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Everything posted by jonstyle

  1. jonstyle

    NIArms Release Thread

    Hi guys! I have the 416 pack, rhsusaf and the rhs-niarms compatibility patch. I can attach the rhs bipods to the 416's but no front grips show. Anybody know why?
  2. jonstyle

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Looks great, all of it! I'm especially enjoying the vests and rifles. Cool that you keep working on it with updates!
  3. jonstyle

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Loving those painted 416's! Are you considering other paint colors/patterns?
  4. jonstyle

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Interesting, thanks for pics and info!
  5. jonstyle

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Delta probably use MK46/48 though? Niarms have those, just saying
  6. jonstyle

    CAG/Delta Force Faction

    Great work! Finally someone painted those awesome HK416's. Thank you!
  7. jonstyle

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Cool! New mission? Going to play it at first chance! Glad you're back!
  8. Ah ok thank you for the info!
  9. Great update to a great mod! I have a problem, though. I put myself as a CUP pilotin the editor and place MH47 and some Littlebirds on the airfield. When I try to enter the choppers as pilot, I get thrown out with a message saying "You have to be a pilot to enter this vehicle". What am I missing here?
  10. jonstyle

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    I like to play through the editor, that way I can change loadouts and vehicles. Usually I dePBO the missions, put them in the editorfolder then play from there. I guess if I want to change some cosmetic thing in your campaigns, I need to do that in the editor, then pbo the files and run them as you intended? Hope you dont get insulted, it's just the way I have been playing Arma sine 2001? Your stuff seems really good, btw!
  11. jonstyle

    [sp camp] Gambit Royale

    When I try to launch a mission through the editor, nothing happens, just a black screen?
  12. jonstyle

    NIArms Release Thread

    Looks great, sounds great and handles great. There is no reload animation for me though. So far I have only tested potato version, DEVGRU version, RAHG version.
  13. jonstyle

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    Yeah, it's been wip for like four years and no updates for over a year so... Kind of like the SOAR birds lol ;(
  14. I depboed the campaign, changed the units to realistic ones and found the missions quite enjoyable. Only the last mission doesn`t really work with ai team mates on the docks. And like @Wiki said, there are plenty of good user made sp scenarios on Tanoa, he has made some himself. Check out his steam ?
  15. jonstyle

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    I believe that was the highly anticipated CH 46 Seaknight that was never released. I think Flanders enlisted in the marines so he might not know about the new rule to not post private addons.
  16. jonstyle

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    How do you do that? Is there a tutorial around somewhere?
  17. jonstyle

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Wow. You shouldn't listen to those assholes. I really enjoyed your latest campaign. I have been enjoying yor stuff since the excellent Opration Gothic Serpent you made for Arma 2. No matter what you do for the community, be it missions, campaigns, addons or mods, there will always be some douchebag complaining it's not good enough. I really like your stuff Wiki! Keeping my fingers crossed for you making your missions/campaigns available for us again.
  18. jonstyle

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    Really sad to hear this, your missions was my greatest sp joy. It's a shame you won't keep all your stuff available? I loved playing around with your missions in the editor.
  19. Hi guys! Does anybody know what this message means? I do not have ACE3 installed.
  20. The game crashes to desktop before I even get into the menu. I constantly run tons of mods but never ACE, thats why I don't understand this. Should I list all of my mods?
  21. Hi guys! I have a strange problem that suddenly occured. When I start up the game, it crashes with a error message saying: "include file z\ace\addons\main\script_macros.hpp not found" I find this weird because I do not have ACE3 installed and I never have. Does anybody know what this error message means?
  22. jonstyle

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Suddenly I cant seem to switch between eotech/T1 and magnification. Anybody else have this problem?
  23. jonstyle

    Wiki's creations [ArmA 3]

    The campaign is finished already? How many missions? can't wait to try it out!
  24. have you gotten any answer from the author? I would to play this on Tanoa.