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Everything posted by RS30002

  1. Combined code..basically what you wrote in the hold action interface... ..am very satisfied with the result ๐Ÿ˜Š it's a very homogenous thing, you ask for clearance through the hold action menu, npcs move, you get positioned and launched through the hold action menu , npcs move...feels pro ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you again! [ f35, "Signal Taxiing", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdAction_thumbsup_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdAction_thumbsup_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 20 AND (driver (f35)) isEqualTo player AND isengineOn f35", "_caller distance _target < 20 AND (driver (f35)) isEqualTo player AND isengineOn f35", {}, {}, {marshal switchMove "Acts_JetsShooterIdle"; sleep 2; systemChat "sleep done"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_in"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_stop"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_stop"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_stop"; sleep 9; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_out"; sleep 2; marshal switchMove "Acts_JetsShooterNavigate_out"; sleep 2; systemChat "sleep"; marshal switchMove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_out";}, {}, [], 3, 999, true, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd;
  2. Here is a part of code i got from a carrier crew composition off of steam...i think this is the bit that makes the person in front of the nose of the aircraft move to his right, out of the way. [crewS,"Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop"] remoteExec ['playmovenow',0]; sleep 4.3; if (CarrCataReset) exitWith { [] spawn _Prc_CataReset; }; [crewS,"Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_out"] remoteExec ['playmove',0]; I tried to implement a similar thing into a bit of code i got off this forum in one of my earlier threads, the basic need is the same, the person in front of the nose (pic below) needs to move out of the way and i wanted it to be signalled by the player. but, I don't know how to incorporate the 4.3 seconds lasting loop of an animation that (i think) actually does the moving bit into this code. into the {} brackets where there's a hint [ f35, "Signal Taxying", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdAction_thumbsup_ca.paa", "\a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\holdactions\holdAction_thumbsup_ca.paa", "_this distance _target < 20 AND (driver (f35)) isEqualTo player AND isengineOn f35", "_caller distance _target < 20 AND (driver (f35)) isEqualTo player AND isengineOn f35", {}, {}, {hint "Working", marshal switchmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop", marshal switchmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_out"}, {}, [], 3, 999, true, false ] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; To make matters even more complicated for my noob skills, the npc in question is under a repeatable trigger that controls his signalling when im in the aircraft...code that i also got off of steam is call{marshal switchMove "Acts_JetsMarshallingStraight_loop"; [] spawn { sleep 1; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsMarshallingStraight_in"; marshal playMove "Acts_JetsMarshallingStraight_loop"; sleep 1; };} So, i'd presumably have to stop this code and make him take input from the code at the top that actually should move him out of the way to his right down the deck. Somehow. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ Any thoughts on how i might go about doing that? Thanks in advance
  3. Hmmm...well interesting thing, at first i got the same result with your code as i did with what i was working with before, few steps out of the way, hands on back, slide to initial position... I figured then something is wrong on my end and the only thing i could think of was the ship...so i turned both the plane and the handler 90 degrees (nose towards the bow) and it worked on the first attempt. Will try with the old hand action code now, i have hopes it will work. Dont really understand why it doesnt work at a perpendicular angle or idk maybe the ship's surface for that specific walk i had in mind isn't good enough idk. Kinda messes up the shortest path to the catapult tho, but i can at least work with this now. Will try more 90 degree positions for the plane to see if the error only appears where i had it initially. Many thanks for your time and help ๐Ÿป #edit: OK, problem solved, the plane is now in the place of the green crane/container thingy on the pic in the previous post and the handler moves down towards the stern np. So yaaaay!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. When i remove the trigger, that makes him wave all the time and code is like this {hint "Working"; marshal switchmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop"; marshal playmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_out"}, He moves 3 steps in the right direction, then the animation glitches out, he puts his hands on back and slides back to original position. I need "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop" to last longer ...i think the 4.3 seconds of sleep in the original code were for that purpose....if i put sleep in between both animations, the first one lasts longer, but he still doesn't make it the right distance out of the way and still glitches out in the end, returning to original position with hand behind his back... ...idk...without the trigger governing prior animations it technically shouldn't be any more complicated than the send off scripts i have working on the catapult which i got from here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2512049036 {hint "Working"; marshal switchmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_loop"; sleep 4.3; marshal switchmove "Acts_JetsShooterIdleMoveaway_out"} This version has the animations working as smoothly as the steam example, but the problem is he physically doesn't move out of the way like the one from the steam template does. He just prances on the spot. idk
  5. Hi, thanks for the quick reply. i had it with playmove initially, what i posted was the last attempt out of many combinations of playmove, switchmove, playmovenow. Tried again to see if the ; make any difference and sadly they don't, he still doesn't move. Is it important that he is doing an anim from a repeating trigger and the code i want him to do is pasted in airplane init and starts on mission start? Like, does the repeat triggering overwrite it?
