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Everything posted by stanhope

  1. stanhope

    Duplicate Mods downloaded

    He told the launcher to not watch that folder because they were already being included anyway.
  2. stanhope


    Their server, they can do with it what they want. Complaining here about them isn't gonna change the fact that you're banned there. Find a different server to play on.
  3. One of those is most likely causing those messages.
  4. Where any of these mods: Advanced AI Command, ASR AI3, C2 - Command & Control active when you recorded that video?
  5. Could you give the full list?
  6. Could you give some links to the tickets on the feedback tracker?
  7. stanhope

    Duplicate Mods downloaded

    Is that !workshop a syslink or a normal folder?
  8. stanhope

    Duplicate Mods downloaded

    Open them in your file explorer and see if they're in different locations.
  9. stanhope

    Duplicate Mods downloaded

    One is a local copy, the other is a steam download. You can tell by there not being a steam icon next to them.
  10. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
  11. You've been repeatedly given the solution to your problem. That you don't want to do it isn't our fault. But just for good measure I'll tell you once more how you fix this: Ditch all the mods Readd them 1 by 1 When crashes happen again, the last mod or the last mod in combination with other mods, is the issue.
  12. stanhope

    initialization error battleye

    Restart arma. If that doesn't fix it look on this list and do the things related to initialization errors: https://www.battleye.com/support/faq/
  13. I've said it before but I guess I'll say it again: remove all of your mods, keep adding until the crashes happen again. When they start happening again it's the last mod that you added that is causing the issue (either on its own or in combination with some of the other mods you're running).
  14. stanhope

    How can I make AAF to fight LDF?

    You can change the faction of units by having them join a group of another faction.
  15. I don't see what the title of your post has to do with the body of it.
  16. stanhope

    What happened 2 CTI mode?

    Make such a mission and throw it on a server I'd say.
  17. I believe arma3sync will load your mods in the order you select, don't quote me on that. And, by all means, write a program that does this conflict detection.
  18. Do it the other way around, start from vanilla, keep adding.
  19. The launcher isn't supposed to load mods in any particular order because mods should be loadable in any order without causing crashes, if this isn't the case the mod you're using is broken. Speaking off: you have mod conflicts: Which is never a good thing. You also seem to have missing mods, ace and tfar to be exact: And there are literally thousands of script errors logged in your rpt. Oh and your title: "status access violation when just playing modded arma". You're not just playing modded arma. You've got a mod list longer than the amount of mods I've ever downloaded.
  20. stanhope

    bench sniping auto hover is rocking

    This is rather common, it happens to me from time to time and I've seen it happen to other people many, many times before. I guess you should just learn how to hover yourself?
  21. That's probably bellow minimum specs. Ideally you'd have the first laptop with the CPU of the second.
  22. stanhope

    i was kicked out of my own Server

    Are you unable to rejoin? If so, verify the integrity of your mods.
  23. stanhope

    unknown Jet HUD reticule

    Impact point of the Shriekers you've got selected, known as ccip (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constantly_computed_impact_point)
  24. stanhope

    0x0000DEAD error at address 5DD1A799

    Remove all of your mods, run arma to ensure that it still works. Then add your mods back one by one until the issue occurs again. The last mod you added, or the last mod you added in combination with some other mods, are causing your issue.