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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. I guess this is a large pier if there is room for a chopper to land? Are there building positions defined for this pier? If so you might be able to script move commands or waypoints to send them first to building position nearest chopper, and then on to the building position at base of pier (near land). AI can walk docks that have building positions. I would first disableAI "FSM" to discourage moving in formation and deviating from the path. And maybe disableAI "AutoCombat" also. Once they are safely to shore you can reenable that. Try it by being squad leader and commanding one AI first. Tell him to Stop after he exits chopper (so he immediately doesn't run off pier while trying to get in formation). Then select the AI unit and look at nearby building position on pier and order him there. If that works, then scripting it should also work. Might be best if chopper lands facing the shore (pointing down length of pier), so dismounting AI don't have to navigate around the chopper to get to first position. Worth a try. Good luck.
  2. np dude. I hope you find what works for you. Arma scripting can get frustrating, so its good to think outside the box, and be flexible to a less than optimal solution sometimes. That way you can move forward on you broader project goals (whatever those are).
  3. Hi Mike! I think placing an invisible target and moving it around periodically will work for you. I downloaded your sample, and in the fire.sqf I commented out your loop that fired and put in this code below. It creates an Opfor invisible target and attaches it to target unit (15 meters in front of player). I also attached a sphere so we can see where the target is attached. The chopper fires on the target as you move around. No need to force vehicle to fire, because once the invisible target is revealed they will fire on it constantly. If you want it to stop firing on invisible target sometimes, I think you can set enableSimulation false on it. Then set it true again to resume firing. You can change it to randomly relocate the target's position periodically so not always firing directly in front of target unit. Works for me! Hope that helps. _bulletMagnetUnitType = "O_TargetSoldier"; _bulletMagnet = createVehicle [_bulletMagnetUnitType, [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bulletMagnet lockTurret [[0],true]; // target object has a gunner position, so lock it so player isn't offered "get in gunner" option when near dog createVehicleCrew _bulletMagnet; _bulletMagnet enableCollisionWith _target; _bulletMagnet attachTo [_target,[0,15,2]]; group _vehicle reveal _bulletMagnet; _vehicle doWatch _bulletMagnet; _vehicle reveal _bulletMagnet; _sphere = createVehicle ["Sign_Sphere25cm_F", [0,0,0], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _sphere attachTo [_bulletMagnet,[0,0,0]]; player allowDamage false;
  4. I had a similar problem in my mission Property of Mabunga, I had Lanterns on docks that I wanted to extinguish if the Lantern was shot. There are 2 lantern objects: one is lit, and the other is not lit. They do not take damage, but they are physics enabled. So I simply checked for a position change of the lantern, and use that to determine the lantern was "hit". When object's position changed, I replaced the lit lantern with an unlit lantern object. It worked great. Maybe you can do the same with the sat phone. Note that I also set the lantern's mass to .02 so it was easily moved by a bullet hit or explosion. Here's the script: // ********************************************************************** // Extinguish lantern when its shot, blown up, knocked over (i.e., moved in any way) // Note: lantern1 is an editor placed object of type "Land_Camping_Light_on_F" // ********************************************************************** [lantern1] spawn { sleep 1; _lantern = _this select 0; _origMass = getmass _lantern; _origPos = getPos _lantern; _origMass = getmass _lantern; _lantern setMass .02; waituntil {sleep .2; !(_origPOs isEqualTo (getpos _lantern))}; _lamp2= "Land_Camping_Light_off_F" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _lamp2 setdir getdir _lantern; _lamp2 setvelocity velocity _lantern; _pos = getpos _lantern; deleteVehicle _lantern; _lamp2 setpos _pos; _lamp2 setMass _origMass; }; Good luck and happy editing!
  5. johnnyboy

    Play radio commands

    See @Larrow's brilliant utility in this post for finding sound file path names to reuse: Example snippet having player say a command voice file. This doesn't work with sideRadio though, so if your command must be over the radio, this may not work for you. _s = "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENG\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\100_Commands\BoardThatVehicle.ogg"; playSound3D [_s, player];
  6. @Evil Organ I feel you bro. Rebus was sure a beautiful regal looking dog. Sorry for your loss man.
  7. johnnyboy

    Init for speed check

    I wrapped that code in a spawn so it runs background, and it works for me. I pasted the following into the debug console, and it works. _dmy = [] spawn { while {true} do { _speed = speed player ; hint format ["%1 KPH", _speed]; sleep 0.4; }; };
  8. Hi guys. I'm working on a new SP mission called "Last Tango in Tanoa" featuring JBOY Dog (the character "El Cojon" from the mission "Last Tango in Bagango" also appears in this mission). I just posted a little intro video there featuring JBOY dogs having some fun. While playtesting this mission, opportunities for JBOY Dog improvement are being exposed, so I am improving the dog scripts as well.. So this effort will definitely result in an improved JOBY Dog release in the future. Stay tuned!
  9. Leper Island is my COOP entry to the MANW contest. It is fast-paced, CQB mission with time pressure and lots of surprises. Version 3.0 Updated 1/22/2017. Fixed loadout bug caused by Arma patch. Voice Acting Challenging objectives Randomization of objective placement for greater replayability and unpredictability. Multiple Endings Functioning Trawler Special Effects Surprises! No mods required. Download from Dropbox Subscribe on Steam Download from Armaholic old VERSION Please support this mission for the MANW contest. Change Log:
  10. Thanks Frogman! I appreciate the feedback. Michel Bay...hmmm...next mission should be a nod to Tarantino and Peckinpah!
  11. johnnyboy

