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Everything posted by JCataclisma

  1. A few months ago, inside his "Invade&Annex" framework, Quiksilver has managed to kind of deal with that, @h4wek . We were having a similar issue with that flatbed truck: it could only carry a single small container at once, instead of two, even if the sizes and weights were ok for more. I don't know how did he tweak that, but your issue might be related to that little game bug as well. And I won't dare to offer additional suggestions, because every single incursion of mine in such subjects were ALWAYS outside the regular/original set up from the game, so as you can see in this topic specifically, I could only make them work with the help of the savy guys around here. 😎
  2. JCataclisma

    Simple Single Player Cheat Menu

    Hello, guys! Don't know whether anybody is still rocking with this script. I have recently used it for the first time, and all works fine. But now I am trying to run it with Contact and/or Sahara DLCs, and the "Load" button doesn't show on the map. Any suggestions on a workaround? Cheers!
  3. JCataclisma

    Removing smoke from campfire

    There are some awesome tips regarding smoke within Larrow's answers in the topic bellow. They helped me a LOT in other similar situations. They will probably NOT help you solving what you want, but I thought that maybe you could experiment by changing the "alpha" color of the smoke to null/zero, so the game would emit a kind of invisible smoke... ? 🤔
  4. For starting tests, you could try something like this to init box for your player in editor ( I haven't tested it yet). Add the class of the specific pistol that should be shot to work, and "cursorObject" should guarantee it only works upon the unit in target. But this could potentially "heal" dammaged vehicles as well, so you might want to remove the "setDamage" line. this addEventHandler ["Fired", { params ["_unit", "_weapon"]; _unit = _this select 0; _weapon = "" // add here the class of the pistol that must be used; cursorObject setUnconscious false; cursorObject setDamage 0; }];
  5. JCataclisma

    Simulation for balls

    I would guess it might be related to simulation as well. At least for some pulling/tow vehicles systems we have in Invade&Annex, it's known that the pulled vehicle will stop almost instantly once the lead truck no longer receives input from player.
  6. JCataclisma

    Notes on blackboard/billboard

    The closer I have seen, long ago, was a system which would spawn a billboard at specific places - every time players would reach there - and, providing the variable/conditions status, would show a different image on it. So the mission makers had several pre-defined images to use, and whether this or that objective was successful or failed so far, a proper image would appear showing that.
  7. JCataclisma

    Quick Travel

    You shouldn't and you actually don't HAVE to 😉 Just go for the editor, create a new VR. Add a trigger which activates on player presence, making it execute those "teleport" codes for the units you add also in the editor. You can test all those suggestions almost instantly. And don't make them your enemies: add friendly units in another group, so you can watch closely, with no intervene except by activating the trigger.
  8. Try and use moveInCargo for the wounded units. Until you get the hang of it, name a wounded soldier "wounded1", and a helicopter "rescue1". Then create a trigger which activates when helicopter lands near the unit and, in the trigger execcode, use: wounded1 moveInCargo rescue1; I think that could give you a first look, so you can plan whether such path is want you want to follow. Also, check the NOTE from Killzone_Kid, especially for helicopters: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/moveInCargo#Notes
  9. JCataclisma

    CfgORBAT missing `}` bug

    A better answer was given in the next message. Oh, yeah, much better! I have thrown your code into notepad++, and it shows a missing "}" for the very first "{": class CfgORBAT { So just try and add it followed by semicolon at the very end, to see whether it works. So your last lines should be like: Assets[] = {{I_Plane_Fighter_04_F,5},{I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F,5}}; }; }; }; }; };
  10. JCataclisma

