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About Northup

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Solved. Didn't know about factions either. Stored the faction as a variable in the player once they are "in game". in initplayerlocal.ini: params[ "_player" ]; //Draw player side icons [] spawn NUP_fnc_playerMarkers; waitUntil {getClientStateNumber > 7}; player setVariable ["playerFaction", faction player]; in fn_playerMarkers: if (isServer) then { waitUntil { !isNull findDisplay 12 }; ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { private ["_color", "_playerFaction"]; diag_log format ["step 1 faction player: %1",_playerFaction]; _playerFaction = player getVariable "playerFaction"; switch (_playerFaction) do { case "BLU_F": { _color = [0, 0.3, 0.6, 1]; // Blue color for BLUFOR }; case "OPF_F": { _color = [0.5, 0, 0, 1]; // Red color for OPFOR }; case "IND_F": { _color = [0, 0.5, 0, 1]; // Green color for Independent }; default { _color = [0.4, 0, 0.5, 1]; // Purple color for Civilian }; }; Edit: Big thanks to you Larrow for again pointing me in the right direction.
  2. It doesn't exist, not there. That's how I display the other GPS icons. I was trying gps and map by process of elimination. And yes, I meant side, not team. I wasn't aware that ICON would do that. As for groups, I was reading about them but hadn't gotten that far with it yet. Brilliant. o7 Edit: Only potential issue with markers vs icons is inability to change fonts.
  3. I have a custom player marker system. For the most part, it functions fine. However I had to implement some workarounds. 4 sides PVP only (Blufor, Opfor, Independent and Civilian.) Simply put, it creates markers on the map and gps minimap for each teammate, in addition to one for the player. However, since I am making use of civilians as a playable faction, they occasionally showed up with Blufor's team markers until I set side relations and -10000 rating for each civilian. Once that was solved I ran into a new issue: (I didn't know this) Players apparently become civilians from the moment they die until they respawn - meaning civilian positions would be relayed to a non civilian player. As such, I figured I might be able to make the regular markers only appear when the player is alive. That worked. So I also figured I could make some OTHER markers display based on _oldUnit in onPlayerRespawn. But I get nothing. My intent is to have RespawnOnStart = 0, so that _oldunit would have a chance to be set, because while I am sure there's a way to get the team the player selected in the lobby and display markers based on that but I wouldn't quite know where to begin. onPlayerRespawn.sqf params ["_oldUnit", "_killer", "_respawn", "_respawnDelay"]; _miniMapEH = ((uiNamespace getVariable "RscCustomInfoMiniMap") displayCtrl 101) ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { private ["_color"]; switch (side _oldUnit) do { case west: { _color = [0, 0.3, 0.6, 1]; // Blue color for BLUFOR }; case east: { _color = [0.5, 0, 0, 1]; // Red color for OPFOR }; case independent: { _color = [0, 0.5, 0, 1]; // Green color for Independent }; default { _color = [0.4, 0, 0.5, 1]; // Purple color for Civilian }; }; // Loop through all playable units to draw icons for each player on the same side { if (side _x == side _oldUnit) then { // Draw colored dot icons for team players on the map _this select 0 drawIcon [ "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\military\dot_CA.paa", // Icon path _color, // Color based on player's side getPosASLVisual _x, 32, // Icon width 32, // Icon height getDirVisual _x, "", // Empty text 1, // Scale 0.04, // Text size "PuristaMedium", // Text font "right" // Text align ]; _this select 0 drawIcon [ "\A3\ui_f\data\map\vehicleicons\iconManVirtual_ca.paa", // Icon path [1, 1, 1, 0.65], // White color with 65% opacity getPosASLVisual _x, 25, // Icon width 25, // Icon height getDirVisual _x, name _x, // Name 1, // Scale 0.04, // Text size "PuristaMedium", // Text font "right" // Text align ]; }; } forEach allUnits; }]; diag_log format ["_oldUnit Side: %1", side _oldUnit];
  4. Q1. Not sure, but probably not. Q2. Arma has to sync an exceptionally large amount of data between the server and client. It's not so much the bandwidth these days as it is that the systems Arma was programmed to work on didn't have things like 3d vcache, and multicore processing wasn't anywhere near what it is today. Arma mostly runs on a single core, where clock speed, ram, network and vcache are king. Q3. That's impossible to answer unless you can somehow predict what players (or AI for that matter) are going to be doing at every exact moment during a match. That said, C4G recently held an event for KOTH servers that saw them increase the playercount to 150 on some servers. People complained, and there was an increase in desync, but not enough that I was personally bothered by it. That's the thing though. I have a 7800x3d, and I use a custom memalloc. Generally in the AO on a full infantry server, I can get 60 mostly solid fps if my viewdistance is lowered to around 1500-1000. VD down to 200 gets me 100+. There's also a public King of the Hill server maintained by Dwarden, iirc. That has something like 150 player slots. It's rarely full but when it is, it can be an interesting experience. Check it out if you can. All that is to say that your client's fps will largely be a result of their own hardware. Making a blazingly fast, state of the art server with space lasers still wouldn't overcome the limits of outdated client hardware.
