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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. This Bad Boy is Released!!! Time to GET SOME with Boomer! Download links now active in top post. I would love to hear your feedback here, but PLEASE USE SPOILER TAGS. There's a few surprises that we don't want to spoil. And please rate and comment on Steam! Thanks everybody, and enjoy.
  2. That's awesome dude. Good luck. Do what you gotta do.
  3. Glad to help dude. Your mission idea sounds cool. If you end up recording any feral dog action in your mission, post a link here!
  4. Hey man, thanks for the interest in JBOY dog. I just opened my template mission set on Tanoa, and followed the instructions below to create the trigger (these instructions are comments in the template mission init.sqf file), and it worked perfectly. I clicked play, and the pack spawned and started to attck player and player's AI buddy. // ************************************************************************** // To spawn a feral dog pack, place a trigger on the map, and name it dogPackTrigger1. // Then paste the code below into that trigger. // Make trigger radius 400 x 400 (or larger...you don't want player to see pack spawn) // Make trigger activated by anybody present // ************************************************************************** /* _dmy=[] spawn { _pos = getpos dogPackTrigger1; _followerDogTypes = ["Fin_blackwhite_F","Fin_ocherwhite_F","Fin_tricolour_F","Alsatian_Black_F","Alsatian_Sandblack_F"]; _pack = [_pos, 7, "Alsatian_Sand_F", _followerDogTypes, 50] call JBOY_dogPackCreate; }; I didn't get any errors. Try the above in the template mission you downloaded to be sure creating the triggers spawns the dog pack. Then duplicate these steps in your own mission where you are trying to add the dogs. Also note that you need the following line in your init.SQF which will guarantee that the script JBOY_dogPackCreate is compiled and available to the trigger (that might cause the error you reported if JBOY_dogPackCreate was not compiled). call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "JBOY_Dog\JBOY_DogInit.sqf"; Good luck running from those dog packs. Try it with just a pistol and see how far you get! hahaha...
  5. No more Beta Testers needed. That was fast! I have 2 volunteers, so I'm good on Beta testing.
  6. I published my mission to Single Player missions, and tested it. I use BIS_fnc_endMission to end the mission, and it shows the correct ending messages and picture, where you can see objectivies ticked off, kills, etc. BUT, after clicking continue you are back in the mission after the ending. How do I end the mission properly?
  7. Update: No Beta Testers needed now...I've got 2 volunteers. Thanks every body! I need a Beta Tester for Last Tango in Tanoa: Episode 1 Its about a 30 minute mission. PM me if you are interested. Thank you! Just a few more days until first mission released! I need to release it before those basturds @AZCoder and @zagor64bz shame me by releasing their full campaigns. I would rather finish the campaign and release it as a whole, but I now realize that could easily take another 6 to 12 months to finish it. But Episodes 2 and 3 should come out pretty soon, as they are 80% done.
  8. Well, this is embarassing. A few weeks ago I copied untis and props into an outro, then abandonded that idea and decided to do my outro as a script within the main mission. So when my mission ended, it took the player to the outro setting, which had no script to end it. I deleted all units and objects in outro scenario and all is well. Doh!!!!! This one drove me crazy...
  9. johnnyboy

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    Very impressive video dude. I can only imagine all the hard work that went into this campaign.
  10. Any ideas anyone? This is the last problem holding up me publishing the dog mission Last Tango in Tanoa: Episode 1. Need help!!!! I changed from using BIS_fnc_endMission as last statement in main mission flow script to using a "End1" Trigger. And I still have same problem: Mission ending plays with End1 mIssion screen, but control returns to player back inside mission, and mission never truly ends. This is bumming me out!
  11. I spent alot of time positiong objects exactly, and placing this in their init in-box: this enableSimulation false; This morning I opened the mission and tested my cutscene and it was ruined, because the the editor had somehow change the init boxes to read: call {this enablesimulation false}; This caused the obects to move and ruin the cutscene I spent 2 days on. I removed the "call {};" from the init boxes and it works again, but I am scared it will happen again before I publish it. What happened? Also, the same thing happened in Waypoints and Triggers. Conditions now read: call {true}; ... instead of simply... true and OnActivation code also has call{}; added to it...wtf? Same in all my triggers too!
  12. @Jigsor and @Harzach: Thanks guys, I think you nailed the cause. I had CBA mod loaded while working on the mission, and later removed it and had this problem right after that. @AZCoder's suggestion to uncheck the simulation checkbox for items I want frozen has solved my problem.
  13. Good call. I just went through and did that. This bummed me out as it would fu** up hours of work...but its all cool now.
  14. Yes, in the editor. And it changed how my scene worked. I'm guessing the call{}; code is slower so my objects are initially physics affected and drop before enablesimulation becomes false. Without the call{}; wrapper, the objects are immediately disabled and stay in the correct position.
  15. johnnyboy


    Here's a super simple script to use when you have speaking AI and want to synchronize them moving their lips. The parameters are the unit who is talking, and # of seconds to do do the lip animation. // *********************************************************************************** // JBOY_Lip.sqf // Do random lip for X seconds // Compile in init.sqf: JBOY_Lip = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\JBOY_Lip.sqf"; // Call: _n = [dude, 3] call JBOY_Lip; // *********************************************************************************** params["_speaker","_seconds"]; _n = [_speaker,_seconds] spawn { params["_speaker","_seconds"]; _speaker setRandomLip true; sleep _seconds; _speaker setRandomLip false; }; Sample usage might go like this: dude1 sideRadio "YouTotallySuckDude"; _n = [dude1, 3] call JBOY_Lip; sleep 3; dude2 sideRadio "ThanksDude"; _n = [dude2, 1.5] call JBOY_Lip; sleep 1.5;
  16. Bump. Does anyone have a script to generate flies at a certain location? With buzzing sounds preferably. I know I can make one, but I'd love to use someone elses and devote my Arma time to my dog mission and scripting.... Also, I have a 4 second flies buzzing sound script. I'd like to loop that and play it continuously. How do I do that where this sound does not conflict with custom dialogue sound I have (using sideRadio and customRadio). How do I run the Flies sound concurrently with SideRadio sound?
  17. @T.Gavin, cool. It may take me a day or two to do it. I need to copy all the new files to the template mission, then test it to be sure I don't send you a broken set of code.
  18. Hey T.Gavin. That is very generous of you and much appreciated. I've made alot of improvements to the script since the last release while working on a series of dog missions. How about if I update my template mission with this latest version and send you a link? If you haven't started already that is. If you work on my latest version, it will make my task of merging your fixes in later alot easier. Also, if you could keep a list of the script files that you change, it will be easier for me to know which files to compare and merge when the time comes. Thanks again!
  19. johnnyboy

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    Now THAT is what I'm talking about!
  20. johnnyboy

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    I have a complaint about this script: FALSE ADVERTISING. The name of the script is clearly "Cargo Airdrops GF", and yet when I run it no girlfriend is dropped from the sky. (sry, couldn't resist...its the first thing I thought of when I saw the title.... Now I worry about the "Headshot GF" script too...that would be bad...).
  21. johnnyboy

    any way to cut/rewind animation?

    Nice going. Way to be persistent. Thanks for posting the solution to benefit others.
  22. You guys rock for noticing this and providing an alternative. That BI developer probably was a coder on the Video Poker machines in Vegas. He owes me some money.
  23. I don't know about vanilla sound fx for animals or Enigma's scripts. But for JBOY Dog I created my own sound files for barking, growling, panting and sniffing, that are executed by the scripts. So that is separate from Enigma's stuff.