    CfgORBAT missing `}` bug

    Hello. Please, EDIT your message and add all your code inside the specific box that appears when you click the "code" option in the message's upper tool bar - preferably post it using the "C++" option. Otherwise, it's not only awful to read it here, but it will show several "false" error codes whether we try to paste it in another software to check.
  11. You might have better luck at this other segment of the forums: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/200-arma-3-find-or-offer-editing/
  12. Hah, nice move! What the eyes don't see, but the health feels. 😱
  13. This is just copied and edited from one of my scripts, which performs an animation and knocks out the enemy in front. Give your unit the name of "unit1". Try to create a script TRIGGER that executes this code once your unit's enemy comes within it: removeAllWeapons unit1; //optional, of course, just for the purpouse of NOT having a gun durint the animation; unit1 playMoveNow "AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_end"; sleep 1.5; // you might need to remove this if returns "sleep/wait not accepted in this context"; unit1 setDamage 1; //this will k1ll the unit; /*/ OR! /*/ unit1 setUnconscious true; //this would just put him uncounscious instead; If that begins to get closer to what you want, you could spend some time in the "Animation Viewer" menu, inside EdenEditor, and search for an animation that suits what you want. But keep in mind that you will probably need to experiment with different animation commands instead of "playMoveNow", because not all of them work for any animation. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMoveNow
  14. I just can't do the proper search here to create an example now, but I believe your objective is pretty plausible and relatively easy to do! 😎 (that said, I am not actually good at SQF scripts, but love to copy and mix stuff from the guys in the Arma kitchen here) My step-by-step would be: 1-) create a script/trigger that identifies when the undesirable enemies of your soldier come closer to him; 2-) get the amount of damage of your soldier, so the script could act upon him only when, let's say, his damage is above 70%; 3-) when that happens, use a getPos upon the soldier to serve as the exact point of a createVehicle; 4-) immediately use a forced animation upon soldier, something like throwing a grenade; 5-) immediately create a grenade and explode it at the soldiers getPos . -------- EDIT: all the grenade part was just as a dramatization 😁 . You could perfectly use a "silent" stuff like "_unit setDamage 1;" after one of your original suggested animations to have the self-inflicted-thing 🙈
  15. I have never tried to do for a "soldier" unit, but if it works the same as vehicles - using those "rvmat" layers -, it's most likely you can't. If it's NOT like vehicles, Joshua's suggestion is pretty cool!
  16. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    Also, go for the workshop and perform a search for "stretcher". You migh fing interesting things, like this one below. But mind you there are several of them currently discontinued. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1381327410&searchtext=stretcher
  17. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    Well, here it is! I had completely forgotten the mobile stretcher I had once used was part of Eurocopter medical mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1792964841&searchtext=stretcher
  18. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    One thing that might work is to add an EventHandler to one of the players, so when they press "forward", other soldiers will perform the walking animation, using link below. The problem is, as far as I remember, if you attach a player to anything, they will lose their ability to perform stuff. Let's say you create an addAction to the player "getIn" the stretcher - which would attach they to it -, the player will no longer be able to get out for their own will, and even if a key is pressed it will do nothing. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Activate
  19. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    Yeah, I got it. That's why I still believe it might be "easier" to have somebody creating a stretcher which works as a vehicle, from scratch as a mod, than to constantly get your brain against the wall several times, until you end up in a situation where one successful fix will break the other thing you had already accomplished in your previous attempts. No wonder you will probably not easily find such features you want: not only due to global vs. local issues, but it's very, very hard to make two (or more) players interact simultaneously with the same object in Arma 3. I will try and search whether I still have somewhere the script I used for a similar thing before, so at least you can have some fun (and maybe some disappointment 😁 ) for starters.
  20. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    Regarding that video you posted, I don't think you can do that with two human players. Unless you create an AddON/Mod, in which the stretcher is a vehicle and the front carrier would be the vehicle's driver and the rear one, the passenger. Still, you would need to create some serious codes to add the walking animation every time driver presses acceleration, which I think might be the trick on that video. My guess is that who made that one attached a stretcher and some kind of dummy on a soldier BOT, and the code activate those walking animations in predefined situations. Take a look at the stuff from this guy, it might interest you: https://steamcommunity.com/id/battlekeeper/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410&p=2
  21. JCataclisma

    Carrier stretcher

    The developer of Invade & Annex framework, Quiksilver himself has once said that to add players/people on stretchers and carry them around is very difficult and a handful of work. No wonder he has discontinued a feature which used to allow the Stomper (land drone) to have some stretchers for medevac. A few months ago I found a mod in workshop that allowed players to lay down on a mobile/wheeled stretcher, and someone else could move that. But I don't remember the mode's name. Personally I have tried several times to create something like that, because I wanted to add "fixed" stretchers inside helicopters, but it was indeed very difficult to add AND to keep players laid on them while the vehicle was moving - and also had several glitches due to addActions and animations. Maybe you best bet could be to contact the developer of that video which inspired you, or try to find and understand the code in some addOn like ACE - I know there are such scripts, but have never used any of these milSims stuff to know which adds what.
  22. JCataclisma

    Making enemies "flock" to gunfire

    As far as I have seen around, this script seems to me the one which offers the closest to what you'd like:
  23. JCataclisma

    Respawn AI with same name

    Hey! Take a look at the answer from _foley in the link below. I am almost sure the solution would be to set/reset a variable/name for the AI every time it despawns, or something alike. And Larrow's answer, in the same topic, has another important tip regarding Global variables.