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Snake Man

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Everything posted by Snake Man

  1. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Three new PMC real world data terrains have been released! PMC Syria, Aleppo v0.1 PMC Syria, Ar Raqqah v0.1 PMC Syria, Damascus v0.1 First post updated.
  2. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Here comes my usual answers-in-batch-mode :) No that's not what I said, if you read carefully you see that I said "If not stated otherwise all terrains are" which in this case means that najaf is 81km terrain. That's because PMC real world data terrains have huge satellite texture / mask resolution, its listed in the first post so I wont repeat it here. The terrains in your link have almost non existant satellite resolution in comparison. You'll get there, my upload rate is 2mb/s and I believe Dscha is seeding 5mb/s. I and we are. Unfortunately I do see lot of hit & run leechers. Guys, if you appreciate these free community made terrains, please seed the torrent(s), thank you. That is my plan also, populate places that would matter, kind of like strategic areas you mentioned. Placing vegetation like trees and rocks is quite easy and that its my plan to add it in future versions, cities are of course different beast and I don't even plan on populating them fully. I have never released poorly optimized addons and I am not about to start now, so don't worry PMC real world data terrains will always have high performance for aircraft scale battles. If you mean to halt this project and only do one terrain, then the answer is no, its out of scope of this project. This project is about getting real world data terrains to many conflict areas around the world. Like I just said above my plan is to add object placement after all base terrains (heightmap, satellite and roads) have been released first. So there was my batch of answers :) BTW added note about iraq erbil and afghanistan ghazni to the first post, nothing major but some info before next upgrade.
  3. Snake Man

    Jets DLC Terrains

    Three new PMC real world data terrains has been released! PMC Afghanistan, Mazari Sharif v0.1 PMC Syria, Al Hasakhah v0.1 PMC Syria, Al Mayadin v0.1 First post updated.
  4. You should join discord arma server and come to chat with us in #terrain_makers - that is the place to be for terrain chat nowadays, skype has been long dead. In discord there is 24/7 chatting going on with very valuable information shared, newbies helped etc.
  5. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    We discovered a issue in shapefile v.transform using QGIS in our tutorial, it took me several days to figure out fix for that but finally I did. So I have updated PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Road Shapefiles Real World Data how to prepare road shapefiles for QGIS so v.transform works properly. It is kind of small change which I wouldn't normally post to this topic, but it is a game changer in terms of will you get OpenStreetMap roads in terrain builder or not.
  6. Snake Man

    Saving terrain height edits?

    Here is PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain Builder - Save Buldozer Heightmap Edits page.
  7. Snake Man

    How to make 700x700 m map?

    This should help PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Grid & Cell Size. Yeah it doesn't cover 700m x 700m but you should figure out how grid and cell sizes work together.
  8. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    New info added about global mapper export satellite bmp color palette and how to darken, merge and create picturemap_ca.tga image from satellite texture tiles.
  9. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    Check out PMC Editing Wiki: OFP Modeling Tutorials page, Brsseb tutorials covers how to texture a model.
  10. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    PMC Ultimate Terrain Tutorial purposes you are fine with that resolution because its just to teach you how to do it, however once you have read through the tutorial and learned how to terrains, then you cannot use that low resolution anymore and therefore L3DT trial version. BTW guys this topic is about PMC Editing Wiki and its arma3 terrain section, if you wish to discuss generic terrain stuff like your own terrains, start a new topic for it.
  11. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    How to separate Data\Layers\ PBO directories into individual smaller PBOs, like Altis etc. PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrains - Separate Data\Layers Enjoy.
  12. Snake Man

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    The tough real world data terrain issue has been resolved! PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrains - Real World Data Tutorial Now everyone can enjoy making terrains with heightmap, satellite texture and roads using actual real world data.
  13. Snake Man

    Real world terrain data using QGIS

    Real world data for terrains issue has been resolved, thanks for everyone pooface in bis forums who helped.
  14. We at the arma discord #terrain_makers channel are looking for some help about real world terrain data using QGIS. Here is work in progress temporary "private" page I put up for the knowledge we gathered so far: PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 QGIS Real World Data Please read and post here (or better yet in discord) if you have any further information so we can create tutorial together. I will credit anyone helping out :)
  15. Snake Man

    clutter not showing up in ARMA

    isenhand how about you join arma discord as your forum topics start to look much like a Chat :)
  16. Snake Man

    Real world terrain data using QGIS

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 QGIS Real World Data page has been updated but its still unfinished so please share any knowledge you have about the subject, anything, even the smallest piece of info would help. Thank you.
  17. I thought so. Texture layer size needs to be minimum of 2 x cell size, probably closer to 4 x.
  18. Snake Man

    The Bushlurker Monument

    Thank you so much for releasing this monument with source files, now people who want to include it their terrain objects pbo can do so. I am going to include this to any and all of PMC arma3 terrains. Thank you, very much appreciated.
  19. So how do you suggest to fix landgrid reference exceeded the range error?
  20. Thank you Evil Organ for the google drive link, first post updated.
  21. Snake Man

    Paul “Bushlurker” Pelosi (1960-2017) Rest in Peace

    The arma terrain community has lost one of its greatest, rest in peace Bushlurker :( I wrote a tribute to Bushlurker. Also what better way to honor Bushlurker's memory then by using his Bushlurker "Island 51" terrain.
  22. ErrorMessage: {error} LandGrid reference exceeded the range [1023, 1023], it is [2046, 2046] This is fixed by increasing your texture layer size. Mapframe properties -> samplers -> texture layer. On larger terrains it is not enough to have this 2x your cell size, it has to be more, for example your cell size is 25m so instead of 50m use 100m texture layer size. Remember that every time you change texture layer, you have to generate layers from processing tab.
  23. These are written for ArmA (the first one) so while they are bit old, much of it is still valuable information, in fact they were written just for question like you asked. PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA Howto Be Mod Maker and PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA Howto Mod
  24. Dead site? What are you talking about dead site? PMC Editing Wiki is up and will never go down (as in stopped, put down, quit etc). We just recently changed web hosting company, if there are some problems reaching any of the PMC sites, please let me know preferably in private message so I get email notification about it (quicker than randomly seeing new topic).
  25. Just downloaded the campaign and was baffled how its 101mb rar, took a look inside and sure enough there was music/sound files duplicated on every mission (at least by quick look on file names, no idea if he content is the same). You can fix this easily and reduce download file size dramatically by using the global music/sound directories. Check out PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 2 Missions DtaExt and if you have any questions let me know and I'll do my best to help. Oh yeah I know this is old-ish topic from 2013 but just in case you are still able to work with arma2 files I thought of posting this help. btw the RAR is 101mb but in 7zip it would shrink down to 31.7mb :)