So im sharing my little function with you guys for Ryan Zombies.
Downside: This has to be client side'd for now, so every player on your server needs the mod with the custom script.
Function: It rewards the "single" players for every kill they make (random money count on each kill) + it counts the kills (if ur using a statusbar, u can add a kill's status)
Ryan zombie: Open up ryan zombie's mod, locate: fn_preInit, Search for line 168: RZ_fnc_zombie_onDeath_exec = { };
Between those brackets place this:
if(isPlayer _killer) then
_arr=[8,9,10,11,12,13,14]; // Money range
_Func=selectRandom _arr; // Random Money
[_Func,0] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubCash",(owner _killer),false]; // Add money
[0,1] remoteExecCall ["HG_fnc_addOrSubKills",(owner _killer),false]; // Add kills
Now u want to reset player kills / money on every death right??
In your mission.pbo create OnPlayerRespawn.sqf and add:
// Reset Kills and Money
player setVariable ["HG_Kills",0]; // Reset Kills
player setVariable ["HG_Cash",0]; // Reset Money
Goodluck! :-)