    [Template] Oil Rig E-77 [VANILLA]

    That's beautiful @Igor Nikolaev. It must have been a hell of alot of work!
  12. Property of Mabunga: CSAT and NATO teams compete to rescue hostage held by Somali Pirates 2017/05/05: Mission Upgraded: Upgrade Includes: French localization thanks to LoupVert (aka @kawa ) Apex weapons Some Apex vehicles (getting lit up while ripping throught the swamp in a Prowler or Qilin is friggin' fun) 10 random evac positions, so your path to evac (while escorting hostage and being chased) will be different every time you play Performance fixes (removed tons of needless triggers) Preventing evac chopper from being blown when player aboard. This frustrated players, because it was beyond their control to prevent. Improved AI lead rescue team's abilty to achieve objectives. In multiple playthroughs, the opposing rescue team captured hostage first, and started moving to their evac point. Had to chase them. Sometimes hostage would change hands multiple times (Blufor AI rescues hostage, Pirate AI kills Blufor and retakes hostage, then player lead Opfor takes hostage from pirates, etc. When playing as Blufor, I was even beaten by AI lead Opfor once (they captured and evaced hostage before my Blufor team could prevent it). Fixed possibility of Hostage getting stuck in building. Sadly, VTOL evac aircraft not included. They would not obey the land waypoints. COOP and PVP: Play using Player Hosted Server as one or more players. I played with 3 players and there were no problems. I haven't tested with more than 3 players. SP: You can play in SP as well, but for SP I prefer to host a COOP server and join as either OpFor or BluFor, as I prefer Group Respawn over Team Switch in SP. Dedicated Server not supported. The Mabunga Voodoo dancers are just too beautiful to leave buried in the promo video. This short clip is just the Voodoo Dance segment. I think you will find it a unique cultural experience, possibly worthy of a PBS documentary. Features: Zodiacs navigating Mabunga Swamp (aka Lake Limni) Randomization of pirate camp locations and objective locations for maximum replayability and unpredictability Play COOP, SP or PvP. If Coop or SP, opposing AI team will compete against player to achieve same objectives (raid pirate camps, rescue hostage, and extract). Multiple Endings Special Effects Surprises! Custom pirate uniforms Tons of custom scripting. Will be releasing multiple scripts on the Editing forum in the coming days. No mods required Download from Dropbox (Apex version) Subscribe on Steam Feedback Request: Please post any feedback, bug reports, or suggestions here. Also please comment and rate on Steam if you try it out. Dedicated Server Note: AI driving boats in swamp is achieved via UnitPlayBack scripts. UnitPlayBack does not work on dedicated server. So for full ambience of mission, it is recommended you play on Player Hosted Server. However, mission has alot more to offer, so playing on Dedicated Server should still be a great experience. PvP Untested for Balance: I've thoroughly MP tested CSAT and NATO sides in MP coop, but not PvP. CSAT advantages: 2 squads (twice as many players). NATO advantages: Suppressed weapons. Reduced muzzle flash makes them hard to spot in a fire fight. Feedback on balance welcomed. Enjoy! Localization: English French localization by LoupVert (aka @kawa ). Very professional job, so thank you LoupVert! Script Credits: Zenophon's Occupy House Script - Thanks Zenophon, this script is awesome. Very clever how it detects which windows and doors unit can see through, and faces unit accordingly. Shuko's Intercept Script - Thanks Shuko. When you capture the hostage, put him in a vehicle and head for your Evac LZ, pirates are tracking him via the GPS ankle bracelet. With this script, pirate's can predict where hostage is going to by watching direction of movement, and move to intercept. This is a much smarter script than simply moving units toward current position. Very useful. f2ksel's roll.sqf script - This awesome script wil rotate an object in place. Thanks f2ksel. KillZoneKid - What a helpful smart guy. Got a lot of code snippets from his blog and posts. Johnnyboy's Scripts used in this mission: Fix Rooftop AI from being frozen in air when building destroyed JBOY Stack Objects JBOY Move Collection of Objects JBOY Fish Jump JBOY Exploding Barrels How to remove collections of objects at runtime for improved replayability JBOY Birds of Prey - What? Your ARMA doesn't have birds of prey attacking wildlife? That's weak dude. JBOY Combat Up and Down - When fired upon, Units in fixed defender positions will duck down and pop up to return fire. Makes attacking fixed positions more dynamic. JBOY FFV (Fall from Vehicles) - Not to be confused with Fire From Vehicles ;) JBOY Patrol Chatter and Lights On/OFF - add ambience by having AI patrols occasionally speak or turn on their gun lights JBOY Calculate Intermediate Position JBOY Say Module Sentence - Script to have units say Support Module sentences (using kbTell) with a time delay. JBOY Fly In Formation - For ambience or cutscenes, fly birds in V formation. Or fly any object in V formation. Blue Angels anyone? Tips for centering Logos on custom uniforms - coming soon
  13. Thanks man. Unfortunately unitPlay doesn't work on Dedicated Server, so for COOP you have to use a player hosted server.
  14. johnnyboy

