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Posts posted by Jezuro

  1. @HellhoundF Actually I agree with him. The game will never be completely balanced. You could argue that OPFOR has generally superior armor and aircraft. If you let BLUFOR get air superiority as well as enough resources to roll in several tanks and APC's, you have big problems with or without Rhinos having ATGMs.


    @Tex_Actual BLUFOR base location is not currently under investigation, but it could happen. There have been some issues with the Oreokastro airfield and it was removed on purpose (too short runway iirc).

  2. Not at this moment. I can give you a WIP changelog though:


    Changed: Subordinates limit increased to 3 for the 64-player Altis scenario
    Added: Long-range AA defense assets (SAM sites, radars)
    Added: Autonomous defences are now limited to 3 per player
    Tweaked: Cost of planes increased
    Changed: Most requested assets are now locked by default and can be unlocked either directly via Action menu or through the Strategy tab in the Request menu
    Added: Parameter for maximum Command Points
    Fixed: Various script errors
    Added: Custom offset parameter for Defences
    Added: Friendly fire protection for requested assets (first 3 minutes after being requested)

    Added: Unless their base is under attack, all playable units are now invulnerable after respawn until they leave the base (60 seconds maximum). - Iteration

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  3. @HellhoundF I understand your frustration and the need to vent, and by all means, if it makes you feel better, then do. But please, don't presume that I don't care about these things. I do and I am working on Warlords (even though I have other tasks now), but it takes time.

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  4. @HellhoundF I don't currently have any ETA on next update for Warlords. To my knowledge, the main problems are to do with trolling players, so the measures to counter this need to be properly tested first.

    @Hostilian The mode only allows uniforms available to your side.

    @Beagle That should be fairly easy to implement, yes.

    @darrenin Some UI-related scripts can't be serialized and it looks they need to be restarted  upon loading the game. I'll take a look.

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  5. While selectPlayer could be used in theory (since proper respawn into units created on the fly is not possible, not to mention that it's not possible to change the respawn type during the mission), handling of this is very complicated and the eventual issues are way too severe to balance the gameplay benefit.

  6. I've started experimenting with some more features:

    • Autonomous radar & SAM sites under Defences (10.000CP for radar, 7.500CP for SAM)
      • Introducing limit to max autonomous turrets per player to 3, this also affects autonomous MGs
    • Planes cost increase (12.000CP for CAS planes, 17.500CP for fighters)
    • Vehicles are locked by default when requested
      • Can be unlocked/locked directly via Action menu or you can lock/unlock all your vehicles globally via Request menu
    • Requested assets are immune to FRIENDLY fire for 3 minutes
    • Limit for maximum CP
      • The value can be modified under Parameters so flexible testing can be done on retail

    Please keep in mind that this is not final and might not eventually make it to live.

    • Like 4
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  7. 1 hour ago, Hostilian said:

    If there's such an agressive ground cleanup, can we please have some sort of private 'locker' or box, where we can store stuff in the main base? Or make us able to place ammo boxes where we want them..

    Defo a nice-to-have..


    You can always request an ammobox and fill it with additional equipment.

  8. BTW how would you guys feel about a limit for maximum Command Points? As an optional scenario parameter with default being unlimited of course. Servers could then experiment with different presets, let's say 15.000, 20.000, 30.000, 50.000, 100.000, until a reasonably balanced value is found.
