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Everything posted by Sniperwolf572

  1. Sniperwolf572

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    Within the DayZ engine, yes. Within the Arma 3 engine currently, no. You do realize that the whole point of DayZ doing massive modifications to the engine, is exactly because they needed to add things like this which support the core gameplay concepts and remove the things which are not relevant to them? They're still in early access almost 3 years later... While it would be nice on so many levels to be able to treat weapons, mags and all other items as true objects, set variables on them and whatnot, I highly doubt this is happening with this iteration of the engine as it is in no way a trivial change to make. On the other hand, many things are possible "within any engine" given enough time, but that doesn't mean it's plausible to do so. Arma engine itself is the perfect example considering what was made possible over the years and game iterations.
  2. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    The effect is the transition between the satmap and the detailed textures. It's always worked like that. With grass it's harder to notice, since it blends with the satmap colors, but it's still there.
  3. Sniperwolf572

    Apex Vehicles Feedback

    I've recently found out that the "X" button on my keyboard toggles the vectoring on and off, and there doesn't seem to be a respective control which I can rebind to change this (AutoHover is bound to 2xSpace). I use "X" and "C" as yaw controls, so I randomly toggle it on and off.
  4. Sniperwolf572

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    What would be really awesome is some kind of AI diagnostics switch with diag_enable as a part of the diagnostics executable. :wub: Surely you guys aren't tweaking the AI blindfolded and I think it would help if we could actually tell what is going on so we can provide more accurate feedback, instead of assuming and relaying gut info which usually leads to all kinds of AI urban myths.
  5. Sniperwolf572

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    .ebo's don't get delta patched, yadda, yadda, yadda. This is going to be the case for a while.
  6. Sniperwolf572

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Naaah, I see what he's onto. The last picture, the rock formation looks like a giant turtle. The first two look vaguely shaped like heads and giant bodies, but not sure of what.
  7. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

  8. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Don't be fooled. As a fully qualified internet detective, I'm telling you that neither is 1.58. Right one is 1.54, at best, with additional postprocessing. Left one is 1.60 straight from Eden. It's not even a fair comparison. If you want to hail 1.58 as the apex of visual quality, and shit on 1.60, at least take fair comparisons.
  9. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    The right image has so much non-default postprocessing it's not even funny.
  10. Sniperwolf572

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I'd like working doors on these objects too. They are already structures with interiors.
  11. Sniperwolf572

    Disappointed with lack of Interactability on Tanoa

    In my opinion, major problem with Chernarus forests, and most forests so far until Tanoa, is that they lack some kind of clutter besides grass. Things like rocks, roots, etc. Tanoa forests look so detailed, they make majority of forests in Arma so far feel like a grassy plain from which a bunch of wooden poles grew out of.
  12. Sniperwolf572

    Adding ADR-97 in the APEX Expansion?

    Why wouldn't they care about Workshop? It's the most "official" addon repository as you are going to get. They wouldn't bother implementing a ton of features and devoting the Launcher to it if it wasn't something they didn't care about. Besides "most of the real arma fans" goes down the drain fast when you consider just how many people use the workshop. I currently have around 20,000 active subscribers for an addon that was made obsolete by inclusion in the base game two patches ago. Imagine what a mod like CBA has or RHS would have if it was on the workshop. The only thing that makes the Workshop somewhat ... problematic ... is the EULA. The only real reason I'd rather have this in the base game is so it doesn't have to be a dependency that you have to think about before doing anything with it.
  13. Sniperwolf572


    Neither. It's a leftover from Take On Helicopters.
  14. Sniperwolf572

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Doubt it, something is wrong with HTTPS on Valves end. HTTP works fine.
  15. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Man, vertex-based lighting. Such an advanced technology. It's so realistic how the lights light up the terrain in hexagonal shapes. :rolleyes:
  16. Sniperwolf572

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    The major factor why most light sources are short range and cover the least area as possible is compensation for the fact that lights don't cast shadows. Smaller and shorter lights have less room to show that problem. Most of the light sources were "nerfed" due to that. If you look at alpha footage, you'll notice bright chemlights, high beam vehicle headlights and so on. It's one of those "damned if you do, damned if you don't" things. I don't really blame them.
  17. Sniperwolf572

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    When you are on that page, there should be another "Log In" button in the upper right corner. Click on it, a small form will open, log in with your forum login there as well, then go back to the https://account.bistudio.com/ and you'll see a different form.
  18. missionNamespace setVariable [_planeName, _plane];
  19. Sniperwolf572