  6. Feels like mixed results, the doubling/tripling of entries stopped tho... There's definitely more of proper results, but some incomplete entries are still around Overall an improvement over what i was using before ๐Ÿ™‚ Feels like the longer it goes on, the better it works lol
  7. Well, the script works (i will test your version too of course) i just don't know how to make it work for every new spawned squad. AI spawn module has an expression field...idk the syntax to make it work only for newly spawned and not applying the event handlers to everyone present on map which results in double, triple and quadruple notifications.
  8. I like your enthusiasm. Now pls help me with how to write a code snippet for a killticker script that needs to work with AI spawner module. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Last post ๐Ÿ˜”
  9. Hi all, sorry to.necro a thread but.... How would I write this so it handles newly spawned units from the spawnAI module I did the x spawn kill ticker for each all units in the expression field of the module but I think its attaching the event handler to units that are supposed to already have it....ie I get 2,3,4 hints of kills done by the same unit on the same unit. Thanks for any insights and sry again for the necro
  10. Heavy IFV's dont really fit the ethos of a small & light island force? ๐Ÿค” Maybe the increased defense budget (๐Ÿคญ) can squeeze in some specialized wheeled vehicles like mortar carrier, ATGM variant, wheeled IFV, command vehicle with artillery computer etc etc instead? Camo looks nice.
  11. Hi all....wanted to do a quik 'n derrty scruffle between legacy Vietnamese marines and PLAN marines.....managed to define the Viet ones okay, but have a hiccup with the PLAN ones. If i do this setvariable ["faction", "PLAN_faction"] in the module init it complains that the combo isn't valid.... class Independent { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Guer0; side = Independent; class IND_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = Independent; faction = IND_F; class Unit0 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_SL; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_AT89B; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_GL; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_mk; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_HMG; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_medic; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_AT89B; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit7 {side = Independent; vehicle = PLAN_Soldier_MG; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; }; }; }; This is the part of the cfgGroups that isn't working...same complaint as above when play starts Thanks in advance for any insights ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. Feeling silly now....i did spot the lack of "" while trying to figure it out on my own and the first topic responder mentioned it too, but i discounted it on the fact it worked without the "" so far. Oh well, i'll know for next time
  13. Aight, many thanks got it to work now. This is the code that works now, not sure i understand the two different naming conventions, ie Viet units dont need "" around their names but CCP units do.... Works nicely tho ๐Ÿ™‚ class CfgGroups { class East { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East0; side = TEast; class OPF_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_01; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_02; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_10; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_08; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_11; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit7 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_05; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; class BUS_InfSquad16 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_01; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_10; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_11; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit4 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_06; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_08; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit7 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_04; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit8 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_02; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit9 {side = T๏ปฟEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_05; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit10 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit11 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit12 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_08; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit13 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_12; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit14 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit15 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_13; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; class BUS_InfTeam_AT { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry_BUS_InfTeam_AT0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_01; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; class Motorized { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Motorized0; class BUS_MotInf_AT { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Motorized_BUS_MotInf_AT0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_03_nvam; rank = "SERGEANT";}; }; class BUS_MotInf_GMG { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Motorized_BUS_MotInf_Team0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_01_nvam; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_13; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_04; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; class BUS_MotInf_HMG { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Motorized_BUS_MotInf_Team0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_wheeled_btr40_mg_02_nvam; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_02; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; class Mechanized { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Mechanized0; class BUS_MechInfSquad { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Mechanized_BUS_MechInfSquad0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_wheeled_z157_01_nvam; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_01; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_13; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_05; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit4 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_09; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit6 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit7 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_10; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit8 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; }; }; class Indep { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent0; side = 2; class IND_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_Independent_IND_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = 2; faction = IND_F; class Unit0 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_SL"; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_AT89B"; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_GL"; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_mk"; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_HMG"; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_medic"; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_AT89B"; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit7 {side = 2; vehicle = "PLAN_Soldier_MG"; rank = "PRIVATE";}; }; }; }; }; };
  14. Nah, it's not that This works for example class CfgGroups { class East { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East0; side = TEast; class OPF_F { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F0; class Infantry { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry0; class BUS_InfSquad8 { name = $STR_A3_CfgGroups_East_OPF_F_Infantry_BUS_InfSquad0; side = TEast; faction = OPF_F; class Unit0 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_01; rank = "SERGEANT";}; class Unit1 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_14; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit2 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_02; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit3 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_07; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit4 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_10; rank = "PRIVATE";}; class Unit5 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_08; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit6 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_11; rank = "CORPORAL";}; class Unit7 {side = TEast; vehicle = vn_o_men_nva_marine_05; rank = "PRIVATE";}; };
  15. Hi all, looking for a virtual tailhook system. Anyone know of any? I did search, found MAAS, but not sure if it deploys the virtual hook if the rest of the system isn't operational. There was no notification to that end tho. And using it is no go, since a player on deck has to deploy it (or thats how i understood it) thanks for any info in advance ๐Ÿ™‚
  16. lol...upon further inspection of my stash of F-35's i realized that i have one with a tailhook. ๐Ÿคข I haven't been really using it (despite it being pretty AF) because of the limited weapons availability, but i just found out there is a Firewill compatibility patch, so there is some fun to be had with it. Yaaay, crisis averted!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Onward and upwards towards the many guaranteed crashes while i learn!!! ๐Ÿ’ช
  17. RS30002

    open/close Bar-Gate editor

    Hide it with a module, put the bargate from the editor in it's place for which you can find code easily ๐Ÿ™‚ Probably not the answer you were looking for and cuz imma a nub, probably not the best advice, but it should work until someone comes in with a better solution ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. lol i can't really ask ppl to make mods for me, idk, seems like a lot to ask, they'd be investing time into a niche thing. Was really looking just for a simple solution and if there isn't any, ill just have to figure out a way around it ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Try out Pook's SAM pack, has a standalone function of a warning. You just paste some code which is in the documentation into your plane. It *might* need his EF 2000 pack for one part of the functions to work (i remember getting eerrors saying something like that when i tried) However...the Mi-24 does have a working warning that i just tested with an ITC RIM launcher.
