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About Erendil

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. After some tests, I find out that TCL doesn't work with groups entirely made of playable units. If I disable playable for the leader, the group garison the next building but not if he is playable. It's a problem if I want to use TCL with hetman war stories. No problems with GLX.
  2. Erendil

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    There is a custom AC3 + main map pack is not needed OPPOSITION ACE3 ------------------------------— Steam -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPACE3Steam Google Drive -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPACE3 STARWARS OPPOSITION ----------------------------------------— Main Pack : Google Drive -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAINGoogle Mega -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAINMega Yandex Disk -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAINYandex Maps Pack: Google Drive -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAPSGoogle Mega -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAPSMega Yandex Disk -> http://shrinkearn.com/SWOPMAPSYandex Alive orbat creator help create a faction with vanilla class names for mods that use custom names. But it only works on group of units, not individual like Helicopters.
  3. Erendil

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I try to make HWS work with Star Wars opposition but HWS stop loading after the choice of factions. Tested with vanilla factions with the mod loaded and it's the same. The sub window with the loading bar isn't there and I didn't find any errors in the rpt. https://vk.com/swopposition Also, could you find a way to create custom factions like Alive does but with more compatibility with HWS. Factions created with Alive works but can't find a way to make HWS spawn helicopters or air transports. Tested with mods like There is only war (Warhammer 40K mod)
  4. Erendil

    [CTI,TvT,CooP] Dissension

    Hi, I got an error : Script scripts\ServerCompleteInit.sqf not found And I end in the sea.
  5. Erendil

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    Just check his YouTube chanel for news, he said he will release a new version in a few weeks. There some sneek peek videos there with the new features (like custom player base).
  6. I have also tested the AI with Hetman war stories and it's troublesome that vcom call for backup artillery units or empty unarmed transports. Also got those errors : 13:57:35 Error in expression < %1, expected %2, on index %3, in %4", [_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 13:57:35 Error position: <_par] call _fnc_getTypeName, [_x] call _> 13:57:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _par 13:57:35 File A3\functions_f\Debug\fn_errorParamsType.sqf [BIS_fnc_errorParamsType], line 84 13:57:35 Error in expression <EqualTypeArray [objNull,0]) exitWith {[[_building,_max], "isEqualTypeArray", [ob> 13:57:35 Error position: <_building,_max], "isEqualTypeArray", [ob> 13:57:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 13:57:35 File A3\functions_f_EPA\Misc\fn_buildingPositions.sqf [BIS_fnc_buildingPositions], line 23 13:57:35 Error in expression <["_building", ["_max", -1]]; if !([_building,_max] isEqualTypeArray [objNul> 13:57:35 Error position: <_building,_max] isEqualTypeArray [objNul> 13:57:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _building 13:57:35 File A3\functions_f_EPA\Misc\fn_buildingPositions.sqf [BIS_fnc_buildingPositions], line 23 13:57:35 Error in expression <te _GroupUnits = units _this; if (count _TempA > 0) then { { private _Foot = isN> 13:57:35 Error position: <_TempA > 0) then { { private _Foot = isN> 13:57:35 Error Undefined variable in expression: _tempa 13:57:35 File \Vcom\Vcom\Functions\fn_GarrisonLight.sqf [VCM_fnc_GarrisonLight], line 15
  7. I'm testing the new mod version in Dissension (after disabling the script version in the init) and a group is stuck in a loop of embark disembark with their APC. They have received a call for reinforcement and known the enemy position but are to far away (500m). Maybe it's better to disable the embark order if they are in combat mode or test the distance with enemy before disembarking.
  8. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Get the same error with units sync to CBA attack module
  9. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Got this error : 17:25:09 Suspending not allowed in this context 17:25:09 Error in expression <os select 1) + (cos _dir) * _dist, 0];   sleep (random 3);   _x doArtilleryFire [_> 17:25:09 Error position: <sleep (random 3);   _x doArtilleryFire [_> 17:25:09 Error Generic error in expression 17:25:09 File Vcom\Functions\fn_ArtyCall.sqf [VCM_fnc_ArtyCall], line 63 I used vanilla mortar team.
  10. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hello, I got this error with the mortar team : 18:45:52 Error in expression <VCM_fnc_ClstObj; private _Foot = isNull objectParent _Unit; if (_Foot) then { if> 18:45:52 Error position: <objectParent _Unit; if (_Foot) then { if> 18:45:52 Error objectparent: Type Array, expected Object 18:45:52 File Vcom\Functions\fn_ArmStatics.sqf [VCM_fnc_ArmStatics], line 10 Also, I had trouble with the call for backup feature until I change the sleep fonction from 30 + random 30 to 5. Before, even after a minute, there wasn't any reinforcement order. Now It works every time but only call for 2 teams. Also, the mortar team move way to close to the fight before deploying their mortar. The Ai doesn't react to gunfight between other AI in the vicinity.
  11. Erendil

    [SP] HETMAN: War Stories

    I can't use a lots of mod (like RHS) that work before, as I got this error : 19:15:40 Error in expression <then { _ammoC = configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _subAmmo };   _actHit = getNumber (_am> 19:15:40 Error position: <>> _subAmmo };   _actHit = getNumber (_am> 19:15:40 Error >>: Type Config entry, expected String No problem with the vanilla factions.  
  12. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    It fix the call for help but not the hearing. It also fix a bug with the mortar team not firing
  13. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    I've reported this problem to Genesis a month ago and after some test, we find the cause. He is looking for a fix. In the meantime, you can use this workaround : go to the directory VCOMAI\functions and delete VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarn.sqf rename VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarnOLD.sqf in VCOMAI_ClosestAllyWarn.sqf It will work like before the update in September. Hearing is bugged too, the ai react to bullet flying around them or landing next to them but not to gunshots sounds. It least not to sound made by other ai. In that domain, Bcombat is still the best.
  14. Erendil

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Remove disableAI "WeaponAim" The bug has been fixe in Yesterday DEV update
  15. Erendil

    [CTI-COOP] Dissension

    New version on Github.