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Clicking on the label for the difficulty option shows the description with a picture for it on the right side.
  20. Haven't been an author of one of these threads since forever. ^_^ Anyway, I've mashed up a proof of concept for the "Moving and switching weapons at the same time" feature. While it's kinda hacky and my config skills are rusty, hopefully someone with better knowledge of the animation system and the engine might find this useful (hint, hint). It implements gesture versions of the default BI switching animations and relies on using the "User Action 17" and "User Action 18" controls to function. Action menu actions and keybinds for "Switch to handgun/launcher" will still use the default "stop and switch" method. In this version, the weapon IK works so it looks nicer than in earlier videos I've shown. There are some known issues that I haven't tried or been able to solve: You can fire the launcher while it's selected and transitioning (first part of the "from launcher" transitions and the last part of "to launcher" transitions). I haven't been able to figure this out, as the primary/handgun will correctly not fire if you try, the launcher seems to disregard the config parameters. I'm probably doing something wrong here. Don't blow yourself up now. (Thanks zGuba!) The action menu actions, "Switch to handgun" and "Switch to launcher" controls still use the "stop and switch" method, as mentioned. I haven't tried to replace this yet. This remains a safeguard for me in case the addon messes up so you can still switch weapons. Midway through the transition, the unit will reset it's weapon and camera orientation. This is due to cancelling of the default switch animation that's caused by switchWeapon. Removing the default animations would cause the action menu switching to be instant, which is kinda bad. If you switch stances (crouch/stand) in the first part of the animation, you can sometimes cause some additional weapon transitions. I'm not quite sure why this happens yet. I've not bothered to test it in MP, I've no clue how it behaves there. (Should be ok now) Binding the switch actions to mouse buttons will not work, mouse clicks are not handled, but requires a change/fix to work correctly (http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10766) (Using a different method now) You can find the source code on GitHub. I'd welcome a review of the code and especially the config, as I might have messed up the inheritance in some way as I'm not up to speed on it. It requires keybinds for the following entries: I've used TAB+1/2 for myself as you can see, not perfect but also not conflicting with my other keybinds. You should be able to bind it to any combination you like. I suggest unbinding the default "Switch to handgun" and "Switch to launcher" keybinds as a precaution. Here's a little preview of it as it is right now: TLDR; instructions: Install the addon Bind "Custom controls > User Action 17" to whatever you want to be your "Switch to handgun" key Bind "Custom controls > User Action 18" to whatever you want to be your "Switch to launcher" key (Optional, precaution) Unbind your "Weapons > Switch gun / launcher" and "Weapons > Switch gun / handgun" from your controls, you won't be needing them anymore Be a badass Download (version 1.4.5): Dropbox Steam Workshop Source code on GitHub Changelog: Special thanks: Deadfast - Code changes, fixing up my shoddy config work, teaching me about quirks of the scripting scheduling Drxi, Alejandro, Aseliot, ImClarky - Being awesome test subjects during the MP testing
  21. Sniperwolf572

    Switching weapons on the move

  22. Sniperwolf572

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    But will it have CBA and ACE compatibiliy? :P
  23. With the new thread stickied explicitly encouraging discussion on usability features/issues, I'd like to highlight a few things that might have gotten looked over and see if anyone else shares these grievances. :P 1) The surface-affected dynamic camera speed This is something that I find annoying, and it's one of the reasons I don't feel comfortable while navigating within the 3DEN. While this is nice when you need to make movements in micro increments, getting close to any surface even when you do want to move fast, drags your speed down. And in reverse, if you're trying to move precisely, a dip in terrain or leaving an objects geometry instantly speeds the camera up. Constant, predictable speed would be very beneficial in a lot of cases. Since the menu isn't exactly cramped anymore and there is tons of room to include "workflow related" options in the dropdown menus. It would be nice to be able to toggle this behavior on and off, and if going a few steps forward, it would be nice to have settings that would control the camera speed in it's various speed modes. Maybe someone likes the default speed to be slower, maybe someone would rather have it zippy all the time, etc. 2) The ear piercing "immersion" sound when toggling the editor vision modes The sound itself serves no purpose besides "immersion" which is highly irrelevant in a tool. It gets downright annoying when you're toggling the view modes quickly to check something out. Imagine if your text editor had similar sounds when switching tabs. The other sounds in the editor are always mild, short and to the point. As the ticket states, an additional ear-piercing factor comes from the fact that the game will replay any interrupted sound when you alt+tab out when you alt+tab back in, and these sounds overlaid on top of each other are incredible shrieks. Ability to toggle this off or an adjustment of this sound to leave it only as that "click" it has at the start, without the squeal would be great. Additionally, while we're at the subject. I'd actually suggest separating thermal and NV onto separate options, as most of the time you need to toggle between 2 modes, and not cycle through 3 and the third one is just an inconvenient step in the way. 3) The classname display/export feature The linked post goes into detail, which I'll not repost, but a TLDR; would be: "Artillery was given when a needle was asked for". I find myself often just needing a classname to paste somewhere else, comparing the classes of two things or just merely confirming that something is of a class that I need it to be. I like having the overkill tool, but I don't find myself having in situation where it's required as often as simple visual display of what an objects classname is. As you've recently implemented multi-line tooltips, would be neat to use some of that gained functionality for such things. Maybe even as an opt-in.