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Everything posted by maddogx

  1. maddogx

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    All true. Some improvements to AI cover-seeking ability (among other things) isn't too much to ask from a full expansion I think, if it doesn't happen during some update beforehand. There is also the possibility of adding back some version of the advanced medical and battlefield-clearance modules that they had in ARMA2, which - while somewhat arcadey - would also improve AI survivability. (Why these modules were removed in A3 I will never understand. They were extremely cool.) Those things being given, I think adding AI team mates that must be kept alive like in Harvest Red would be do-able. It even sort of worked back then - the main frustration was that the AI were often too stupid to revive the player when he went down. It is also possible to keep story characters alive simply by not putting them in danger, e.g. in "story sections" like the intermissions in the ARMA3 campaign. Invulnerable NPCs are definitely not an option, because players always notice and it's always an immersion killer.
  2. maddogx

    Next DLC and Expansion Speculation

    Personally, I would prefer quality over quantity. What the East Wind campaign sorely lacked wasn't more length, but fleshed out characters that you might actually care about, with actual personalities and idiosyncrasies that make them memorable. BIS did a much better job of this back in Harvest Red (ARMA2) and the OFP campaigns, though Harvest Red obviously suffered in other areas.
  3. They currently have 22 servers running the PERF binary.
  4. Please use this thread to provide feedback on the first campaign episode, which has been deployed in today's dev branch update. Avoid spoilers wherever possible! If posting them is unavoidable for some reason (e.g. context for feedback) please place them in spoiler tags.
  5. maddogx

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Where was that posted? Anyone can add a Russian flag to a texture.
  6. maddogx

    Hack (PBO Hider) -MAKE THAT DETECT !

    We don't allow posting links to hacks on these forums, let alone related code. Anything of this sort should be forwarded directly to Dwarden.
  7. maddogx

    World Cup 2014

    Wuarrgh! EDIT: wow, I was drunk...
  8. Or upload problems again. Isn't it always disappointing when you're hoping to receive a massive package, but then they can't get it up? ;) On a more serious note, some dev branch updates have come pretty late in the day, so not all hope is lost.
  9. maddogx

    Invulnerable pilot when using mods

    Nope. Just post the list (in spoiler tags). I'm probably not the only person who will read this thread.
  10. maddogx

    Invulnerable pilot when using mods

    Yes to both. Definitely try removing those first, then (if the problem disappears) plug them back in one by one.
  11. maddogx

    Invulnerable pilot when using mods

    Nothing to do with dev branch, nor with any specific mod (at least until the culprit has been identified) so I've moved this to troubleshooting for now. :) Anyway it sounds like either allowDamage false or a wonky HandleDamage EH is being used somewhere. It's doubtful that you'll be able to find the cause of this issue by looking at the mod code, especially with a large number of mods. You could conceivably grep for those two commands if you feel like installing some software, but that will probably produce a lot of false positives for you to dig through. Otherwise, I would suggest the following "trial and error" approach: 1. Remove mods, test in-game. Problem should be gone. 2. Put about half of the mods back in, test in-game. 2.a - Still no problem? Remove those mods again and put them somewhere else, perhaps in a folder called "ok". Then try the other half of the mods. 2.b - Problem has returned? Then one mod in this batch is the culprit. Go back to step one with this batch of mods. (I.e. remove half of them, test again.) Keep putting "untainted" mods aside and eventually you should have whittled down your list of potentially problematic mods to a single one.
  12. maddogx

    Hotfix 1.22 Killed my fps??????

    There are now several people on these forums and elsewhere reporting fps issues since the hotfix, and although the wine server issue I linked now seems to be resolved, the symptoms (100% CPU load on one core) did seem related. Unfortunately, with little other information to go on except "fps is shit", I doubt we'll get any actual troubleshooting done. As usual, we have to hope that BI will magically divine the cause of the problem and fix it before the next patch.
  13. maddogx

    Hotfix 1.22 Killed my fps??????

    I had the same thought, but it's possible that they accidentally deployed some profiling feature which could affect performance, or it could be some logging issue as suggested by Brisse. EDIT: ok, the hotfix seems to have caused some other problems as well. Something is definitely wrong with it.
  14. maddogx

    Custom Face

    Nope. Merged with existing discussion.
  15. Yeah, I was just looking at the task manager on my second monitor.
  16. I tried it yesterday, managed to get the game to use >2.2GB, but only by flying over Altis with 12km view+object distance and terrain+object details maxed out. Probably would have gone higher if I had thought to add some different AI units. It definitely works though.
  17. maddogx

    BIS' New Game Launcher

    Very good post DarkWanderer. :) Though it still isn't clear what kind of recourse addon makers have if their work (or an unlicensed derivative thereof) is uploaded to the Steam Workshop without their permission.
  18. Is the -maxmem=3072 parameter required for the game to use that amount, or will it autodetect it anyway?
  19. maddogx

    revamped the CSAT PLZ !! :(

    This has nothing to do with the dev branch. Moved to general.
  20. Doesn't work because the exported code uses a local variable (_unit) which can't be used in init fields. The easiest way to use the code would be to paste it into an init.sqf file. Btw. for anyone wanting to know what the exported code looks like without having to run the game, here is a random export: // Exported from Arsenal by MadDogX _unit = player; // Remove existing items removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllItems _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; removeHeadgear _unit; removeGoggles _unit; // Add containers _unit forceAddUniform "U_C_Poor_2"; _unit addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItemToUniform "Chemlight_green"; _unit addItemToUniform "5Rnd_127x108_Mag"; _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrier1_blk"; _unit addItemToVest "SmokeShell"; _unit addItemToVest "SmokeShellGreen"; _unit addItemToVest "Chemlight_green"; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "HandGrenade";}; for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToVest "5Rnd_127x108_Mag";}; _unit addBackpack "O_Mortar_01_support_F"; _unit addHeadgear "H_Hat_brown"; _unit addGoggles "G_Combat"; // Add weapons _unit addWeapon "srifle_GM6_F"; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_Aco"; _unit addWeapon "launch_I_Titan_short_F"; // Add items _unit linkItem "ItemMap"; _unit linkItem "ItemWatch"; _unit linkItem "ItemRadio"; _unit linkItem "B_UavTerminal"; _unit linkItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; // Set identity _unit setFace "WhiteHead_15"; _unit setSpeaker "Male02GRE"; [_unit,"GryffinRegiment"] call bis_fnc_setUnitInsignia;
  21. The bootcamp patch isn't out yet and the current version on the dev branch is still incomplete. It even says so in the notes, as Greenfist pointed out.
  22. maddogx

    Hotfix 1.22 Killed my fps??????

    Do you guys have the same issue on the dev branch? I haven't tried stable for a while, but the last dev branch versions have been very consistent, fps-wise. Different people doing different things. Not really. The PERF binaries keep coming and improving.
  23. Perhaps the word "mod" is confusing in this context, since it implies that the game might be "modified" in a way that the EULA forbids (i.e. changing core game files). This is simply not the case though, since mods in ARMA are applied by adding your own files, not by changing existing ones.
  24. It would seem to me that you are nitpicking over a moot point. :) Reverse engineering the game is not necessary in order to make a mod, because licensed tools and sample models have been provided.
  25. Pretty much this. Don't give out your sources unless you want to.