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Everything posted by johnnyboy

  1. I'm playing some Steam MP missions on a self hosted Lan server. After hosting and playing the mission a few times, some missions will no longer load. They are listed in the host mission screen but when you click play nothing happens. This is happening since I recently switched to Windows 10. This fixes the problem for me: Go to this directory: C:\Users\<your Windows user name>\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\<your Arma player name>\Saved\steamMPMission, and delete the folder that that corresponds to the mission you are playing. You can then select and run the mission again in a hosted MP server. Any idea why this happens? Is there a permanent fix? Why does Windows 10 suck so bad?
  2. Thanks EO. I did create a new profile and no luck. Its annoying, but I've moved on and not worrying about this any more, and using my workaround.
  3. This is a great thread and its fun to hear how everyone approaches scripting. I've been a programmer all my adult life. In work, I'm much more disciplined and usually pseudo-code in high-level English and do a module breakdown before I start coding. But Arma scripting is fun and creative so I'm much more chaotic. For missions, I write up notes for a progression of tasks, character dialogue, events etc. But as I actually build them, Arma limitations or new ideas tend to radically change the whole design. Like others, I keep a running to-do list of which 10 to 20% ever actually gets done. And many scripts and missions evolve just because I have a funny or strange idea. Property of Mabunga mission evolved because I wanted to see AI drive boats on the swampy Lake Limni on Altis, and it pissed me off that they couldn't. JBOY Dog evolved because I love dogs, and I was sad that they were useless in vanilla Arma. Other scripts were inspired by monkeying with atttachTo and setVelocity (birds of prey, fish jumping, flying chickens, burning barrels, Tanoan longboat, etc.). I support all the good advice above (debug function for toggling display of script variables, organizing scripts logically in folders, descriptive variable naming, version control, etc.).
  4. No, my old windows 7 machine died. I got a new PC with Windows 10 pre-loaded. Thanks for your reply John!
  5. johnnyboy

    My profile won't load. I really could use some help

    I switched to Windows 10 recently (old pc died), and I have similar problems. I get a profile error when trying to play missions. If I try and run a Lan server and play a Steam downloaded mission, I click on the mission and nothing happens. I can play vanilla content missions though. I've put all my custom missions in my missions folder so at least I can edit my missions. Any ideas on how to fix this? EDIT: By switching to using the Administrator Windows 10 account, my profile now appears to be working, and I can play Steam downloaded missions via MP. I fugging hate Windows 10. My default account had many issues (couldn't run firefox browser, couldn't run CMD.exe, and more). By switching to Administrator I appear to be operational now.
  6. I like it...good idea. Why not spawn partially submerged sometimes? Make the player work for his loot sometimes.. :)
  7. Sounds super cool VD (can I call you VD? haha). Keep up the great work man. I look forward to to seeing your end product.
  8. johnnyboy

    Infantry paradrop

    Welcome to the forums dude. A simple google search for "Arma 3 paradrop script" provides many options. Here's one:
  9. If you don't have to use tpw_air, I think you could use UnitCapture to record the flight using first aircraft, and use UnitPlay on a different aircraft. You could also fly one aircraft super high up so player can't see it, and attach desired aircraft low so its visible for the fly by. Or you simply use setVelocity like I did in my JBoy Fly in Formation script. Good luck bro. Let us know what you settle on.
  10. Thanks Phronk! Great info here (I use attachTo alot). As always, your closing statements on your videos crack me up.
  11. johnnyboy

    [SP] Sniper At Sea

    Looks interesting with a lot of attention to detail. Congrats on publishing it. I can't tell if all the units on the trawler are statically attached or not, but it is possible to have units move on board the trawler if you do this: attach pallets at deck level (just below so you can't see them). place unit on pallets, set their direction and give them a walking animation loop. When they reach their destination, you turn them around and walk them back. It can take a lot of work, so may not be worth it to you. Also, you can have the trawler move by attaching it to a zodiac, and giving the zodiac driver move commands or move waypoints. No matter what, this looks really cool!
  12. "Oh my god...now they're taking heads!" - Bob Valdez Jr., Tanoan Police Captain
  13. "Beauty is in the eye of the beheader" - Scene from future episode of Last Tango in Tanoa.
  14. johnnyboy

    Make Pilot carrying his helmet under arm

    Hey TitansWeasel, how about posting your final solution with setdir and adjusted coordinates? Thanks! A screenshot would be cool too...
  15. Yummm, "long pork". Don't do it GeorgyBoy. I will be forced to put cannibals in my next mission. Don't make me do it...
  16. Is the Gutting script part of Ravage or in your script? If in your script I suggest attaching a knife to player's hand during gutting animation to add a bit more realism. Then detaching and hiding knife when animation complete.
  17. @Vandeanson this looks great. Feel free to include my JBOY Chicken scripts if you like. The scripts are fairly simple, and chickens will fly away when person or vehicle gets too close. Plus they have nice feather effects when shot.
  18. Sry for the late reply...I was away from my computer for a few days. I still have Mattar's test mission on my drive, so here is a link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhx4craf7rjqpry/TEST_roofLandings.Altis.zip?dl=0
  19. Sry for the late reply...I was away from my computer for a few days. I still have Mattar's test mission on my drive, so here is a link to it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhx4craf7rjqpry/TEST_roofLandings.Altis.zip?dl=0
  20. Right on. If you want "badass" then you need to unitCapture/unitPlay sadly. You can also "cheat" with movie magic: If players in chopper you black it out for a second while you teleport to unitPlay start pos, using a stun blur effect or something (chopper struck by RPG but still operable), then player won't notice the teleport. If player on ground, you can do someting similar to distract player during teleport. Good luck man, editing is fun! Many times you have to try different approaches until something works for you.
  21. beno is right, there is no smooth transition. UnitPlay will instantly teleport chopper to whatever the first position it captured during UnitCapture. Why not just have AI land using waypoints? Are you going for a slick hot landing that AI will never perform? Or are you just having trouble getting AI to land? Here's a link to an example mission showing how to get AI to land on any rooftop. Maybe it will help you to get the AI to land where you want.
  22. johnnyboy

    Light Bulb Burst Effect

    Very cool man. I especially liked the power poles shorting out. This has great immersion potential for missions. Was the poles shorting out with electrical effect part of the script you posted above?
  23. johnnyboy

    [Release] ExplosiveBreaching

    Beautiful! You've nailed it man. Love how barricaded guy not stunned but others were.
  24. Not sure what that means exactly...but it made me laugh!
  25. Here's a preview of part of Episode 2 - Stakeout.