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Everything posted by Cysiu

  1. "colorcorrections" ppeffectenable true; "colorcorrections" ppeffectadjust [1,1,0,[-1,0,1,0.03],[1,1,1,1],[0,0,0,0]]; "colorcorrections" ppeffectcommit 0; 2nd mission takes place at 3rd July 2039, 22:24
  2. They used color correction PP Effect. Might find it later if you want
  3. CBA_fnc_addKeybind
  4. Use say3D or playSound3D, you can specify max distance at which the sound can be heard.
  5. Cysiu

    Civilian Death Notification

    GVAR(confirmedKills) = 0; addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", { params ["_unit"]; if !(_unit isKindOf "CAManBase") exitWith {}; private _side = side (group _unit); if (_side isEqualTo civilian) then { GVAR(confirmedKills) = GVAR(confirmedKills) + 1; }; }]; In my case GVAR(confirmedKills) expands to Krzyc_confirmedKills, so it's possible to use it somewhere else.
  6. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getPlayerUID
  7. You might try to create just models of cutters. They will work, and there should be little to no impact on performance. Something like this: private _cutter = createSimpleObject ["a3\structures_f\system\cluttercutter_medium_f.p3d", _targetPos, false];
  8. Cysiu

    NoPop Targets

    Great job, anyway nopop = true; is enough most of the time.
  9. Maybe something based on diwakoo ambient fog script? https://github.com/diwako/beesting.Enoch/blob/master/scripts/mission/fn_ambientFog.sqf
  10. As i understand, you have preplaced them in editor? If so, i would add them to layer, and list them with "getMissionLayerEntities".
  11. https://github.com/Krzyciu/Missions/tree/master/ExportSimpleObjects Export layer data to rpt. Copy to data_map. Spawn with replaceObjects.sqf
  12. Cysiu

    Multiplayer Animated briefing

    Enjoy :)
  13. Arma Wiki: So doing it trigger way is needless.
  14. Cysiu

    Multiplayer Animated briefing

    Use function viewer in editor
  15. Cysiu

    Multiplayer Animated briefing

    I would open BIS_fnc_cancelMarker in function viewer and make my own version, that make use of local commands.
  16. Cysiu

    Multiplayer Animated briefing

    You are right. Make sure you create all the markers beforhand locally and then adjust the functions to use local marker commands. For efficiency if you want global marker update, you want to do all local changes first and have only the last change be global. Otherwise every change generates a network traffic with the full marker info.
  17. Cysiu

    Turning off sights?

    I don't think it's possible to do that scripted way
  18. Cysiu

    Turning off sights?

    Working perfectly fine for me. You started your game with contact loaded yup? https://i.imgur.com/5hAOGZv.png
  19. Cysiu

    Turning off sights?

    Not sure. I only checked mission file.
  20. Cysiu

    Turning off sights?

    They are not turning sights off. Just replacing with: