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Everything posted by gossamersolid

  1. gossamersolid

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    How the hell is this still an issue... these things were pointed out seriously in the first alphas when we all got used to the new clothing system. Come on BIS...
  2. gossamersolid

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Can I not do addUniform from the server-side yet? EDIT: It seems addItem doesn't work from the server-side either... Please tell me I'm missing the global commands somewhere and that this is not STILL an issue that was brought up multiple times in alpha.
  3. gossamersolid

    Server globalchat??

    Any of the chat commands do not work globally and never have, ever. If you want chat messages to execute on all clients, you have to execute it on all clients.
  4. Don't put the Call RPP_fnc_restartwarning; line in your init.sqf then. Execute that code in your button click.
  5. I don't think Queen's Gambit MLODs have been released. I don't see them listed here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_1_Sample_Models Any possibility that this might change?
  6. gossamersolid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I shall try tonight, thanks.
  7. gossamersolid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Can anybody confirm that the AAF Officer's hiddenSelections are broken? I tried changing the texture for selection "Camo" (as defined in the BIS config) to another texture and it didn't do anything, still the same regular texture. Attempting to change it via setObjectTexture doesn't yield any results either.
  8. gossamersolid

    AMD Mantle Support possible?

    Yes, I've seen that video. Once again, until we see a trusted source provide straight benchmarks on how good mantle is, it's all marketing bullshit. It's like when an Nvidia driver comes out and they say "UP TO 38% FRAME INCREASE", but in reality, it's more like a 5% frame increase.
  9. gossamersolid

    AMD Mantle Support possible?

    Until we actually see real people doing real benchmark comparisons, Mantle's claimed performance gains mean nothing. I watched a video yesterday the AMD rep claimed "Up to 45% performance increase!", yet he failed to list specs and what the previous framerate was running off of DX. It's all a bunch of marketing bullshit until there is proof of how good it is.
  10. gossamersolid

    VILAS addons release thread

    I know there's a mod out there that has the BMP-1 missile working, maybe it was CWR2?
  11. gossamersolid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It's not self entitled whining, it's more curosity/excitement to see what they are going to bring. I hope those two new jets come.
  12. gossamersolid

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Does it matter? You won't be launching IF itself anyways, you merely need the data to run this mod.
  13. gossamersolid

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Even with the issues in the A3 version, I had a blast playing around in the editor. The A3 infantry movement with WW2 scenery and weapons was really fun.
  14. gossamersolid

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Finally, my purchase of IF is worth it...
  15. gossamersolid

    M249/MK 46/ Mk 48 Model

    Re-paint the texture then.
  16. Right now we have problems that we didn't seem to have problems on our old server (same specs, but we had different configs back then. Long story short, we no longer have possession of that server so we lost the configs). We're looking to get a config that works better for our server (less strain on the CPU mainly). We're definetly getting more server FPS issues than before. Server Specs: Xeon 4 Cores @ 2.27Ghz 4GB DDR3 100mbit Connection Here's my current server config: MinBandwidth=15000000; MaxBandwidth=100000000; MaxMsgSend=1024; MaxSizeGuaranteed=1024; MaxSizeNonguaranteed=64; MinErrorToSend=0.0024999999; MaxCustomFileSize=0; Can anybody chime in with some improvements we could make to our server config? NOTE: These are the values from the Kelly's Heroes A2 server tutorial.
  17. gossamersolid

    VILAS addons release thread

    Third party is only allowed if the author says it is. All Vilas had to do is say "nobody can use my work for a3 contest". He can say people can't use his work all he wants, but he can't stop people. You gave permissions, you can't just revoke them all willy nilly. Plus the fact that Vilas fails to mention is that some of his work borrows from other authors as well. His AKs for example are built using BIS textures.
  18. gossamersolid

    VILAS addons release thread

    Vilas, you just said you are worried people are going to stop helping each other and now you're "pulling" your work? You are contributing to the situation you just mentioned!
  19. gossamersolid