  20. Hi all, looking for a quik 'n derrty solution for landing helicopters on the deck of the LHD. Can't use waypoints because it's the search and rescue helicopter connected to the transport module. I found some snippet on steam forums (code below), but this doesn't work, or idk, they just start up engines and hover at start of the mission which is useless, even if they do land afterwards. (yes i did name everything correctly) I don't think the helipad works, because when i place it, it doesn't appear to be on the deck. It's somehow invisible (didn't pick the invisible one). Thanks in advance for any input ๐Ÿ™‚ 0 = [] spawn { _helo = helo_0; _pad = pad_0; _helo move (getPosATL _pad); waitUntil {_helo distance2D _pad < 200}; doStop _helo; _helo land "LAND"; waitUntil{isTouchingGround _helo}; sleep 0.1; _helo engineOn true; };
  21. Okay, so by testing i was able to confirm it definitely can land on the deck. Still having the same problem tho.....it takes off and moves to the pad. I use the above quoted code in a game logic. After further examination of the code i realized this _helo move (getPosATL _pad); is making it move ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Is there a way to put in a condition like player on board (i know how to do that) and "support has been called" (i dont know how to do that) so it doesn't take off immediately and executes the code only when returning to the ship? -edit: aight, working code ๐Ÿ˜Š this now works by calling it to pick me up through the 0-8 menu, when i sit in it, it automatically goes off to the ship and lands. (no clicking on the map for destination in the 0-8 menu anymore) It's also probably repeatable, idk have to be shot down twice to test 0 = [] spawn { _helo = helo_0; _pad = pad_0; waitUntil {f35d in _helo}; _helo move (getPosATL _pad); waitUntil {_helo distance2D _pad < 100}; doStop _helo; _helo land "LAND"; waitUntil{isTouchingGround _helo}; sleep 0.1; _helo engineOn false; };
  22. You tested in such a way the helicopter took off from the positioned pad on the ship, went to pick you up and then landed back on the same pad? How did you avoid them flying into the air immediately after mission start? If you put helicopters on land and then they went to land on the ship it isn't applicable for what i want. They need to have the same start and end point and i think this {_helo distance2D _pad < 20๏ปฟ0} + _helo engineOn true; makes them go hover right at start. While writing this i got an idea tho.... maybe i could get away by placing two helipads 50 meters apart, editing the <200 condition into 50 and do it like that. We'll see if it registers that it has to land only 50 meters from the pad on the return journey tho.
  23. RS30002

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Hi.... i'd really love to use your SAM sites stuff, but it's all too big for me. And too random in regards to placement. I'd like just the search and track radar, a launcher and maybe an AAA gun all in one site. And ideally, me placing them where i want without the piles of earth they have as defense and then somehow linking them so they act as a whole with proper range like the bigger sites offer. After reading the documentation i sort of thought i could do that with the sensor control box, placed near a radar radome that's already existing on the map, connecting it to preplaced assets but it didn't work or i couldn't make it work. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ๐Ÿป
  24. Hey all, looking for some tips, or mainly how i would go about it -if pilot is alive and touches water (is in water, stationary) -a life raft (pook's for example) is created on his position -fade to black for a bit, optionally with some sound indicating inflating of the raft -move crashed pilot onto the raft So far i have this, untested, because i went to write this post immediately after realizing i don't know how to detect if player hit the water and is stationary.....the code required for that should be above what i have up until now, but idk how... _raft = "pook_floatraft_8" createVehicle position f35d; playSound "RaftInflate" titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 3]; f35d moveInAny _raft; exit ....for the record, i've been looking at the commands and i think it would go something like this if (speed f35d < 5) then {"pook_floatraft_8" createVehicle position f35d}; but i don't know how to fuse it all together with _raft variable which i think i need to move the pilot into the raft (the idea is to wait in the raft for the boat pickup from the LHD to come get you......have plans to create a script that deletes the raft when you get in the rescue boat, but i guess i'll cross that bridge when i get to it ๐Ÿ™‚ ) Many thanks for any replies