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Everything posted by Master85

  1. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/SafeZone right edge of the middle screen: x = safezoneX + safezoneW - <horizontal size>; w = <horizontal size>; right edge of all screens: x = safezoneXAbs + safezoneWAbs - <horizontal size>; w = <horizontal size>;
  2. Master85

    Buldozer not start

    and make sure you've got the right steam_appid.txt on your P: drive - its content has to be 107410 so it's not such a good idea to have the P: drive in the Arma 3 Tools Folder because the tools got their own steam_appid.txt (233800). arma3p copys the correct steam_appid.txt to the P: drive but every time you check the integritiy of the tools steam will overwrite it again. after mapping the P: drive to a separate folder (in my user space) I'm running TB & Buldozer fine now (as non-admin).
  3. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167485-Release-Chat-Events-Library it's for Arma 2 OA, so idd, idc and some class names are probably different - but you should get the idea
  4. you could use something like ({(player distance _x) < 30} count mylist) > 0 as condition in the addaction
  5. Master85

    Problem with server list

    The Arma 3 Server Browser (with default filter) sends 4 requests to the Gamespy Master Server: (simplified and probably not 100% correct) 1) same version, players playing, verifysignatures and battleye enabled, no password, not full, near distance (euclidean distance < 10 coords) 2) not in 1, same version, not full, no password, mid distance (euclidean distance < 60 coords) 3) not in 1/2, same version 4) wrong version I guess first the servers from 1, then 2,3,4 are used until there are 500 servers.
  6. just create a new steam account for the server - you don't need A3 on that account to install the Arma 3 Server package
  7. Master85

    Count AI Units Only

    {!isPlayer _x} count units group player
  8. if you want to count units inside of vehicles, too then just use vehicle _x instead of _x e.g. something like {(vehicle _x) in thislist} count units group1 == 0 when entering a vehicle the unit itself isn't listed anymore in thislist of a trigger, but its vehicle is listed there when a unit is not inside of a vehicle, vehicle someunit just retuns someunit
  9. Master85


    a comparison to objNull using "==" won't work but you can use isNull: isNull (laserTarget player)
  10. I can't test it at the moment but the biki syntax for keysLimit looks wrong. it has to be either keysLimit[] = {2}; or keysLimit = 2; and not a mix of both. According to the biki description it should be a number, so my (educated) guess would be the latter, i.e. for your mission keysLimit = 1; And make sure to use unique key names to avoid collisions with BIS's or other authors' keys (and your own keys of different campaigns / series of scenarios), e.g. by using author tags
  11. you're probably looking for weaponDirection
  12. @jcarrest: - all paths (profiles, cfg, ...) given to the arma3server.exe have to be "windows paths" - you can use winepath to translate those "linux paths" - "-profile=..." is not a valid startup parameter (it's "-profiles=...") and there's a typo in exThreads @barry100: - I think by installing xvfb (as described in the tutorial) all necessary packets for the "gui" should be installed automatically - what's that ArmA3_Steam_updater you're running?
  13. Do you have any background programs running which use an overlay (e.g. fraps, teamsspeak, HW monitoring tools, ...)? It's possible that the overlay is not compatible with dx11 - escpecially if it's an old/outdated version.
  14. there's a new command isStreamFriendlyUIEnabled[/Code] which returns a boolean
  15. the bridge has the ID 131860 I've placed a game logic near the bridge and put ((position this) nearestObject 131860) setDamage 1; in its init and it worked fine. remember that this refers to the trigger condition when used in the condition or on (de)activation field of a trigger - use thisTrigger or the trigger name to reference the trigger
  16. - lots of [] are missing for all the arrays, e.g. hiddenSelections = {"Camo"}; should be hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; - same for all hiddenSelections, hiddenSelectionsTextures, modelSides - and you need a valid cfgpatches
  17. app_update 107410 -beta development should work
  18. Master85

    Access by object name

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getVariable http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/missionNamespace
  19. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/config_greater_greater_name
  20. Master85

    Issue adding arrays

    _vcl is an object, the array contains the classnames (as strings) => typeOf
  21. //calculate the dot product of 2 3-dimensional vectors fn_dot= { private ["_vec0", "_vec1", "_vec0X", "_vec1X", "_vec0Y", "_vec1Y", "_vec0Z", "_vec1Z"]; _vec0 = _this select 0; _vec0X = _vec0 select 0; _vec0Y = _vec0 select 1; _vec0Z = _vec0 select 2; _vec1 = _this select 1; _vec1X = _vec1 select 0; _vec1Y = _vec1 select 1; _vec1Z = _vec1 select 2; (_vec0X * _vec1X) + (_vec0Y * _vec1Y) + (_vec0Z * _vec1Z) }; //calculate the cross product of 2 3-dimensional vectors fn_cross= { private ["_vec0", "_vec1", "_vec0X", "_vec1X", "_vec0Y", "_vec1Y", "_vec0Z", "_vec1Z"]; _vec0 = _this select 0; _vec0X = _vec0 select 0; _vec0Y = _vec0 select 1; _vec0Z = _vec0 select 2; _vec1 = _this select 1; _vec1X = _vec1 select 0; _vec1Y = _vec1 select 1; _vec1Z = _vec1 select 2; [ (_vec0Y * _vec1Z) - (_vec0Z * _vec1Y), (_vec0Z * _vec1X) - (_vec0X * _vec1Z), (_vec0X * _vec1Y) - (_vec0Y * _vec1X) ] }; //project 3-dim vector _vec onto axes of local coord system of _obj //"_obj worldToModel _vec" without translation - i.e. rotation only fn_proj= { private ["_obj", "_vec", "_xAxis", "_yAxis", "_zAxis"]; _vec = _this select 0; _obj = _this select 1; _yAxis = vectorDir _obj; _zAxis = vectorUp _obj; _xAxis = [_yAxis, _zAxis] call fn_cross; [ [_vec, _xAxis] call fn_dot, [_vec, _yAxis] call fn_dot, [_vec, _zAxis] call fn_dot ] }; _child setVectorDirAndUp [[[0,1,0],_parent] call fn_proj,[[0,0,1],_parent] call fn_proj];
  22. looks like Fido is a nickname (Fi... Do... - check the credits)
  23. Master85

    Mod Script Findings

    I think they're using a firebird database internally which they're exporting to dbexport.bin - i.e. dbexport.bin isn't necessarily a fdb file
  24. Master85

    Mod Script Findings

    no luck, it has to be patch%02d.pak (that string can be found in the .exe, too) and the enumeration has to be continuous, i.e. patch<x+1>.pak is only loaded if patch<x>.pak is available
  25. Master85

    Mod Script Findings

    in my sprocket version patch%02d.pak files are automatically loaded (they're not listed in the ccsettings.xml), higher number shadows lower number - i.e. I was able to shadow files contained in the patch00.pak with a patch01.pak