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Solid Snakee

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About Solid Snakee

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  1. Wow really awesome man I have to try it!
  2. Solid Snakee

    User missions with mods

    Hello fellow Arma 3 players. My name is John but I go by snake in game on mostly hostile takeover servers.Steam name bojangles2020 or also Snake.Im here today for the first time to post to the community.i have been playing Arma 3 since the beginning and built many missions.i like to go more smaller based missions with high intensity.depending on mods may determine difficulty.i create missions for my friends and myself to play and we are always looking for new people to join in on the fun.currently I'm working on a mission using the ALIVE mod to have a persistent battle across-the-board.maybe week long missions or longer.a place where you can save and come back and not repeat one area.Also I make special ops type missions where the run time could be 30 minutes or 2 hours.Its all up to the player.I don't mind taking requests for something your mind can conjure up!!I hear guys say Arma 3 is past it's time but let's change that perception.FYI I have no group at the moment.All the current guys just want to come and chill and have fun.Some even role play characters to really bring the missions to life.If you read this far thank you and hope to see you in the lobby!