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Everything posted by Vandeanson

  1. Vandeanson


    oh cool thanks, do you have a screenshot at Hand? cant check ithe script out yet:( yes, it works but non island maps (tested mainly on cernarusredux and tanoa) have the empty map bit that needs to be dealth with. so if you are close to the mapborder, and the camps just respawn, they would be spawned out in the empty map. there are ways to counter this but i am looking for the best possible one yet. will provide screenshots once that placement check is properly implemented. (i have the code for it, just need to insert and test;)
  2. some pics from the next version of the pack: https://imgur.com/a/SlAbS1t
  3. Vandeanson


    some pics from the testing yday;) : https://imgur.com/a/SlAbS1t
  4. Vandeanson


    better wait for v2 of the scriptpack a lot of quality, performance and reliability changes coming;)
  5. Vandeanson


    also, the bandit camp checks distance to any other campfires, as the tradercamp and the hideouts (two lootable tents, random Ai usually in deep forrest) spawn in first, it will not happen that the BC spawns on top of any other canp or on each other. that safety distance can be adjusted.
  6. Vandeanson


    so the camp will be up for about 1 hour plus some random additional time (can be adjusted by users) regardless if cleared or not, the camp will despawn and respawn at a new random place after that timer runs out. unless the player is close of course, that would halt the despawn.
  7. Vandeanson


    check, check and check;) all in and adjustable for the mission maker. also all spawned structures and AI have dyn symulation enabled, hence i was able to spawn about 15 - 20 camps all over tanoa, along with 10 helicrashsites, 10 small hideout camps and the tradercamp, roaming feral dogs and additional animals for hunting plus all the ravage stuff with still decent FPS. the symulation activation range is either just your view distance - fog + scope or a manual amount of meters you may enter. also all objects will be deleted after a while and spawned in a new place (unless a player is close) so hopefully those measures will help to keep fps low:)
  8. Vandeanson


  9. Vandeanson


    @LSValmont perfect! this is a lot i can work and play around with, thank you! :) will keep you posted about the testing results! no coding master here but there is a learning curve;)
  10. Vandeanson


    @Gill93 yesss exactly! thank you;)
  11. Vandeanson


    i ve played some ravage recently testing all ravage modules active and all my dynamic spawn scripts up and running. oh man did i die much:) some really creepy moments trying to follow the road in thick fog driving a half open car while knowing that Z can harm you if you drive to slow, i paniced so much! and its good if a game(mod) can make you panic;) ps. i literally drove at lowest speed possible just trying to keep the white sideline of the street in sight. on another occasion i sneaked up on one of my bandit camps, it was pitchblack dark and my flashlight would have probably given my position away, so I did not use it. but i managed to throw a flare into the middle of the camp and attack from the dark:) then after i finally managed to fully repair a car i had found (such a good feature of the mod!), drive back to pick up my locker and a matbox full of basebuilding materials, i was minding my own business pulling up sandbag walls at my new homebase to secure my respawn tent and locker. I was delighted (and furious same time, because they killed me..ofc) that the "No rest!" script works and AI was spawned to hunt me down once i spend too much time at the same location! that teached me to a) get more flares and b) place some damn APERSMines around my home base! luckily my respawn tent was standing strong and after a couple of attempts(it was still darkest night) i managed to kill the AI hunting me. having learned a lesson about what loot i should priorities (i already had stuffed about 15 rifles into my locker, but had no flares, flashlight or such left) i took all my money and took off to the close by trader camp. there i was super pissed to find out that my tradercamp script (recently updated and "fixed") was completely buggy and the trader AI was just constantly shooting into the nearby ground... i nearly gave up on the project but ended up altering the script to spawn unarmed civilians that can not move into a closed off base (Z cant follow you below a entryway that requires you to "duck" to get through). i am still suprised how well the bis functions "grabber" and "mapper" work to create and place custome camps, you guys should try this:)) So yeah, someone wanted a survivor base here, maybe this (updated-updated) version may help. so whats the point of this all? just a little survivor story and shoutout to the mod on one side, but also i am happy that i could finally do some indept testing of my script pack combined with ravage over 6 hours or so and could improve some problems with my scripts while having a good time. still some polishing to do and some issues where i have NO IDEA yet how to tackle them, but we will get there. hopefully i ll be able to share a polished script pack that will add some more debth and unforeseen situations to your rvg Missions;) two questions tho: 1: how do you tweak your AI? i tried the common mods but with both i feel like the AI has a unnatural talent of spotting me im thick fog and at night. I have never really played around with their skills, as i felt that they are not very challenging when reducing skill below 0.9... this really annoys me and i would love to find a fix:) 2: i remember a script that would tweak AIs ability to spot you within dense bushes/woods, but can not find it, any idea? cheers vd
  12. thanks, i have to dig into the whole persistency topic then i guess XD
  13. so everytime you load a savegame the basebuilding does not work anymore?
  14. hmm good to know, maybe it has to be initialised differently. will see what i can do, i did not create the original mod so i ll see how much i can change. thanks for the feedback!
  15. Vandeanson


