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avibird 1

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Everything posted by avibird 1

  1. But will a group move or walk slow when no enemy present in a AO and will the AI driver just roll up on a whole squad just waking down the road and kill most of them and not even stop or slow down.
  2. Just curious I have not use this in a while. Does it improve AI driving. Does it not allow them to mow over a group of guys just waking down the roadside. Does the AI groups still always move in fast speed even if there is no threat or any presents of the enemy in the area. That was one of the main reasons I stop using it because patrol units not in combat would be acting like they were. Avibird
  3. Hey dreadpirate in the old version I never had issue like this but the old version run very slow and laggy. I only have five armor vehicles I don't think that is to much. I don't have issues with ground troops or cars only armor and ACP's but if I delete them like every 30 to 60 seconds then it's all good. However if I delete them less then 30 seconds then the issue starts.
  4. http://imgur.com/gallery/LwFuspv The Raven Platoon I did not name that it was called Raven_platoon_uranium _raid.tanoa it became that when the game crashed It's still have the original name in my folder and if I looked at the save as list. The raid on vagalaka was a new mission folder I made and put all the original folders and files back in but the mission init was pretty much blank. In the original mission you would have to scroll down a few minutes to get to the end of the mission init it was that full of data. I am still in disbelief that this happened.
  5. @Gunter Severloh I definitely the mission was saved I have been working on this for along time. The mission name was altered when the game lagged and crashed in the editor the mission name was changed and everything was deleted from the mission in it. All the folders and files was still intact. When I went to save the game - save as the mission name was correct Raven_Platton_Uranium_Raid_Tanoa. But in the mission selection menu it was not it was it only said Raven Platoon. I have screenshots but how do I upload them here. The bottom line I've been playing this since OFP days and yes a lot of weird things happen with the arma engine over the years but WTF. the good news is I did have a backup mission folder from two weeks ago but I did a lot of tests playing and a lot of editing in those two weeks. IDK what happened but I am not crazy the mission in it delete it and somehow the mission named got written only on the mission menu list Avibird
  6. Two weeks of editing and test playing fucking gone WTF can cause an entire mission in it to get deleted while you're playing 😥 good news I had a recent save file from 8/5 but fuck two weeks of great progress with test playing and editing the map gone. I don't understand how the name of the mission can change without me saving the file. has anybody heard of anything like this happening before.
  7. Hey dreadpirate I just looked at you new demo. Go to the airport to the north with the air base place 7 tanks all individually with a few waypoints and a cycle waypoint with simple Jebus code to respawn back. Then run mission and strat deleting everything on the map most of the units on the map in your demo will spawn back only two of the 7 tanks spawned back and when I continue to delete the entire map eventually none of the armored vehicles spawn back at the airport a few empty tanks no crew no waypoints Like I said it seems only to be an issue with armored vehicles. Avibird
  8. Hey dreadpirate some strange stuff. So I think it has do to with how fast the groups get delete it. If I delete the groups from the editor less then 60 seconds between each group only some groups will respawn back like I said 2 to 4 seems to be the sweet spot but if I delete the groups every few minutes then all the groups spawn back as they should.Armored vehicles like tanks and ACP's. Not Jeep's. I will test more today. The mission is not done still work in progress but yes I will. I forgot to mention I am using a modified version of AIS wound system that I have modified to be used with team switch. The units will never die only stay unconscious and if you entire playable units of 18 playable units all get incapacitated the mission will end. I call it last man standing mode. When you run your test delete the units very fast and see what happens. Avibird
  9. All the time it doesn't make a difference if I delete them hit them with a lightning bolt from Zeus or spawn in and kill them myself. All the time. It's like I have a limit cap for the number of vehicles 🤣
  10. The only mod I'm using is MCC and GAIA besides the editor mods Achilles Zeus and Eden enhanced.
  11. No multiple vehicles in a group vehicles are single vehicles only. I took out all the vehicle respawn markers and still having the problem. Respawn on editor location and or on multiple markers same issue I can only get 3-4 vehicles to work with the script. After the initial spawn the other vehicles will not spawn back. Extremely frustrating 😥
  12. Dreadedpirate there is something definitely wrong with the script can't get to respawn more then 2-4 armor vehicles after initial start of mission. Very inconsistent of how many vehicles will actually get to respawn the second time. I am done need your help I have no clue where to look or what to try to get it to work now. I don't want to go back to the old version cuz this one run so much better 😥🙄
  13. Hey dreadpirate the update is working mostly now. Armor units are getting waypoints now and able to follow them again however if you have multiple armor units using multiple respawn markers some of the armor vehicles will not spawn back. But if I use the "START=" parameter and the "DELAY="  parameter and stagnate each vehicle at a different time like 45 60 75 90 and 105 and match it with the delay for the same vehicle all 5 will respawn back into the mission if I don't use the start and delay parameters I will only get 2 or 3 armor vehicle spawn back into the mission. I need to test more and see if there is a vehicle limit that the script will stop spawning the vehicles back. None of the vehicles are being spawned in by a trigger. I know that was the initial purpose of the start parameter to help with lag with multiple vehicle spawning in on a trigger. I only have 5 armor vehicles and 3 cars using Jebus to respawn back into the mission until trigger are reach to stop the reinforcements. More testing is needed I will let you know what I fine avibird.
  14. Thank you sir for the update is th new version on armaholic site as well.
  15. I will definitely check out your modules for sure. Question does your module leave a dependency if used in a mission and if you don't want to use it you need to delete items from your mission init?
  16. Hey pierremgi had anyone reported issues with armor vehicles after respawn keeping the ability to move to it's waypoints. I mostly use jebus for my respawning needs but his script is now having issues with armor units having the ability to reach its waypoints!
  17. Hey dreadpirate when I test playing my mission through the Eden editor I am now getting a message error from Jebus something about pushback error getting marker line 91 Jebus. I will take a screenshot with the full message error perhaps this is the cause of the vehicle error not able to reach its waypoints. I don't get it with the old version and the vehicles did not have the issue reaching its waypoints. Using the vehicle spawn module to spawn in the vehicle that the Jebus units will use is a good fix for now.
  18. If you get wounded where you're incapacitated once you get healed from the AIS system first stabilize then heal you should get all functionality back. Try that I almost positive it will work. I modify the AIS system to be used in small co-op groups of players using team switch functionality. If you get wounded your original unit is incapacitated well crawling slow with no aim in the AIS wound animations when you switch to a new unit you have limited ability using various menus and inventory just like you are describing. You can see shoot reload and move normal in the new units body (the one you team switched into) but you can't heal enter vehicles place mines ECT. The idea is players will not just leave the wounded unit incapacitated because they don't have full functionality they need to bring a new unit to the injured unit once the area is fairly safe switch back to the injured (original) unit call for support and the unit you brought over will automatically heal you. You will see a flash of red on the screen and all functionalities are restored to you. I'm pretty much sure if a unit gets injured and then gets healed he should have the ability to use support modules again. Try it and let me know
  19. Dreadpirate the original spawn editor waypoints by Murklor & ArmAIIholic has the same issue with armor vehicles. I took a few months off from Arma it seems it's a engine issue rather than your particular script. When was the last engine update was it with the old man stuff? Both are having the same issues with vehicle pathfinding after it's spawn back into the game. FYI Avibird.
  20. Hey dreadpirate a quick fix for now. If I use the vehicle respawn module next to a group using Jebus with a getting nearest waypoint then a series of waypoints that you want the vehicle to take use a cycle waypoint to close the loop not including the getting waypoint. All works well. If the vehicle gets disabled and the crew bails out the vehicle will respawn and when the crew finally gets killed your Jebus will respawn the group next to the vehicle. I hope you can figure this out but this is a quick fix for someone who wants to used armor vehicles with Jebus. Like I said I can't make a mission without Jebus 👍 Bohemia should definitely make a vanilla module based on Jebus for Arma4. The only mods I really need MCC4 (GAIA) and JEBUS 😎 Avibird
  21. I can only guess how much frustration you get attempting to write the code I'm just trying to use it lol. if you pick up the vehicle a few meters off the ground and drop it sometimes it will start following its way points🙄 the old code works fine but the improved performance with the new written code is definitely needed with 35 groups. I'm going to try to spawn a group and then have them enter into a vehicle to see if it will follow the waypoints.
  22. avibird 1