    Say3D help

    The Say issue pisses me off too. My work around is to use sideRadio or playSound3D for units speaking. And you can toggle setRandomLip on and off for lip movement while speaking.
  15. johnnyboy

    Trip-Wire Event Handler?

    Maybe adding a distance condition to trigger condition would make it less "fiddly"? And you might want to adjust the distance to trigger tripwire based on unitPos of unit (i.e., prone would trip wire sooner than crouch or upright if facing trigger).
  16. johnnyboy

    AI Boat Beach Insertion ?

    In my mission Leper Island, I wrote the VelocityBoost script below to force AI to beach the boat (and prevent AI from unloading in deep water and swimming in circles). It does not handle the case of AI turning boat around and leaving. I placed a trigger near shore for each boat calling this script. Trigger should be placed at whatever position the AI will still maintain proper direction toward landing spot. Note that you may want to make _speed and _iterations parameters, rather than hardcoded, in order to get a proper landing for different boats landing at different positions. I've also used UnitCapture/UnitPlay to great effect in my Property of Mabunga mission. This allowed AI driven boats to "navigate" narrow channels in Lake Limni in Altis, and worked every time (something that is impossible for AI boat path finding). You can solve your problem if you stick with it! Good luck! BTW, the community needs a working "AI boat drop off, turn around and motor away" script, so if you get one working, please post it.
  17. @Chris Wilkinson, Here's the full path for Attack commands in English, Persian, Greek-English, and British-English...as an example. "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENG\Male01ENG\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\015_Targeting\Attack_1.ogg" "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\PER\Male01PER\RadioProtocolPER\Normal\015_Targeting\Attack_1.ogg" "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\GRE\Male01GRE\RadioProtocolGRE\Normal\015_Targeting\Attack_1.ogg" "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\ENGB\Male01ENGB\RadioProtocolENG\Normal\015_Targeting\Attack_1.ogg" Here's an example call to make player say "Attack" in Persian: _s = "A3\Dubbing_Radio_F\data\PER\Male01PER\RadioProtocolPER\Normal\015_Targeting\Attack_1.ogg"; playSound3D [_s, player]; In my sample mission, you can see how I parameter drive saying different commands in different languages in this script file: JBOY_Dog/JBOY_HandlerSpeak.sqf Here's a link to @Larrow's awesome utility to find the files and capture the full paths.
  18. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    Cool. You can detach animals by repeating this code for each dancer: { detach _x; } forEach attachedObjects dancer_1;
  19. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    @PSYKO_nz, you kiwi evil genius, I love it. This looks like a very interesting mission you are brewing up. I suggest detaching all the animals when priest is killed, so followers drop them. Love the volcano.
  20. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    @PSYKO_nz sounds beautiful dude. I hope you post a vid of this!
  21. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    Thanks bro. That was really fun and satisfying to make.
  22. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    I don't see any code in there that makes them invincible, but try changing this line: while {true} do { to this: while {alive _dancer} do { So the loop ends for each dancer when they are dead. I'm guessing your problem is that switchmove is working on the dancer even if he is dead. I don't know if that is possible or not... To make it more realistic, the loop should stop as soon as one is killed, or if they know about an enemy. So you could add other conditions to the while {} condition to stop dancing if some other condition is true.
  23. johnnyboy

    Fire Dancing script?

    @PSYKO_nz: I'm glad you're enjoying the script. Try replacing the while loop in the code posted above with this while loop instead: while {true} do { _dancer switchMove _move; waitUntil {((animationState _dancer) != _move)}; sleep .2; }; This new loop has all the setVelocity and setDir code removed, so dancers should be playing animation only (and not moving left and right). You may need to set the direction of the dancers individually via the editor to get your desired look.
  24. Thanks dude! Great pic. I could script attaching dog to back, but it would probably clip some and not look great. What would this feature add to game play? What advantage is there to carrying your dog to the fight vs. your dog following you to the fight? I am considering carrying an injured dog so you can take him to a medic, or medevac him in a vehicle. And its also been suggested that we allow attaching dog to unit's chest when parachuting/ HALO.
  25. Here is my scripted solution, but it may not work well in combat situations. But it was very good at not getting stuck. See the screenshots of their recorded paths. I had 6 boats run for 4 hours without getting stuck.