  5. Northup

    ChatGPT is Awesome

    It certainly helps bridge the curiosity gap that would otherwise compel some to give up, but it has way too many issues to be reliable. It invents commands that don't exist, and will then gaslight you about their existence. It has trouble understanding more of the convoluted ways Arma works under the hood. Like anything, it does a lot better if you do things in very small segments with lots of logging. It will insist your defined variable lack of capitalization is the issue, especially when it isn't.
  6. Hmm. Might make use of setterrainheight and triggers. Name the triggers something like terrainTrigger_%1. Make sure trigger c - trigger area Z size is 0.002, set itz height pos to 0. Make sure it is level with ground in vr when you save it as a comp. Then, reference those triggers in your script: private _triggerNames = [terrainTrigger_01, terrainTrigger_02, terrainTrigger_03, terrainTrigger_04]; { private _triggerPos = getPosWorld _x; private _triggerSize = triggerArea _x; private _height = _triggerPos select 2; private _position = getPosWorld _x; private _triggerLength = (_triggerSize) # 0; private _triggerWidth = (_triggerSize) # 1; private _triggerAngle = (_triggerSize) # 2; private _pos = [(_position#0 + cos(_triggerAngle) * _triggerLength + sin(_triggerAngle) * _triggerWidth), (_position#1 - sin(_triggerAngle) * _triggerLength + cos(_triggerAngle) * _triggerWidth)]; private _positionsAndHeights = []; _pos pushBack _height; for "_i" from 0 to (_triggerLength * 8) do { private _pos2 = _pos; for "_j" from 0 to (_triggerWidth * 8) do { _positionsAndHeights pushBack _pos2; _pos2 = _pos2 vectorAdd [-0.25 * sin(_triggerAngle), -0.25 * cos(_triggerAngle), 0]; }; _pos = _pos vectorAdd [-0.25 * cos(_triggerAngle), 0.25 * sin(_triggerAngle), 0]; }; setTerrainHeight[_positionsAndHeights, true]; } forEach _triggerNames; The downside is I'm not near math smart enough to smooth the edges, so you'll have to find a relatively open area to minimize jarring transitions (don't place it partially on a hill.
  7. New to this stuff, but maybe changing the naming convention for markers based on what they are for might work (opforSpawn_1, independentSpawn_6, etc,) store them to arrays, then run the function separately on each array.
  8. Hi all. Starting a new mission, and I want the weather to be configurable by an authorized in game admin via the parameters menu. Since it's a multiplayer mission, I want to ensure all clients match the intended setting. In description.ext: class Params { class BR_TimeOfDay { title = "Environment: Time of Day"; values[] = {0,4,8,12,16,18,20,24}; texts[] = {"Random Time of Day", "Dawn","Mid Morning","Noon","Afternoon","Evening","Night","Midnight"}; default = 0; }; }; In initServer.sqf: // === Get the BR_daytime variable from Params in description.ext _BR_Time = ["BR_TimeOfDay"] call BIS_fnc_getParamValue; // === Check if host selected random. If so, select a random value from the options available, if not, use the value they selected, set date on server and broadcast to all clients. if (_BR_Time == 0) then { _randomTime = [4, 8, 12, 16, 18, 20, 24] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; [_randomTime] call BIS_fnc_paramDaytime; diag_log format["_randomTime value: %1", _randomTime]; // Debug output ["setDate", [2024, 10, 10, _randomTime, 0]] call BIS_fnc_MP; } else { [_BR_Time] call BIS_fnc_paramDaytime; diag_log format["_BR_Time value: %1", _BR_Time]; // Debug output ["setDate", [2024, 10, 10, _BR_Time, 0]] call BIS_fnc_MP; }; The code "works" but I get a hint error: [BIS_fnc_MP] Error: type Array, expected string, on index 1, in ["setDate"[2024,10,10,8,0],0,false,false] In this case, the "8" in ["setDate"[2024,10,10,8,0],0,false,false] does represent the correct value being passed, so I am at a loss as to what is causing it. The same is true when "random" is selected. The time of day changes, but I still get a hint error. 8:22:15 "3den Enhanced: Debug Options initialized." 8:22:57 A null object passed as a target to RemoteExec(Call) 'bis_fnc_objectvar' 8:23:00 Starting mission: 8:23:00 Mission file: SomeName%2eAltis 8:23:00 Mission world: Stratis 8:23:00 Mission directory: C:\Users\Username\Documents\Arma 3\mpmissions\SomeName%2eAltis.Stratis\ 8:23:01 No more slot to add connection at 033057 (3386.8,5735.4) 8:23:01 d:\bis\source\stable\futura\lib\network\networkserver.cpp NetworkServer::OnClientStateChanged:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 8:23:03 "_BR_Time value: 8" 8:23:04 Mission id: 1c9cc5d519ba6c4a31aabc2dc1d86b6da522b887
  9. Subjugation Protocol [Altis] Subjugation Protocol [Malden] Also available: Subjugation [Framework] by @alpha993 Subjugation Protocol is a PVP focused, sector control game mode that is similar to King of the Hill, but with a renewed emphasis on both player and community agency. Subjugation Protocol is based on the Subjugation Framework. Subjugation features a requisition system that allows players to earn points by holding position, and giving them the ability to scan sectors, initiate artillery strikes, air-drop vehicles and more, as enabled by the host. Use the built in Arsenal and Garage to customize your player and vehicles with granularity. Subjugation features no perks, no weapon unlocks and no grinding. Play Arma the way it's meant to be played. Level the playing field. Pull out all the stops to lead your team to victory and subjugate the enemy. For the community, the most important aspect of this game mode is that it is completely open to the public to host and to make copies and/or derivative missions. The Subjugation Protocol [Altis] variant features 25+ zones. The Subjugation Protocol [Malden] variant features 15 zones. The Subjugation [Framework] is the basic sector control framework from which Subjugation Protocol is based. It is an example mission set on Altis. You can think of Subjugation Protocol missions as "fleshed out" missions.