    Zeus Enhanced

    Can you add the guard waypoint!!!
  23. Hey dreadpirate. That sucks. I don't remember where I read it from either with Jebus or GAIA but I will not go over 35 groups. Like I said it seems to be only affected by armor units not cars apc's and tanks. if I swap out the crew of these vehicles and place them in a regular truck it works fine. What I'm going to try having the vehicles spawn separate using in-game module and then spawn the crew using Jebus have them get in nearest waypoint then have my other waypoints to see if they will follow the waypoints. I will let you know what I found. Thanks for checking I just want to make sure I wasn't going nuts.
  24. Hey dreadpirate there is definitely an issue with the script allowing armor vehicles to follow waypoints. It seems there's an issue with pathfinding. When I watch the waypoint cycle through and disappear it's like the vehicles are unsure how to go about navigating to the waypoints so it moves to the next waypoint(like the way point is unattainable) and so on and so on. If the waypoints are linked with a cycle waypoint they will start from the beginning and disappear again! I tested it using the original editor base waypoint respawning script by Editor based AI script by trigger by Murklor & ArmAIIholic it works armor vehicles will follow however the script is outdated multiple errors pop up and is not as robust as yours. Your new update definitely had better performance when using it now but can have a mission without armored vehicles using it. I'm reverting back to the old one 😥 until you can figure it out. Is this the first you're hearing of it since you updated the script.
  25. Lol wow a few hours trying to figure this out 🤣 yes the new update does not allow armor units the following points. I switch back to the old version all works well. The only mods I have MCC using GAIA and Zeus and Eden enhanced as well as Achilles. The only mods. Dreadedpirate it's definitely an issue with pathfinding with armor units only well I did not look at boats or planes but I am back with the old version let me know what you find out!!! I stated this before I cannot make missions without using the script. This should be a vanilla module for sure. Avibird.