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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. The copy script... I don't know how I have missed this feature... :confused: It will be added w/ the next update (next weekend). You're right about multiple files selection at once. It's already developed, but ATM, some users have troubles w/ (during the alpha stage), so before publishing this, I want to be sure it works perfectly. BTW, you can drag and drop into the colorized zone next to the button. Edit: I added an action to select the code.
  2. Images upload [2] I started on the observation that on the forums, the users use many different hosters for their pics and after some weeks (or months, depends w/ the hoster), the image disappears of the web and leaves a broken link on the forum. More, many users publish images of giant size and this is simply an horror, when you have many images to load on the same page (but here, every moderators know the problem). So, because of that, iUP (for Images UPload) has born. It's very easy for the user, you add the images you want, then click upload and finally, just copy/paste the given BB or HTML code (displaying the thumb and making a link to the full size). Note the system generate miniatures that respect BIF (there you are), Armaholic and CFr (and by the way, many forums). Once the image is uploaded, you can manage it (rename or delete) and monitor how many time thumbs and full size has been displayed [1] iUp is here: http://arma3.fr/pages/images URL Crunch [2] The facts are simple, from a side, I wanted to monitor how many clicks where made (w/o opening Google Analytics or any other) and aside, time to time, it's hard to write a decent message when the amount of characters is limited when it must include a link. So, I developed the URL crunch. The concept is very simple : It turns an url (eg: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?168-ARMA-3-BETA-SQUADS-AND-FANPAGES) into a short link (eg: http://arma3.fr/l-038b9c0a). Then, it also monitors how many clicks where made [1]. Cruncher is here: http://arma3.fr/pages/crunch Adding images Displaying the BBCode Managing images [1] URL crunch [1] Account required [2] Still in beta, so, every feedback are welcomed If you want to discuss this, go here!
  3. Just a little update here... Like you know (at least, you will), we are working on the next update of our DLC British Armed Force. For the moment, the only thing I can tell you is the DLC is in internal beta stage and the release is imminent, the RC is almost ready to go! http://cwr2.arma2.fr/?p=1174 Other screenshots will come soon ;) Marseille77: Can you upload your mission elsewhere? I can't download from 2shared (doesn't work for me).
  4. Is you disk P available? "start", "run", "explorer p:"
  5. I sent you a PM! Thanks for using CWR² :)
  6. Tom_48_97

    Store registration

    If I'm not wrong, you can create an account through this page: https://profile.bistudio.com/profile/signup
  7. Thanks for the update, good news!
  8. Tom_48_97

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    I'll try w/ PlayWithSix but no problem w/ a manual installation. You launch it independently or w/ other mods / addons? Cabbagebasher: OFrP is not compatible with ACE.
  9. Tom_48_97

    Operation FrenchPoint

    It will be in game or not? This is the question :bounce3:
  10. All is in the error, a file is missing. Try to find where it's included and remove the line. It should be something like #linclude "dialogs\evo_mainUI_blue.hpp". Also, maybe your source is corrupted, try to get the mission from another source.
  11. Looks nice, I'll test that this weekend! on the other side, if you need some ftp space, let me PM ;)
  12. Tom_48_97

    [W.I.P] Leopard 2 A6

    If not already done, I urge you to read this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mondkalb%27s_Addon_TutorialThe page is a bit old, but there is still some useful information to take. If you've got any questions, just ask here: http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?169-ARMA-3-ALPHA-EDITING In fine, yes, we want to see your progress!
  13. That's really a good start point. Have you defined a kind of roadmap or a list of what you want for the following of your work? I'm looking forward.
  14. Tom_48_97

    Purple Famas pack

    The model is accurate and very good! Nice work BTW, same as Fox, released on _par_purple"]arma3.fr
  15. Tom_48_97

    -E3- Units (new camos)

    @Soronelite: Glad to finally see balaclava after some hours of Headache
  16. Like others, it sounds promising!
  17. Tom_48_97

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Perhaps you should ask it to the LEAs developers?
  18. Tom_48_97

    Dedicated server - status

    Great news, thanks!
  19. Tom_48_97

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Info: If you have downloaded the mod before the 6th of may, you need to download the following file in order to fix an issue with sounds on the Famas G2. http://arma3.fr/files/hosted/OFrP_Mod_3.2.7z Ps: this file can't be linked outside of the BIF, it won't work.
  20. The upcoming MAFcExt version development is based on OFrP 3.2 since a while, so, no :)
  21. Tom_48_97

    Operation FrenchPoint 3.2

    Congrats mates!
  22. The fact is simple, there is so much work to do :)About ARMA3, we don't know ATM, Top priority is to release it on ARMA 2 before anything else ;)
  23. Tom_48_97

    Barret M107/M82 "Blackened"

    Model looks good, keep us posted about updates! (released on CFr website)