynx

    BWMod release thread

    Very very nice to see BW Mod again in game! Thanks! BTW, will you make AG36 in future versions?
  3. spooky lynx

    T-72B/BA pack v1.0

    +1 for replacement of vanilla OPFOR T-72 (which is inaccurate).
  4. spooky lynx

    T-72B/BA pack v1.0

    Very glad to see the final version! The main RA tank is in game from now. P.S. Тут уже, глÑжу, уÑтроили небольшое предÑтавительÑтво Ñ„.ру :)
  5. spooky lynx

    CSLA3 Phase1

    This camo, IMHO, is far more suitable for Sahrani environment. One little request: maybe you will change that DShK on T-72 tank?
  6. spooky lynx

    DPICM Artillery Addon

    I think, BIS Kord model would be quite useful. NSV and Kord have few differences, and it will take a little time to convert Kord to NSV.
  7. spooky lynx

    DPICM Artillery Addon

    Glad to see "Msta":) Some mentions about it: wheels and trucks should be changed (it has the same wheels and trucks as T-80 tank, but not T-72), also "Msta" has NSV but not DShK.
  8. Do you have that problem with T-62 only?
  9. Miles, what differences between syrian and egyptian T-55 will be? And may you add syrian T-62 also?
  10. spooky lynx

    Project RACS

    wld427, what about Su-24 which is shown at the site? Will it be released for A1?
  11. Yes, I agree with it. Any chance to have ability to switch the whole wounding/blackout effects off?
  12. Really?:confused: Will try this.
  13. Unfortunately, relations between sides are "fixed".
  14. spooky lynx

    Australian Holden Monaro

    Hmmm... nice car! Sad to see it only in ArmA2 but not in my garage:)
  15. spooky lynx

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    In my opinion, some more rela-life details in the game would be useful. Just for better simulation of battle field. As for the stress - I should not say that a lot of players will get it. Look at the Fallout 3. I should not say it can be a reason of stress. But, looking at the high-detailed wounds in game, somebody will become more cautious and attentive in real life. Lots of incidents with deaths and wounds happen just because people don't realise how it is to recieve serious injury. And... Maybe, looking at this, more people would realise that war is pain and suffering at first, and "all other things" at second.
  16. Me. If it will have the same amount of bugs that ArmA2 1.0 had. The time will show, what release version of OA will look like. So, let's not be hurry. Agree, it's an insane amount of work. But BIS aren't modmakers but devs, and their work is paid. So personally me would prefer to wait some more time but to get more advanced expansion and vanilla game rather than another modpack by devs and the same situation as that with ArmA1.
  17. Partly agree: there must be 1 or better 2 SP campaigns (one - short, one - long) and SP missions (not few). But on the other side there are plenty of them on fansites, so all may choose what missions or campaigns to play. At the same time all addons which can be necessary to play are easy to install.
  18. Why not? Those models have the same shapes as I see. Sure, different textures, shaders and small details. But general geometry is the same. Or am I mistaken?
  19. They look practically identical. Do you need screenshots of all OFP/A1/A2 Mi-8s?
  20. Open structure of OFP/A1/A2 is their main advantage. That's why even OFP is played still.
  21. Shouldn't sat that all of previous A1 models are rather good. That of Mi-8 is, friendly speaking, similar to OWP one, which was made for OFP;)
  22. Agree. I'm still interested, what structure US Army will have in OA. Hope, it will be as much as possible close to the real, especially because there are some models of Strykers from A1. Now, with artillery modules in editor, it would be possible to operate FSV and CV Strykers.
  23. Positive? Give me the whole Chernarus in expansion even without any extra units and I'll buy it without any doubt:)
  24. There are not only engine bugs in ArmA2, unfortunately. A-10, AV-8, MH-60, Mi-8, Urals, UAZ, T-72, D-30 - are they new? T-90... Well, after addons from A1 I personally can't name default A2 model very good. Especially if you remember first its versions in early screenshots. Buildings? Some of them still have the same destruction system as in A1. I don't "bash" BIS just because I'm angry person. If I see poor-quality work (which could be better), I say what I dislike or like in it. If I see brilliant work - I say it's brilliant. And nothing else. We live in capitalism, guys. And I, as an unsatisfied customer, just say my proved opinion about the games I bought, not things like "BIS are bad just because they are BIS". Clear?