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Everything posted by moricky

  1. When you encounter undefined variable in the official content, could you please report it on feedback tracker? We're doing out best to eliminate all remaining errors, but some of them may slip through. I tried to fix the error you mentioned, but I'm unable to reproduce it without specific repro steps :(
  2. moricky

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I'm afraid I'm not, although I provide technical support. I mainly focus on mutliplayer R&D ;)
  3. The inability to upload a mission is a problem on our side, we're solving it now.
  4. moricky

    Respawn Ticket System?

    I added some more info about BIS_fnc_respawnTickets, it might help.
  5. moricky

    The new Sector Module

    The problem was that the expression expected a returned value, but your code didn't provide any. I fixed it, the returned value will no longer be required in the next dev branch.
  6. moricky

    Mission Presentation

    XML parser shouldn't have problem with it, a lot of our localized strings are already using structured text tags.
  7. moricky

    Mission Presentation

    Actually, as stated in Mission Overview, the description is a structured text, which offers greater customization options than HTML ;)
  8. moricky

    Discussion on "Axed" Features

    Actually, this is the first time in our games when the island is so large it can justify presence of its own defense forces. When designing AAF, we were partly inspired by Armed Forces of Malta, because Malta is island of the similar size and location. Don't expect AAF to have arsenal of the same size as NATO or CSAT though. It's basically limited to four companies and tiny air wing; for example losing a helicopter will mean your original air force strength is reduced by 10% ;)
  9. How exactly is it broken? I'm not aware of any problems, there are also no reported issues in the feedback tracker.
  10. moricky

    New Respawn System

    Vehicle Respawn module in the same category does precisely that ;) I'm going to write more detailed description of these modules soon.
  11. moricky

    The new Sector Module

    Synced, grouping is not and never was relevant to modules. The other line is just transparent (optional connections are transparent), but I see it can be confusing. I'll change it so only the icon will remain transparent. I fixed this issue with oscillating between sides while capturing, it should appear in the next dev build. Fixed as well. The plan is to make the whole column re-positionable in the Custom Layout menu, I'm going to implement it in upcoming days. I'm going to describe the details further in Community Wiki, stay tuned ;)
  12. The delayed call of forced (now preInit) functions was a bug, that's why it was not announced in the change log. I summarized the details in the feedback tracker. I'm sorry for problems it caused.
  13. moricky

    Respawn Ticket System?

    Tickets respawn template is designed specifically for this Put this to description.ext: respawnTemplates[] = {"Tickets"}; Now every time player respawns, it will decrease the global tickets value by 1. Since you want to have one value for BLUFOR and one OPFOR, you will have to define them separately ticketsWest = 100; ticketsEast = 100; Now, we need to let player know which value should he use. In the mission folder, create a file initPlayerLocal.sqf - it's called automatically when a player joins - and put the following code inside: if (side group player == west) then {"ticketsWest"} else {"ticketsEast"}; player setVariable ["BIS_fnc_respawnTickets_var",_var]; In the upcoming days, I'm planning to allow side specific respawn tickets by default, so you won't be required to save any variables to player's object. EDIT: Disregard what I wrote, I just updated the system to be more user friendly by default. It will be possible to define tickets specifically either for whole mission, for a side, a group or even for an object. The change should make it into the upcoming dev build update.
  14. Using call compile is really expensive operation, I suggest to use the following code for assigning dynamic variables: missionNamespace setVariable [_unitName,_spawnUnit]; publicVariable _unitName;
  15. Hi, they're going to be modules which will allow you to drop an artillery shell on the location, with proper sound and visual effects. However, they are not finished yet and they accidentally slipped to the public version. Sorry for the confusion.
  16. Based on your feedback here, I added an ability to define side specific templates: respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"MenuInventory"}; respawnTemplatesEast[] = {"Counter"}; respawnTemplatesGuer[] = {"Tickets"}; respawnTemplatesCiv[] = {"Spectator"}; It should appear in the next dev branch update. Please don't modify the original functions. When we update them, you would still be using the old mirrored version.
  17. Yes Could you please verify it, you guys made me doubt what I said :D
  18. No, when I say markers created by script, I mean markers created by script. :P Just tested it in Steam version (dev build, but should be in the default one as well) and it works.
  19. Markers placed both in editor and by script are now synchronized automatically, no need to hack it around ;)
  20. Using BIS_fnc_MP, you can broadcast a function to players of specific side. Execute the following on server: ["EpicWin","BIS_fnc_endMission",west] call BIS_fnc_MP; ["EpicFail","BIS_fnc_endMission",east] call BIS_fnc_MP; All BLUFOR players will receive "EpicWin" ending, while all OPFOR player will get "EpicFail". Modify sides and and ending names to fit your situation.
  21. Not anymore, the engine now synchronizes global markers automatically for all players, including those who JIP. ;)
  22. respawnDelay is supposed to be a number, not string. Simply change it to respawndelay = 30;
  23. Thanks for finding the issue, should be fixed in today's dev branch.
  24. I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the bug without knowing the code you're using to add the respawn positions. Coul you please post it here?