    oh wow, thanks for sharing, i didnt know that! sole gasmasks also help right?
  16. replace the line "_VD_NR_Playerpos1 = getpos player;" with the below. that should allow you to use it in MP. a random alive player will be selecte as reference and target for AI to spawn. _player = selectrandom (allplayers - entities [["allplayers"], ["HeadlessClient_F"], true, true]); _VD_NR_Playerpos1 = getpos _player; i have not tested this specific application but the general concept worked for me.
  17. alot of rework for v2 of the script pack was finding ways to make it sp and mp compatible. i have a solution now that should make it mp compatible. if i can i will share that version during the day;)
  18. uuh i just found out how to grab and save hand placed editor compositions... banditcamps are going to be much more immersive and detailed:))
  19. try this version without initial sleep timer and minus a little check i used for mp. the game pauses in sp when you tab out indeed _VD_NR_Check = { sleep 10; _VD_NR_Playerpos1 = getpos player; sleep 300; sleep (random 100); if (player distance _VD_NR_Playerpos1 < 100) then {call _VD_NR_Spawner} else {call _VD_NR_Check}; }; _VD_NR_Spawner ={ hint "you are slacking arround, AI hunters are coming for you"; sleep 2; _VD_NR_HuntFnc = { if (_VD_NR_bandit1 distance player > 200) then { {deleteVehicle _x}forEach units _VD_NR_bandits;hint "you escaped the AI Hunters!"; sleep 2; call _VD_NR_Check} else { _VD_NR_Playerpos2 = getpos player; _VD_NR_wp2 = _VD_NR_bandits addWaypoint [_VD_NR_Playerpos2, 1]; _VD_NR_wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _VD_NR_wp2 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _VD_NR_wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _VD_NR_wp2 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; hint "The AI Hunters are still following you!"; sleep 2; waituntil { _VD_NR_bandit1 distance _VD_NR_Playerpos2 < 10 || {!alive _x}foreach units _VD_NR_Bandits;}; deleteWaypoint [_VD_NR_bandits, 1]; if ({!alive _x}foreach units _VD_NR_Bandits) then {hint "all AI are dead"; sleep 2; call _VD_NR_Check;} else {hint "The AI Hunters reached the WP"; sleep 2; call _VD_NR_HuntFnc;}; };}; _VD_NR_AISpawn = [getPosATL player, 150, 250, 0.9, 0, 0.9, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _VD_NR_bandits = createGroup east; _VD_NR_bandit1 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"]; if (100 >= (random 100)) then {_VD_NR_VD_NR_bandit2 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"];}; if (100 >= (random 100)) then {_VD_NR_bandit3 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"];}; if (90 >= (random 100)) then {_VD_NR_bandit4 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"];}; if (50 >= (random 100)) then {_VD_NR_bandit5 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"];}; if (10 >= (random 100)) then {_VD_NR_bandit6 = _VD_NR_bandits createUnit ["O_G_Survivor_F", _VD_NR_AISpawn, [], 1, "NONE"];}; {[_x] call VD_equipper;_x addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}];} foreach units _VD_NR_bandits; _VD_NR_wp1 = _VD_NR_bandits addWaypoint [_VD_NR_Playerpos1, 0]; _VD_NR_wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _VD_NR_wp1 setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _VD_NR_wp1 setWaypointBehaviour "SAFE"; _VD_NR_wp1 setWaypointFormation "COLUMN"; waituntil { _VD_NR_bandit1 distance _VD_NR_Playerpos1 < 10 || {!alive _x}foreach units _VD_NR_Bandits;}; deleteWaypoint [_VD_NR_bandits, 0]; if ({!alive _x}foreach units _VD_NR_Bandits) then {hint "all AI Hunters are dead"; sleep 2;call _VD_NR_Check;} else {hint "AI Hunters have reached the WP"; sleep 2; call _VD_NR_HuntFnc;}; };
  20. well the change is that the hunter script may be activated if you wait around everywhere, not only if you wait in a city
  21. Vandeanson


    sweet.. and the double-clicking of items never gave you any issues? the Zombies and demons anti virus pills and injectors have the same function and it always messed my game up (it blocked the possibility to double click ravage item and vice versa)
  22. Vandeanson


    where did you get that hud (right siden of the screen)?
  23. hola jason, what do you mean?:) the nr spawner above is the latest, but i have not posted the v2 of the dyn spawn script pack yet. i want to get some issues sorted out first, and unfortunately i dont have so much time at the moment:(
  24. yessir, and replace VD_Equipper with the ravage equipper if you want
  25. Vandeanson


    i would call it from init under the condition (isserver) then {...code..}; or (!isserver) then exitwith{}; this should work in sp and mp (tested only as host). i would just fire the sqf a couple times depending on the amount of horses you want. i have something like this in my init sqf to spawn 5 horses in rnd positions arround an alive player. if (!isserver) then exitwith {}; for "_i" from 1 to 5 do {execvm "VD_Horse_Spawner.sqf}; quoting from top of my head so not 100% sure if all is correct;) if you put it in initplayerlocal that works too and is excecuted for every player on the server, if this is intended.