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Everything posted by quickdraw_01

  1. I haven't played for 8 months until recently and everything is up to date but when I click play through the launcher it now tries to connect to a multiplayer server, so even if I just load up my mods through the launcher and click play it tries to join a MP before it even goes to the arma3 menu screen, so to use the editor etc the menu wont come up until after it disconnects me from the last MP game server I was in. Does anyone know why this is? Thanks
  2. quickdraw_01

    Launcher goes straight to Multiplayer game

    No I haven't even touched that ever or manually put an ip address in there
  3. quickdraw_01

    Launcher goes straight to Multiplayer game

    I solved it launchers in the launchers advanced parameters there was a server ip address in where the command line box is ticked. I have no idea how it got there it was a server I had played on before..
  4. quickdraw_01

    [Poll] ArmA Reforger / Arm4

    I am curious about the enfusion engine and anything new in relation to ARMA, I have spent alot more money on alot less.
  5. quickdraw_01

    Eden editor Ruler

    If you are using 3den enhanced right click on the first point you want and their should be an option to measure distance then move your cursor to the next point and right click and choose measure distance it should give you an exact distance between the 2 points.
  6. quickdraw_01

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    On our server we found it was the CUP SPG-9 causing mass crashes when JSRS and the CUP compatibility option were enabled. when disabled no problems, I don't know if you were aware of this problem, Thanks great mod we love it , we just cant use it for Cup at the moment.
  7. quickdraw_01

    Arma 3 Apex: Old Man Feedback

    When I approached 3 Syndikat guys standing around a M900 Helo they said "I shouldn't be here" and then they lit me up, it was on the island where I completed the blow up the police building with the car bomb, all other Syndikat soldiers don't shoot me.
  8. quickdraw_01

    What was your Gateway Arma?

    Before OFP I played a game called M1 Tank Platoon 2 it was based on the M1 Battle Tank , I believe it had some developer connection with Operation Flashpoint but I could be wrong it was 1998!
  9. Is there anyway in the editor when making a high command mission to stop enemy groups markers showing up when using the high command and friendly group markers who are not part of the high command? I'm trying to hide a hostage by making him start at random positions but it just shows the position with a group marker once I turn on High Command.
  10. quickdraw_01

    NO, BIS, NO.

    I'm not into the Alien thing at all, but will see what other goodies come with it. I've been playing since Flashpoint came out there is nothing like the ARMA series of games I hope it continues but not with the alien and zombie themes at all plenty of other games for that.
  11. I messaged one of the other guys on steam that made the single player version and he doesn't know why it is doing it now either.
  12. quickdraw_01

    Stuck in Singleplayer Campaign

    This happened to me recently there must be a bug on that mission when I re did my campaign a few weeks ago I cleared the village and no artillery came and the rest of my team went to the RV point and did nothing, This solution worked for me but remember the text box is invisible Hold the left Shift button while pressing numpad minus (-) during a Single-Player game to bring up a hidden cheat textbox (This will be invisible). Then enter the code 'endmission' (without the quotes) to complete the current mission.
  13. quickdraw_01

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Can I please get my name changed to 'Quickdraw_01'
  14. quickdraw_01

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Please change my user name to "Quickdraw"
  15. This has some good pics of the SAS in Iraq when they were part of "Task Force Knight, theres 100's of different camo options and they even used humvee's http://www.eliteukforces.info/gallery/uksf-misc/22-SAS.php
  16. quickdraw_01

    ArmA3 Wishlist and Ideas

    I havent read all 10 pages but Realistic fast roping from helos and ladder extractions etc AI Medic needs improvments. Goggles that can be put on or off AI pilots needs improvments Improve command system
  17. quickdraw_01

    Any planes or jets?

    Im not one for jets myself but I would still like them to be part of the game. I would like to see competent AI or Human controlled AC-130 Gunships thats the ultimate night time support.
  18. Just Downloaded it thanks Mate! I ll let you know how it goes
  19. quickdraw_01

    What's your music volume in game?

    Ive been playing war sims since Operation flashpoint came out and have never tried playing with music and I have no intrest to try it , but each to their own.
  20. quickdraw_01

    ArmA 2 players

    South East Queensland, Australia
  21. You are right mate the Laser targeting with teamwork is great you wont find any friendly fire with a group thats working together. If groups had a score instead of individuals it might encourage teamwork. Another thing that annoys the hell out of me is when your bleeding on the frontline and all the medics are busy flying in the aircraft, people wanting to be medics just so that they can heal themselves. Setting the server to veteren mode gets rid of alot of BF/COD style of players but may also make it difficult for newbies unfortunatly. :cool:
  22. I think having a scorecard is the worst thing because guys just get in a plane and bomb all the targets to be a hero and get a big score.
  23. quickdraw_01

    Team killing Auto Kick/Ban

    Yeah It would be good if somehow you could seperate the loser that team kills for fun because he has a small organ from the unfortunate chopper pilot that crashes a with a fully loaded helo because of lag or just bad luck.
  24. quickdraw_01

    I said "CEASE FIRE"!!!

    Tried it alot and its a bug my guys were miles away at night I was trying to sneak up on an artillary piece 250m away and my men were on a hold fire, stealth, stay prone order and 1 of them opened fire we were never spotted.I have tried this about 30 times not once did they hold fire when in LOS of target
  25. quickdraw_01

    One thing I hate about the command system...

    I miss the Operation Flashpoint command menu knew it off by heart the ARMA2 menu has cost me many a mission the ai wont hold fire lol there cowboys !