Hi Arma 3 Developers
I've played all your Arma series and i loved it. When Arma 3 come out i missing two things.
1. A M4A1 carabine. I really like this gun and i would love if you will add it back to Arma 3. I know there is kinda M4A1 gun but i prefere having the real M4A1. So if you can add it too that will be nice
2. A HELICOPTER. Theres MH-80 Ghost Hawk. If you will add a script to open the doors and firing from them that will be so cool.
At least add an M4A1 back to game. And if you want to say that i can use workshop to dowload a mod for this gun and helicopter I don't want to. Why? Beacouse then I won't be able to play Arma 3 Official Servers. So like i said please add a M4A1 to Arma 3.
Hope to see that