    VILAS addons release thread

    Like others said, nobody can submit work to the competition if it has content that isnt their's. Also you have given me a lot of stuff, which I am very thankfull for, but I have spent countless hours on modifying those models. You can't just tell me I have to throw out hours of my own work because of a competition that has nothing to do with me or your original work. I'm not submitting anything to that arma 3 contest.
  20. gossamersolid

    VILAS addons release thread

    People can't use your work in any ArmA 3 submission anyways, so you are "pulling" them for no reason.
  21. gossamersolid

    Development Blog & Reveals

    No, but there's A2, OA, BAF, PMC and ACR MLODs. I think the only stuff that isn't there is terrain data. Hmmm big announcement? FIRST DLC/EXPANSION FOR A3 lolololol.
  22. Info GunGame is a remake of the GunGame mode that can be found on games such as Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Call of Duty and more. For those of you who are not familiar with the gamemode, let me explain! All players start with a powerful weapon, when they kill somebody on the opposing team, they "level up" and get the next weapon. As you level up, the weapons become worse making it harder to achieve victory. The first player to get a kill on the last level is declared the winner. Beware, teamkilling will set you back a level! It's fairly fast paced compared to other ArmA 2 gamemodes, but from what I've seen so far, it's pretty damn fun! Right now it currently requires Combined Operations (ArmA 2 + Operation Arrowhead) to play, but I can easily make ArmA 2 and OA editions if people request them (or you can make them yourself, it's fairly simple). Features - Fast paced PvP action - Light on server resources (no AI) - Intuitive HUD to provide useful information (includes minimap) - Easy to customize to your likings (Change weapon lists, play area, etc) - 6 Different weaponsets to choose from - 13 Maps to play on Map List (Map name/Island Name) Combined Operations - Asawa (Desert) - Chernogorsk (Chernarus) - Feruz Abad (Takistan) - North Rasman (Takistan) - Rog (Chernarus) - Shapur (Shapur) - Strelka (Utes) - The Villa (Zargabad) - Wasteland (Proving Grounds) Invasion 1944 - St. Laurent (Omaha) Project RACS - Highlands (CAA1 South Sahrani) - Paraiso (CAA1 South Sahrani) - Porto (CAA1 Porto) Cold War Rearmed 2 - Chotain (CWR2 Everon) - Divin Forest (CWR2 Everon) - Helfenburk Ruins (CWR2 Everon) - Khasim Base (CWR2 Everon) - Lamentin (CWR2 Everon) - Montignac (CWR2 Everon) Requirements - Dedicated Server (I do not support issues that are found on non-dedicated servers) - Combined Operations (Uses ArmA 2 + Operation Arrowhead Content) - Patch 1.59+ (Relies on BAF & PMC content) Optional Requirements - PRACS (For PRACS Weaponset and PRACS Maps) - CAA1 (For the PRACS Maps) - RH Pistols pack (For RH Pistols weaponset) - Vilas Eastern Weapons pack - Xeno426 Config version (For that weaponset) Team Project Lead - GossamerSolid Designers - GossamerSolid (Scripting, Map Design, Weapon Sets) - BigMorgan (Map Design, Weapon Sets) Translations (if you fluently speak/write in another language, please PM me) - GossamerSolid [English] Big Thanks to - All of the Testers - BIS for ArmA II - TheGameWardens.net community - TeamSPAFF Downloads [Version 1.03] Official Mirror - Here [Version 1.03] Armaholic mirror- Here Official Server Official Bug Tracker/Feature Request http://dev-heaven.net/projects/goss-gungame/roadmap
  23. Do you have any mods active or have you modified any files?
  24. gossamersolid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I hate crosshairs, so I don't play with crosshairs.
  25. gossamersolid

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yup a quick fix would be to change the dexterity values greatly so that big guns are more cumbersome.