  10. Ok. So I've got a mission I had to add icons to the player map and GPS. Depends on how you are running the mission. If it's a self hosted thing on your own PC, things that would work in that environment won't work the same way in a dedicated server environment. I'm learning this is true for a lot of stuff: Weather, Time, and.... drawing stuff on the map and GPS. Long and short of it is, anything you draw needs to be drawn on all client machines. Here's a snippet of some code I use to draw an icon on the player map and GPS. Works in a dedicated server environment. Should work regardless. //Draw on Map waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 12}; findDisplay 12 displayCtrl 51 ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { _ALP_towers = missionNamespace getVariable "ALP_triggerTowers"; { _this select 0 drawIcon [getMissionPath format ["\images\tower%1_ca.paa", (_forEachIndex + 1)], [1,1,1,1], (getPos (_x select 0)), 24, 24, 0, "", 1, 0.03, "TahomaB", "right"]; } forEach _ALP_towers; }]; //Draw on GPS private _displays = uiNamespace getVariable ["igui_displays", []]; { private _ctrl = _x displayCtrl 101; if (!isNull _ctrl && ctrlType _ctrl == 101) then { _ctrl ctrlAddEventHandler ["Draw", { _ALP_towers = missionNamespace getVariable "ALP_triggerTowers"; { _this select 0 drawIcon [getMissionPath format ["\images\tower%1_ca.paa", (_forEachIndex + 1)], [1,1,1,1], (getPos (_x select 0)), 24, 24, 0, "", 1, 0.03, "TahomaB", "right"]; } forEach _ALP_towers; }]; }; } forEach _displays; I have this code running in initplayerlocal. This is a mission with no addons, no mods, pure vanilla.
  11. I am an idiot. Works fine. I shouldn't stay up so late.
  12. Just got around to testing it. Issue: Seems only one marker updates. In the mission I have currently, I have anywhere between 1 and 7 such "capturable" flags. Reproduce: Copy and paste the flag and marker in the 3d editor. Start the mission and capture both flags. Context: The flag (and everything else) is part of a larger mission. I was using attempting to use capturable flags to change the color of a marker, then using the markercolor to act as a switch of sorts. Each flag (will) belong to a composition that spawns in via LARs. The composition is a simple "base" with 3 cargo houses (two military and one medical) and a numbered tower. The idea is that the flag can be captured by any side at any time, and recaptured by another side, ad infinitum, until the match ends. Each cargo house has an object. In the military houses, that object is a supply crate. In the medical it is also a supply crate. The supply crate will restore the players last arsenal loadout, presumably with a timed hold object counter like the flag capture has. The (object that I haven't decided) in the medical house would restore a player's health via addaction, presumably with a hold object counter like the flag capture has. Why a marker? A, to visually ID who owns a given post on the player map and gps, and B, to retrieve who owns the flag --> so that the addactions/hold actions can be restricted to only work with the side that currently "owns" the flag/marker. The post will also contain a respawn point, llso only available to the side holding the flag, which on mission start would ideally be empty (so no spawn at towerpost), instead of a white flag (I couldn't figure out out to default an empty flagpole in my original init). Both the medical and rearm features will have a 5 minute timeout for that player, to prevent pumping and dumping. In addition, there are 3 triggers, each with a veh repair script. Those will be side restricted as well. I've gotten as far as getting my original solution to work with loadouts, but there is no timer yet. Mission File
  13. I'll work on switching to this over the next couple days. This is good stuff. Thanks @Larrow