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-DL- Shane-uk

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Everything posted by -DL- Shane-uk

  1. hello all Just a quick one really how do i add objects from the Malden addon into terrain builder i only really want the big green domes and green bunkers everything else in in the normal arma files i have extracted the PBO and saved that to my P drive as it shows in the game files, i place the object yet when i open in Buldozer it cant find the textures for them, i have tried to add them in the a3 folder as Buldozer is trying to find them there and i have tried from the addons folder where i placed the extracted pbo any help would be great
  2. -DL- Shane-uk

    adding objects from Malden addon

    thanks RoF that worked
  3. -DL- Shane-uk

    Terrain builder objects moving by themselves

    i got this sorted in the end i started terrain builder from its own shortcut as admin and it runs fine now rather than running it from arma tools
  4. Hello All so i have started to play around with terrain builder working on a good size terrain but seem to have an issue when placing objects when in Buldozer i can select an object and move it then move to the next one only to see the object i have just place move by itself a few times i did wonder if it was a memory issue or CPU issue as its like its freezing or something but i have an i7 CPU and 32 GB of ram so the pc should be able to handle it This wouldnt be a problem if i was placing trees but is an issue when placing walls and buildings does anyone have any ideas that can help me ?
  5. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo - Sobre as Armas:

    Marcelo_Bressani sorry mate but please can you post in english ....... but i think this is what you were asking:
  6. -DL- Shane-uk

    How to download/share editor missions?

    if you want to play a homemade mission with your friends you can host your own server from your pc and invite your friends to it if you want to share the mission so someone can edit it you can just send the mission file to them
  7. maybe he has the people he needs now ?
  8. @EricR maybe add him as a friend and invite him to our discord chat ..... for our little community design group
  9. the back packs are a waste of time as you cant carry extra ammo in them so theres no point to them at all
  10. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo points dissaperaing?

    then in that case you will just have to do the same as everyone else and pay to reset your skill tree until you find a gun you like
  11. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo points dissaperaing?

    for those who dont speak / read czech if you want to try out the weapons go to the armory and try on the shooting range .....
  12. -DL- Shane-uk

    Init: Spawn Troubleshooting on Editor Mode.

    make a MP missions folder .... thats all i did then added all my custom map .pbo files into it
  13. -DL- Shane-uk

    Getting kicked off from games

    maybe take a screenshot and post it here ?
  14. -DL- Shane-uk

    Missed the points on my account!

    love it :) hopefully we will see more accounts going the same way :)
  15. -DL- Shane-uk


    but also in editing this file it would then create a mismatch for anyone joining the server unless they had the same copy as the server .....
  16. -DL- Shane-uk


    @haleks loving this mod ..... currently got it running on a server cant wait to see if base building is added in a future update .... would it be possible to change the loot boxes from random sacks, piles of bags and plastic boxes just to the plastic boxes ? keep up to good work
  17. -DL- Shane-uk

    Spawn points for combat patrol, and other things.

    maybe jump in the editor and build what you want the game to be ..... after all thats what its there for .....
  18. -DL- Shane-uk

    Game load outs

    seems strange but then i have taken all 5 slots with my loadouts and still it will throw in a default one every now and then .... which is a nightmare when you click respawn without checking
  19. i get this if i am sat in the editor all day building a map and then pop on a server for a quick game and it fails i just quit the game and restart its not a big issue
  20. -DL- Shane-uk

    Gamescom exclusive in-game items

    sadly i would love to come to gamescom to meet the team and get a free DLC but its cheaper to pay the £4.50 and download it
  21. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo League / Tournament

  22. -DL- Shane-uk

    Argo League / Tournament

    link to the website maybe helpful ?
  23. -DL- Shane-uk

    How to get better

    get away from playing level 1 players and try to play against better players ..... you will get killed alot but you will also learn the best placed to go to get an overview of an area and also where to look when shots start coming your way if you are old like me your reaction time is slower compared to a 13yr old kid but it does improve if you play better players ...... Stick with a server no matter how much you get killed i see so many leave after the first kill as they think they are the best and quickly find out they arent ...... or Alt+F4 right click Argo > uninstall
  24. -DL- Shane-uk

    People putting "Guest" in their name

    the only time i worry about names is when i see it come up that the killed me ....... then i think to myself ...... GAME ON !!!! time to try and kill them on the next round a player name doesn't matter at all unless its racist, homophobic or offensive in some way then i have to question why parents are letting young kids play games with such names as its normally kids who think its cool to be named in such away
  25. -DL- Shane-uk

    The end of argo??

    there is still server browsing for the premium servers but i think the idea behind the quick match could be a good one yes there are some issues that are being looked at by the Dev team but in a way it stops players looking for empty servers to farm XP i wouldnt say it was the end of Argo at all ..... its just a set back while the Dev team work on a hotfix to bring more even game play