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Status Updates posted by vilas

  1. clean PM box, please, i need to contact you

  2. thanx, i will play them for sure, thanx

    i know all Syberia parts , thanx :)

  3. sorry i don't understand, which post ?

    you mean logistic vehicles ? they are great :) no other words :) if you need any MLODs help for it no problem, but what post you meant ?

  4. but this group is for addonmakers , it has some MLODs and such like help topics, it is designed for addonmakers, modellers, so first you should have some addons released RTKA1234

  5. YF 23 - i am not doing aircrafts, Eble, Gnat do nice models too

    i have no time for planes, KEDR, Vityaz, PP2000, Polish HONKER jeep , Polish STAR 944 truck, Polish JELCZ trucks to do, configs, groups - i have full of job for next month :)

  6. there is no addons for OFP now, they were erased from servers 2 years ago,

  7. thank You very very very much for link

  8. skÄ…d kurwa masz retexy topasa , skoro personal use !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. i read your PM, in moth i will help, now : Dana 152mm for Polish army, new pack of Russian weapons (Vikr, new AK-100, new VAL, VSS.... Groza) and INSAS too ;)

    but soldiers and other - will be :)

  10. 1,2,3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ..... too hard

    4 AN94 is made in P85, will be in new upcoming pack

    SU27 was made by someone

    MVD - Binkowski made such forces

    AK pack, RPG 7 PGO7 and PRG 29 and RPK 47 and RPK 74 are in P85 and soon will be in pack

    Vintar ? i don't know this weapon

  11. "there is a line" ???

    "why you work on BMP1" ?

    "you are heavy listen" ?

    what it means ?

    you said you work on Algerian mod

    but i don't understand what you meant and what you need

  12. maybe you have problem with English language ?

  13. maybe you have problem with English language ?

  14. ??? what stupid message you sent to me ???

    why i work on BMP1 ? what ?

    i have BMP1 since 2007/2008 in addons

  15. sory i replay so late - holidays, soon i will send, sorry again for delay :)

  16. i have new model of SCUD and textures, i will give MLOD and link to it soon, please also use it, cause new SCUD is much better (you will see it in P85)

  17. cause a.t.m. i was updating vehicles pack since 9:30 PM CET till now 11:30 PM CET

  18. will you find some time to do screens for P85 ?

    i mean - not to be public in screenshots topic, but for our User Interface ?

    you do super screens, and i would be happy if you could do about 5-8 screens of different sides /armies to use it in our P85_UI





    those are renewed addons links, soon to be released with some missions /campaigns

    but we want also screens :)

    but ONLY with those addons, not other, cause used in our U.I.

    will you find time for it please :)

  19. why you work on BMP1, as i have BMP1 :)
