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About BrewerOfBohemia

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  1. BrewerOfBohemia

    Statement Regarding CSLA Iron Curtain

    @bandz Jesus, just relax, would you? It's been said over and over at this point that BI is currently working on it's Enfusion engine/technology/whatever. As far as I know I think it's also been publicly stated that Arma 3 won't be the last in it's series. It would be stupid to assume that the series that got BI to where it is now should be just abandoned. I'm sure they didn't open those new studios just to rent out Ylands servers. Just be patient. In the meantime you could keep your eyes on DayZ. I personally see DayZ as a kind of a tech demo for the next game in the Arma series.
  2. BrewerOfBohemia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    My guess would be it is possible to upload A1/A2/OA addons onto A3 Workshop. I doubt the Publisher (A3 Tool for publishing stuff onto workshop) has some feature that checks if you're uploading A2 .pbo for example. I also doubt A1/A2/OA/A3 .pbo's are any different from each other. For example terrain addons made for A1/A2 tend to work just fine if simply put into A3. The user could then use something like https://steamworkshopdownloader.io/ to download A1/A2/OA stuff from A3's Steam Workshop. It would be kinda strange to flood A3's Workshop with A1/A2/OA stuff, but technically the addons should be compatible with A3 (I think). You'd just lack the dependencies of those A1/A2/OA addons.
  3. BrewerOfBohemia

    ARMAHOLIC website not working

    This whole situation - shutting down over night without warning, lack of communication, shutting down again after the loophole has been discovered and asking money for the database, it seems more like a ransom situation rather than anything else. If I knew Armaholic was going down, I'd happily donate some money to help keep it going for a while longer, but not like this. Feels especially sketchy since some of those files in the database he's asking money for were created by me. At least I think that by the database we mean all the .pbo's and other content. I do appreciate all Armaholic and Foxhound did for us over the years, a week ago I couldn't be happier about it. But now just thinking about the name Armaholic gets me a sour taste in my mouth. I hope things will get cleared up one day, but I'm pretty much hopeless at this point. Many thanks to everybody trying to resolve the situation.
  4. BrewerOfBohemia

    Bludclot's Buldozer Cursors.

    I was editing terrain on a map with 2m cell size. Now I don't won't to kill myself anymore.
  5. BrewerOfBohemia

    Veteran mod (VTN) - announcement and WIP

    I really like this mod and what it does with ArmA. The "no-zoom" feature really changes gameplay a lot, making it more difficult for players against AI. And after very long time I even worked out the new gear system. However, I can't really figure out how to resuply vehicles with ammunition. Is there a hotkey for it, or menu of some sort? Take UAZ with KORD for example. How do I reload the KORD with ammo in vehicle inventory? This mod really does great job of adding interesting new features (really love it), however does terrible job at explaining it's features and how it works. Maybe just a short guide to new features and mechanics you overhauled would really help new players to get into this mod? Also what is VTN Core and VTN Plus exactly? Is the version on Steam and Armaholic only the VTN Core? Or is it just a demo of some sort (the link to Armaholic on patriot-games.ru says 'demo')? I saw a lot of pictures with T-72s and BMP-2s with VTN/VETERAN logo, is that part of VTN Plus? Where can I get VTN Plus? Or are these BMPs and T-72s part of some VTN Ok mod? Is there a list of VTN Ok mods? Also the patriot-games.ru shows really cool looking models. The civilian vehicles used by guerrilla forces (the bus and armed trucks), that's really something. The BMP-1s look great. That Liberator PMC rebrand post from few days ago shows some interesting models. I've tried reading most of it using Google translate. Is that the VTN Plus? Or is it part of some semi-official VTN extension? If it's not clear yet, I'm really confused. I'd love to play with this mod, but could someone please answer my questions about it? Some at least, please. I really do beg you.
  6. I finished the campaign, really liked it, all those dialogs were great. I just have three objections. 1) While playing as the civilian at the start of the campaign, you step on invisible landmine. I understand this is scripted in order to ensure you die. 2) The bobcat drove through the roadblock without actually pushing any vehicles. I mean it kinda warped through. 3) While defending the village from AAF as an injured civilian/FIA I encountered a sleeping man in a building. Looked quite strange considering half of the city got hit by an airstrike and is currently under attack. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/856102160281544350/6D630BC764B88B8268A1E3F1E2CA31CF383F36B8/