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Azza FHI

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Everything posted by Azza FHI

  1. Azza FHI

    switchMove locality

    [_unit,"AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon"] remoteexec ['playMove']; playmove or switchmove, same thing kinda....
  2. Thanks for figuring that out! Not sure if you fixed the issue with all units getting the identity instead of just the modded units. If not i think this is how to fix that voices[] + = {"Sample01"}; The + means it does not overwrite the whole voices class but instead it keep the original entries and adds the new class on top
  3. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    Hey robalo, with those optional configs you updated do they affect the units themselves or the weapons that any unit uses? Do you know what i mean? Its a bit hard to explain. If a custom unit which is scripted with specific gear such as an RHS m240, does the RHS optional config change the behaviour of that unit based on the fact that he has an RHS weapon, or is that config only if you use the actual RHS units? I remember looking through the original one and seeing that it was mainly weapon configs. If that is how it works, what will change? Will machine gunners fire in full auto to suppress etc? Cheers
  4. Sorry if answered already. On my phone and cbf searching. Does cup terrains in its current state fix the ground texture (bug?) That was introduced in one of the recent a3 patches? If not will it be fixed in next update? Can provide screenshot later if needed. Cheers
  5. Hello ACE team! wondering if you can help with an issue that has come about since last ACE update. We run TVT missions and we had this code in init.sqf so that a death message would show when you got killed by someone on the opposite team. (Same as friendly fire msgs but with opposing teams). But unfortunately it has stopped working and nothing shows now. // Ace Death Messages ace_respawn_fnc_showfriendlyfiremessage = { private ["_unit", "_killer"]; _unit = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; if (_unit != _killer) then { systemChat format ["%1 was killed by %2", [_unit] call ace_common_fnc_getname, [_killer] call ace_common_fnc_getname]; ["killedByFriendly", [_unit, _killer]] call ace_common_fnc_globalEvent; }; };
  6. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    Thank you! that saves me cluttering the userconfig with about 80 classnames lol.
  7. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    @Robalo - cheers for the update! Awesome that u fixed the nvg unpacking. 1 quick question, if i put a base class in the skills array will it work on any unit that is inherited from that class? E.g if b_soldier_base_f was in the array would b_soldier_f and b_grenadier_f both get the new skills? And if not, would it be possible by changing "typeof" to "iskindof" soemwhere in the code?
  8. Will it wver be possible to have unconcious units ragdol? Right now it is easy to tell the difference between a dead player vs unconcious player as you can see by the animation or ragdol effect...
  9. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    well, when it first came out this was the main reason (among others) that we boycotted zeus. since i havent used it since then, i dont know if the 'problem' was fixed. I doubt it, as BIS probably doesnt see it as a problem and 80% of the arma community wouldnt realise thats the case. But yes, if it is the case then AI on a clients machine in a multiplayer environment = lag, ASR problems etc etc.
  10. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    This 'problem' is very simple to fix. Never use zeus. Zeus is very poorly optimised and as we all know when zeus spawns AI it makes them local to the zeus machine which is rediculous. Surely bis could have made them spawn on the server. So if you want to have only the server running ASR then run missions without zues and use some sort of debug console if u need to manipulate the mission on the fly.
  11. Azza FHI

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    If you want to fix the smoke in blastcore then youll need to create a separate pbo with the following config. It will overwrite a small section of blastcore and change the smoke effect. Change the values to suit how big you want the smoke plume. Maybe in this way the wider community can expand on some more fixes to this great mod, otherwise sadly it will die... http://pastebin.com/aLuqcGpM
  12. We have the script working on dedicated. Although we are saving to players profile. Inidbi should work also but all players need to run it to have their own database
  13. Does a group with a trigger synced waypoint keep the trigger sync when getting un cached? Or is it best to exclude all these groups from caching?
  14. Azza FHI

