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About Suplextron

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Excellent mod/script. I have it working. However do I have to do something different for the dogs? i've not seen them spawn. Trader, Helicopter crashes and Bandit camps spawn ok. I in settings put dog spawns to 10, still none. ANy thing else I need to edit? Do I need to extract files from the JBOY dog folder? Thanks!
  2. Great mod. is there a way to stop and start the script in game? tx
  3. IT works! Just needs more range. THANK YOIU
  4. ... actually.. . the sounds won't play. Hmm have installed correctly. When I view the sound in the Trigger Init. I select play to preview and nothing. Other sounds work... god damnnit EDIT: Tried different profile, new map without mods.... still won't work. I wonder why?
  5. Is this beneficial over the module already in game?
  6. Suplextron

    Max Zombies

    Thanks man! looking forward to it! Yes APparently something from warfare thai mod. He uses modified Ryans ZOmbies. He said he uses particles headmeat1 and headmeat 2. I don;t know what that means thanks
  7. Suplextron

    Max Zombies

    Thanks but, Headgore does work with ravage? thanks And how to make normal zombies gib when shot? Can't get it working with bloodlust. Plus I only want headgore on zombies, not human AI. Ryans has a module for this. I'm seeing if Alias can make another module.
  8. Suplextron

    Holster and Explode?

    Yes I have.Thanks for replies. But I realised, my mission was saved as multiplayer mission I was trying to play it in single. Playing in multi fixes the problem. Not sure if that's still bugged but ok for now.
  9. Suplextron

    Max Zombies

    Thanks! Yes I did. It has improved but the AI of zombies needs work. For now I find Ravage to have the best Zombies along with ambient spawner. All it needs now is ability to have gibbing effects and decapitation of Zombies! That would be awesome!
  10. I want to have an AI positioned in a building . I think it's a ported building so I can't use a waypoint, instead disabling his path to make sure he doesnt walk through a wall to his death. Anyway, I have some Independent characters below. I want him to only kill them when my Blufor character enters the trigger. How do I do this? I searched online but couldn't find a clear answer.
  11. My mission works fine up until today, when I place new units in, at the mission start, they holster their weapon before exploding as if dropped from height. tried using e respawnOnStart = 0; in Description.ext but to no avail. Any clues what could cause this?
  12. Suplextron


    I have Ace , ASR AI 13 and Incon effects. So Ace has it's own ragdolls that might clash with incon and AI that might clash with ASR? Or do certain take precedent? I've also noticed some untis explode on mission start>?
  13. Suplextron


    Please do! WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!!!
  14. Suplextron


    For some reason AI are not shooting zombies? Any idea why? They still attack other AI
  15. Suplextron


    Nice, can always use more Gore. Does it have gibbing effects? If you could make a gibbing effect when shooting zombies with heavy weapons that would be fuckign awesome!