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About Pantom

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    Private First Class

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  1. I found one problem. Vehicle channel radio does not work ... Code check required .. I've set the Vehicle channel radio hotkeys (number2) key However, it can only be used once and after that the car channel radio will disappear automatically. Vehicle channel radio check required.
  2. I solved it in another way. Thanks for the advice I have a suggestion for the next update One: add side channel chat two: incapacitation players can not use group channel chat I want to change to use group channel chat
  3. RPT Error Content: 16:08:02 Sound: Error: File: afar\sound\start.ogg not found !!! 16:08:02 Sound: Error: File: afar\sound\start.ogg not found !!! 16:08:03 Sound: Error: File: afar\sound\start.ogg not found It exists in my mission folder. AFAR\sound\start.ogg
  4. Thank you for answer.. I'm trying to change the radio sound (vanilla.ogg) in out. Which path should I change to? I changed the path here to the radio file I wanted. But didn't work SFX.hpp class in0 {name = "in0"; sound [] = {"@ A3 \ Dubbing_Radio_F \ sfx \ in2a.ogg", db + 10,1.1}; AFAR}; class in1 {name = "in1"; sound [] = {"@ A3 \ Dubbing_Radio_F \ sfx \ in2a.ogg", db + 10,1}; AFAR}; class in2 {name = "in2"; sound [] = {"@ A3 \ Dubbing_Radio_F \ sfx \ in2a.ogg", db + 10, .7}; AFAR}; class out1 {name = "out1"; sound [] = {"@ A3 \ Dubbing_Radio_F \ sfx \ out2a.ogg", db + 6,1}; AFAR}; My custom radio file after change Class in0 {name = "in0"; Sound [] = {"sound \ start.ogg", db + 10,1.1}; far}; Class in1 {name = "in1"; Sound [] = {"sound \ start.ogg", db + 10,1}; far}; Class in2 {name = "in2"; Sound [] = {"sound \ start.ogg", db + 10, .7}; far}; Class out1 {name = "out1"; Sound [] = {"sound \ end.ogg", db + 6,1}; far};
  5. Vehicle channel does not work I set it like this: r_vCH = [TRUE, TRUE]; // Vehicle Channel ~ Chat / Voice >> Default: [TRUE, TRUE] I can't do the microphone. What is the reason?
  6. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Revive Our server uses a basic vanilla calibration system. I want to change to invincible when the player is incapacitation I would like to get the code help for this method.
  7. Developer ~ Chat and microphone do not work if the player is incapacitation We are a public server, so if the player isincapacitation ..... Need chat feature ... Enable chat when player is incapacitation Can you add it?
  8. ok .. Thank you for answer
  9. Group or command I want to know the maximum communication distance. Group Channel: 2-3km? Command channel: 6 km?
  10. Thank you for your answer ~ Thank you for sharing the good I look forward to it!
  11. I want to remove the respawn backpack. Reason: I want to resurrect in one place How do I remove a respawn backpack?
  12. The script works fine. But this is what happens below. The `r_dis` variable does not support serialization and should not be stored in the mission namespace Is this an error? I did not understand this. I want help https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kz8kjjqkzcu69q/20191121104423_1.jpg?dl=0
  13. While the user is unconscious ... I want to be able to chat ... So I am AIS_NO_CHAT = false; Set .. But you cannot activate the conversation while you are dead. I need help.
  14. Pantom

    GF Vehicle Radio chatter script

    I applied the GF Vehicle Radio chatter script to my server. But there was a problem ... Continuously low fps for 1 to 3 seconds. I think this reason is a problem with your code. So I ask you for help. And I want to increase the volume. Where can I fix it?