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    There are a few RPT errors on the server when the mod is only run clientside. The errors shown are only for RHS weapons, but there were no vanilla weapons in the mission. The issue would probably be the same for all weapons that are affected my jsrs sounds. Any chance this issue can be fixed?
  15. not sure if this will be helpful or make it more confusing. this is the method we use, it is based on the classname of each unit initPlayerLocal.sqf in mission root (this should do for now, if you only want it to fire once per player per mission then you need more code...) [player, typeof player] execvm "gear.sqf"; gear.sqf private ["_unit", "_type"]; _unit = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; if (!local _unit) exitWith {}; private "_headgear"; _headgear = [ "rhs_6b28", "rhs_6b28_ess" ]; private "_uniform"; _uniform = "rhs_uniform_gorka_r_g"; private "_vest"; _vest = [ "rhs_6b23_digi_6sh92", "rhs_6b23_digi_6sh92_headset", "rhs_6b23_digi_6sh92_radio", "rhs_6b23_digi_medic", "rhs_6b23_digi_vydra_3m" ]; private "_backpack"; _backpack = ["rhs_assault_umbts","rhs_sidor"]; private "_assigneditems"; _assigneditems = ["ItemMap","ItemCompass","ItemWatch","itemradio","NVGoggles_INDEP"]; private "_pistol"; _pistol = "RH_mak"; private "_state"; _state = switch tolower(_type) do { // Squadleader case "fox_opfor_sf_squadleader": { // change classnames to suit yourself [ _headgear call bis_fnc_selectrandom, // add random headgear from _headgear array at top of script _uniform, // add uniform defined at top (u can randomise this too) _vest call bis_fnc_selectrandom, // add random vest from _vest array at top of script _backpack call bis_fnc_selectrandom, // add random backpack from _backpack array at top of script [ // add magazines ["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK", 9], ["RH_8Rnd_9x18_Mak", 5], ["HandGrenade",5], ["smokeshell", 0], ["smokeshellred", 0], ["smokeshellpurple", 0] ], ['rhs_weap_ak74m_2mag_camo', _pistol], // add primary weapon, add _pistol defined at top ["rhs_acc_tgpa","RH_pmsd"], // add weapon attachments ["firstaidkit"], // add items ["rhs_balaclava1_olive"] + _assigneditems // assigned items ]; }; // Operator case "fox_opfor_sf_operator": { [ _headgear call bis_fnc_selectrandom, _uniform, _vest call bis_fnc_selectrandom, _backpack call bis_fnc_selectrandom, [ ["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK", 9], ["RH_8Rnd_9x18_Mak", 5], ["HandGrenade",5], ["smokeshell", 0], ["smokeshellred", 0], ["smokeshellpurple", 0] ], ['rhs_weap_ak74m_2mag_camo', _pistol], ["rhs_acc_tgpa","RH_pmsd"], ["firstaidkit"], ["rhs_balaclava"] + _assigneditems ]; }; // Medic case "fox_opfor_sf_medic": { [ _headgear call bis_fnc_selectrandom, _uniform, _vest call bis_fnc_selectrandom, "FOX_carryall_grn", [ ["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK", 9], ["RH_8Rnd_9x18_Mak", 5], ["HandGrenade",5], ["smokeshell", 0], ["smokeshellred", 0], ["smokeshellpurple", 0] ], ['rhs_weap_ak74m_2mag_camo', _pistol], ["rhs_acc_tgpa","RH_pmsd"], ["medikit"], [] + _assigneditems ]; }; // Do not edit below this line default {[]}; }; if (count _state == 0) exitwith {}; removeallweapons _unit; removeallitems _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removebackpack _unit; removeuniform _unit; removevest _unit; removegoggles _unit; { (_state select _foreachindex) call _x; } foreach [ { _unit addheadgear _this; }, { _unit forceadduniform _this; }, { _unit addvest _this; }, { _unit addbackpack _this; }, { { for "_i" from 0 to (_x select 1) do { _unit addmagazine (_x select 0); } } foreach _this; }, { { _unit addweapon _x; } foreach _this; if (count _this > 0) then { _unit selectweapon (_this select 0); }; }, { { _unit addprimaryweaponitem _x; } foreach _this; }, { { _unit additem _x; } foreach _this; }, { { _unit additem _x; _unit assignitem _x; } foreach _this; } ]; its simple once you understand it. it first removes everything the soldier has and then adds what you define. note that ["rhs_30Rnd_545x39_AK", 9], will actually give you 10 mags, dont know why this is. seems the proper structure of the script is lost, if you want it fixed let me know. also when changing the classnames you cannot have any capital letters otherwise it wont work. recommend the use of -showscripterrors as a startup parameter if you are going to start playing with scripts...
  16. respawn=3; editor marker called respawn_west onPlayerRespawn.sqf in mission root [] call bis_fnc_respawnspectator; or you could do it with a player killed eventhandler. not sure which respawn type would be best to accompany this method initPlayerLocal.sqf in mission root player addeventhandler ["Killed", {[] call bis_fnc_respawnspectator}];
  17. Azza FHI

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Does this mod still cause RPT errors on a dedicated server if it is only run on clients or has that been fixed?
  18. Can you please include 2 fixes in your update? I dont have the exact line numbers now but I can get them later if needed. The code to add binoculars player additem ""; player assignitem ""; Can u change that to player addweapon ""; Currently the binoculars dont get assigned and are left in your pack. Also remove the code that adds gps to player. Lookin forward to the update!
  19. Maybe just have a code to use in any vehicles init which will exclude it from being saved to database? Sorry but i cant provide any examples.
  20. Azza FHI

    ASR AI 3

    adding -filepatching to your startup parameters should fix it. although i think someone had the same problem a few pages back and that wasnt the cause. give it a go
  21. @code34 - thanks for this system, it works very well. One question, if i was to setup a save and load system for all map objects would the system save the contents of vehicles such as ammoboxes? It would be great if we could select which objects to save. E.g. only empty vehicles and no AI.
  22. Is it possible to force a unit in and out of handcuffed animation (without cable ties). Would be awesom if this was also possible with the unit on his knees. For use with hostages...
  23. Ahhhhhhh awesome! We are still on previous version, didnt know that was fixed in latest. Thanks again
  24. create a file in the mission root called initServer.sqf and put it in there
  25. Thanks for the response, but sorry i wasnt clear enough in what my goal was. Happy to have group,vehicle,direct channel enabled (and global for admin). That is how it is at the moment in our missions. The problem is that even with Side and Global channels disabled, any player is still able to select Side and Global from the ACE drop down list when they create a marker. If its not possible at the moment, then please make the marker drop down box channels have the same restrictions as the default arma channels when defined in description.ext