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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. Is the Gutting script part of Ravage or in your script? If in your script I suggest attaching a knife to player's hand during gutting animation to add a bit more realism. Then detaching and hiding knife when animation complete.
  2. @Vandeanson this looks great. Feel free to include my JBOY Chicken scripts if you like. The scripts are fairly simple, and chickens will fly away when person or vehicle gets too close. Plus they have nice feather effects when shot.
  3. Sry for the late reply...I was away from my computer for a few days. I still have Mattar's test mission on my drive, so here is a link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhx4craf7rjqpry/TEST_roofLandings.Altis.zip?dl=0
  4. Sry for the late reply...I was away from my computer for a few days. I still have Mattar's test mission on my drive, so here is a link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhx4craf7rjqpry/TEST_roofLandings.Altis.zip?dl=0
  5. Right on. If you want "badass" then you need to unitCapture/unitPlay sadly. You can also "cheat" with movie magic: If players in chopper you black it out for a second while you teleport to unitPlay start pos, using a stun blur effect or something (chopper struck by RPG but still operable), then player won't notice the teleport. If player on ground, you can do someting similar to distract player during teleport. Good luck man, editing is fun! Many times you have to try different approaches until something works for you.
  6. beno is right, there is no smooth transition. UnitPlay will instantly teleport chopper to whatever the first position it captured during UnitCapture. Why not just have AI land using waypoints? Are you going for a slick hot landing that AI will never perform? Or are you just having trouble getting AI to land? Here's a link to an example mission showing how to get AI to land on any rooftop. Maybe it will help you to get the AI to land where you want.
  7. johnnyboy

    Light Bulb Burst Effect

    Very cool man. I especially liked the power poles shorting out. This has great immersion potential for missions. Was the poles shorting out with electrical effect part of the script you posted above?
  8. johnnyboy

    [Release] ExplosiveBreaching

    Beautiful! You've nailed it man. Love how barricaded guy not stunned but others were.
  9. Not sure what that means exactly...but it made me laugh!
  10. Here's a preview of part of Episode 2 - Stakeout.
  11. johnnyboy

    [Release] ExplosiveBreaching

    The update looks great mate. Regarding doors opening and charge staying in place in mid-air, why not lock the door when charge is placed on it? Seems like we would want to use charges on locked doors mostly anyway. Just an idea, this is really cool no matter what.
  12. johnnyboy

    Dirty Respirators

    Hell YES I do!!!! Thanks EO!
  13. Problem: I thought this was solved, but it turns out foot prints are permanent ONLY if a player was near the unit making footprints at the time. So we cannot have an AI run through waypoints leaving a permanent footprint trail. However, this would still be useful in a scenario where a player is tracking another player. Bummer!! I'd like to create footprints (and make them permanent) as part of trail for JBOY dog to track. The command nearestObjects returns an array of near objects with left and right footprints in it: [NOID footstep_l.p3d,NOID footstep_l.p3d,NOID footstep_l.p3d] How do I create these footprints via a command? I tried typeOf and getModelInfo on these footstep objects, but it wasn't giving me an object I could use CreateSimpleObject with... Once created, I'm hoping that enableSimulation false will prevent them from disappearing (that works for shell casings..).
  14. Great idea UD! I just tried it and setObjectTexture had no effect on the footprints. I think someone would have to take the footprint.p3d and make a red one for that to work. Something else to note is that footprints that the game creates (which was my first solution above) do change color depending on surface type. So they are black/grey on cement/roads, and red/brown in dirt or sand etc. So there is some extra processing happening to determine footprint color based on surface. But in HallyG's solution you use createSimpleObject to create the print and it always comes out dark black. And it looks wrong when in dirt, sand, etc.
  15. johnnyboy

    List of all hidden texture inits

    Welcome to the forums and the wild world of ARMA mission editing. Be careful, it can be addicting.
  16. Hi guys, I want screen to be black immediately when mission starts so player doesn't see some objects being moved in the init.sqf. Then screen will "black in" when all is perfect for player to see. The first statement in my init.sqf is this titleCut with BLACK OUT, but the problem is its not 100% immediate. Player first sees the world for a half second before black out executes. titlecut ["... 3 days after taking down the drug lab, Valdez visits the hospital...","BLACK OUT",0]; How do I achieve a true BLACK OUT at start of mission?
  17. Thanks George! CutText in the initPlayerLocal.sqf did it for me. It appears that executes first and faster than init.sqf.
  18. johnnyboy

    Script obfuscating

    gc8's code is already obfuscated from me as it is. His OO scripts seem totally badass, but beyond my understanding! Edit: I had gc8 confused with code34. Its code34's scripts that are beyond my understanding...lol.
  19. johnnyboy

    [SP] Armed Fallout

    Now THAT is how you help a brother out. @tourist is a good man.
  20. johnnyboy

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Seems like a building object would work. Attach this Reservior Tower to the ship so the roof of the tower is level with the deck. You can land and turn off engine. It worked for me. Problem is tower is so tall it will stick out below bottom of ship. But you could hideObject it and only unhide it when a helicopter is attempting to land. Or you might be able to find a smaller building with a flat roof that will work that won't stick out of bottom of ship.
  21. johnnyboy

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    That's too bad. I just tried it too, inlcuding placing a helipad at same position as platform. AI can stand on these platforms, but helicopter falls thru it when you turn the engine off. Another thing to try would be to run a tight loop testing for EngineOff. When EngineOff attach to ship. When Engine turned back on and there is enough up-thrust (how do you test for that??? lol), then detach. Good luck.
  22. johnnyboy

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    Yes sir. I attached the pallets to the trawler object. Even when attached they retain their walkability/landability. I've used pallets and planks to create platforms in the air that AI can stand on many times., so I think its workable. Good luck matey!
  23. johnnyboy

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    So you are landing on a ship object that has no real surface for player to land on? If that is the case, you may be able to place a landable surface on it. I created a landing pad once on the front of the trawler by placing 10 pallets there. A series of long plank objects could work too. If you are lucky you can place them just below the surface of the ship object so they are not visible, but still landable/walkable. Worth a try.
  24. johnnyboy

    AttachTo Engine Issue

    If this is eyecandy for a scene and players not on board, you can create an identical vehicle with engine off and replace it. After scene is over, put the original one back.