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About Ex3B

  • Rank
    Gunnery Sergeant

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  • Biography
    American from California. Did graduate studies in Switzerland, got a PhD in cell biology, married to a Swiss woman, currently live in Geneva. Hobbies include or included archery, firearms (but I'm not a right-wing Republican!!!), and hanggliding.

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  1. To quote Wikipedia: "The EFV's need for high water speed has resulted in an engine that is 1,200 hp (890 kW) more powerful than the M1 Abrams, even though the EFV weighs far less."
  2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expeditionary_Fighting_Vehicle Is it? Fast water speed was the whole point of adding it- otherwise just use a marshal or the set texture command to give a Gorgon a NATO skin
  3. Oh? Which one? Do you have an example of how to use it? I would love to add similar capabilities to so e other weapons
  4. How do the airburst rounds work? A script? Does the arma engine natively support proximity detonation? I see so enstate for missile proximity detonation on the wiki, but I don't see anything in the config files about this
  5. I love the concept of this cDLC, and have been waiting for this: I have been making a similar themed mod, but not to the same quality (although some of the assets I use are modified versions of others, and aren't bad at all) I'm not sure the AH-99 variant is much of an improvement of DEGA's version or my further iteration of it. The LCAC is much better than my version of Burnes' which still has has incomplete textures. The new ship is great. I suppose the LHD mods are already good enough. https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1737598604 These assets, alongside an LHD and F-35 mod, are great. The new Amphibious assault vehicle is nice, but a bit redundant with the Marshall and Gorgons... and I wish it had vehicle interiors. I also love the new combat boats I just wish there were CSAT assets.
  6. Ex3B

    Damen LST collection

    For the LHD I did, I actually made a separate unit that is basically just a ViV space, with a script that will attach and orient it to the nearest LHD when placed, so that the ViV hangar is optional. It would also allow for separate ViV hangars... but either way, attachto gets used at some point. I wasn't overly concerned about animation states and such, just functionality and "good enough" aesthetics for something that is out of sight for most of the mission. A moving drivable ship like that, perhaps another story
  7. Ex3B

    Damen LST collection

    Would this be a ViV hangar? Or a more "physical" hangar? That's a whole lot more complex than I did for a ViV hangar for the LHD, in which the helis just have their blades unfolded and clipping into their neighbors. It's not a problem for ViV, but relying on arms physics would be a problem Immersion breaking? Yes, but one doesn't really spend much time below deck
  8. Ex3B

    AAF Virtual Navy Mod

    My Brother-in-law's wife's father recently died from complications following an infection shortly after his chemo had finished for Hodgkin's lymphoma - many of us thought he decided to travel too soon after his chemo finished this stuff is serious, I wish you the best, and do all that you can to increase your odds. I'm interested in taking a look at any asset that would be useful for amphibious/airborne/offshore assaults (be it a transport ship, a carrier, an amphibious vehicle, a vehicle that can be airlifted, an aircraft capable of airlift, etc)
  9. Ex3B

    AAF Virtual Navy Mod

    I don't know if that's possible, I tried to extract the model file from the.pbo, but I couldn't open it, guess it was binarized. It's a shame, it's very good, and just needs a few more tweaks and parts to be textured (and those could just use generic vanilla textures). The HSSV is great though
  10. Ex3B

    AAF Virtual Navy Mod

    S--t man, I remember that you had medical problems back when you released a partially completed version of the HSSV, and I was glad to hear it went into remission. I'm sorry to hear that it is back, and I hope you can make it through this!
  11. Ex3B

    AAF Virtual Navy Mod

    I know this is an old thread, but thanks for releasing the hssv source files. For your other hovercraft, I guess that the ramp open/closed state is like having a wing folded state? Any update on its progress/ where it can be downloaded? Chance of releasing those source files too?
  12. @Necropaulo "Try to remplace your "playsound" with a simple hint "test 1", hint "test 2"" As I said, the sidechat messages performed that function, the EH works. I changed the file toa .was, and referred to it, I barely heard it: "sounds\Magnum_1.ogg", 1, 1, 100 Changed to sounds\Magnum_1.wss", 5, 1, 100000 worked (or was it "sounds\Magnum_1", 5, 1, 10000)
  13. I have a really simple solution: Add a laser designator to the pilot camera. Have the AI gunner target the laser designator. The AI gunner will point the gun wherever you point the pilot camera. Use manual fire to fire
  14. So I am trying to add a bit of flavor to some missions by adding custom sounds and speech. I am using an online text to speech tool (https://toolsaday.com/text-to-speech), and I placed the resulting .ogg files in a "sounds" subfolder of the mission folder. (Example .ogg file here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jldjkzml1m9usbtkgjrrt/Rifle_1.ogg?rlkey=fykfm37lq5ih7mhklu360we4x&st=8tfagfre&dl=0 ) I started just with some NATO brevity codes, as these can also aid in gameplay (an audio notification when the AI wingman fires an ARM is useful, for example). In description.ext of the mission folder I have the following: I have also tried to make an addon (EX3B_sounds) with the .ogg files in it (as I would like to use the brevity codes across multiple missions, and then just have mission specific .ogg files in the mission folders) In either case, I have an event handler that will display a message in sidechat, and use the playsound command. The sidechat message displays correcty, so the event handler seems to be working correctly For some reason no error message pops up, but sounds don't play. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
  15. So I'm trying to spruce up a single player mission series I've made (using assets of my own mod - modified A2 ports and modifications of other open source mods) by adding some speech (using online text2speech generators) instead of just text over the radio. I'm starting with the first missions which open with "F-35Bs", and its really useful just to know when the AI wingman fires a missile, as what type. So to that end, I've added event handlers so that the player and the AI wingman will use NATO brevity codes when firing vehicle weapons: The event handler seems to work correctly, and the side chat messages show correctly... but in the middle of combat, I don't want to be reading sidechat to know if my wingman has already fired an ARM at the radar or not. I would like to hear it (and also for ambiance/immersion, if I get this working, I will add a lot more speech to the missions). The sounds being referenced are in an addon I made "EX3B_sounds", which is packed loaded with the same mod that adds the F-35B( named the "AV-35B Phantom" in the mod, but whatever) EX3B_sounds.pbo contains the .ogg files for the NATO brevity codes, and a config.cpp file as follows: I get no error messages (I used to get error messages that the sound file was not found, but I was able to fix that), I just don't hear anything. What am I doing wrong?