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Everything posted by Undeceived

  1. Undeceived

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    Great news, CiforDayZServer, thanks for your hard work!
  2. Undeceived

    Slaughter Asset A2 Import

    This really is useful if one wants to convert A2 stuff to A3. :) Thanks!!
  3. Höchstwahrscheinlich ruft eine deiner Mods einen Bug hervor, weil da nämlich kein wanderndes ? sein sollte. Im Notfall spiel diese Mission einfach komplett ohne Nods und aktivier sie danach wieder. Der Ablauf der Mission ist der: Hoffe, es klappt bei dir, ansonsten sag Bescheid.
  4. Hi troymcc, spielst du mit Mods? Was für ein Fragezeichen meinst du?
  5. Hmmm, actually most of them, I'd say approx. 90%, are definitely skipable. Especially the long ones. Which one are you talking about? Ok, there are a few smaller ones which are not, but normally there's a automatic savegame after them, so that you don't have to watch it again.
  6. Undeceived

    [SP] Information Embargo

    Haha :D good one! I'll try it out soon.
  7. Hello everyone! A new version is finally ready! I fixed some nasty bugs and tweaked some parts. Dying Ember v. 1.4 Check the first post for download. PLEASE give feedback, if you find anything or if something doesn't work! Thanks. Other than that: Enjoy!
  8. Undeceived

    End Game MP Mode - Feedback

    Yeah, I agree with that, had many great sessions with good (random formed) teams, but due to the restart problem almost everyone disconnects to find another server with the mission running. By the way, BIS, is it possible to disable these group leader's automatic "X, get back to formation!" commands? This is pretty annoying and especially disturbing, when you want to stay undetected in close quarter combat. As leader I even commanded "All, stealth!", in order to not shout, but in general I want my character to speak only when I really want to command something.
  9. Btw., what did you mean with "mixed mission file", Sa0k?
  10. Undeceived

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Regarding the sounds I was excited to get my hands on the new Marksmen MGs yesterday. I must say that I was a bit disappointed, as I had expected a bit more punch. The sound itself is ok IMO, but it's a bit flat and had too less bass (I have a good headset). Thus I agree with AusCleaver. Can't say much about the whole concept at this moment though. :) EDIT some days later: All in all the sound is far better than before, IMO.
  11. Undeceived

    Gun Store

    Cool, you're creating a new campaign, you said? What is it about? A continuation? Or something else?
  12. Undeceived

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Haha :D ok, thanks! :) Silola, up to now I watched the first 4 videos and I still can't believe that all this is real! :D You made something phenomenal! All these possibilities are crazy!
  13. Undeceived

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Silola, do you explain the project export process (to script or sqm) in detail in one of your videos? Could you point me to it? I'm currently watching one after another, but nevertheless knowing how to export would properly would save time anyway. Thanks!
  14. Undeceived

    X-Cam 1.0 for Arma 3 released

    Silola, I'm just beginning to work with it and... Dude, you're a GENIUS - I mean... How is that all possible! HOLY CRAP!!! :D Thank you so much!
  15. Undeceived

    Getting tired of this now...

    It's one thing, when the player is behind a bush (on this part I totally agree with you) and another, when the AI itself is behind a bush. I agree that the AI only fires on the last known position of the player, BUT: The fact that (even after having moved behind a bush) the AI still knows exactly where this last known position was, is the problem. Normally they should not be able to find and shoot that spot again so easily, after 1. having moved and 2. having lost the sight on it. Other than that other AI group members (or even units on the same side) report "updates" of the player's last known position, which means that the AI, still behind the bush, knows exactly where to shoot. The expected behaviour should be more of a "spray and pray", but the thing with the last known position is what frustrates killed players. So I can totally understand the OP.
  16. Hi, I played this mission yesterday, as I wanted to see, if the new patches have broken anything, but this isn't the case, it worked witthout problems. BUT: I played completely vanilla, no mods. :) I suggest to play this mission vanilla and switch the mods on after it. It isn't that long and this scene is almost at the end. However, as already said in this thread - I made the campaign completely without mods, so I cannot guarantee that everything will work! Good luck and have fun! AZCoder, thanks a lot for your feedback! Great to hear from you. :)
  17. Undeceived

    ArmA 3 : RESIST

    I totally agree! I expected this result! Congratulations, mate.
  18. Great campaign, kibot! :) Thumbs up, really! :) The last missions somehow reminded me of The Hurt Locker (the sniper scene) - they had something endless (in a positive way) and depressing with that good music and the chance of success = 0. :) Thanks a lot for your work!
  19. Undeceived

    [Tutorial] How To Use The Loadouts Module

    Great, thanks for the confirmation! Cool stuff!
  20. Undeceived

    [Tutorial] How To Use The Loadouts Module

    Thanks a lot, ToxicSludge! This was very useful! Btw, the in Zeus also shows loadouts which were saved in the Arsenal. Very handy if you want the player to have the option to choose from custom loadouts put together by yourself.However I didn't test this in MP with other players yet (read: What I don't know is if other players are also able to pick these custom loadouts. Or is it only the player on which PC the custom loadouts were saved in the arsenal?)
  21. Undeceived

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Duala for A3

    Thanks, IceBreakr, for your good work!
  22. Thanks for everything, kju! Your work is awesome! Very sad, the whole situation (especially the backward compability).
  23. Glad that you liked it, mate! Thanks for reporting back.
  24. Undeceived

    Weird Purchase Message

    I purchased Splinter Cell Blacklist at Steam today (the editor was open) and when I returned, I saw this message too. Had a good laugh - BIS thanking me for buying another game. :D