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Everything posted by _leech

  1. Is there any way of forcing 3rd person while in a vehicle / sitting on a chair / etc. ? Thanks in advance
  2. This seems to work the same as the "3rdView Restrictions" script and it runs nowhere as smooth as ATM's script. With this, you can still see the screen getting black for a small period when hitting enter no matter how short delay you choose. Also, you are affected by this script all of the time, so you are constantly in 3rd/1st person mode (every time you walk forward the camera switches to 3rd/1st person). Does anyone have any idea on how to use ATM's script for taru pods or acex chair sitting? Thx
  3. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // =ATM= Third person view in driver // // =ATM=Pokertour // // version : 0.1 // // date : 10/01/2014 // // visit us : atmarma.fr // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //on each vehicle you want 3rd person for driver put this in the init : nul = [this] execVM "ATM_script\3rd_person\3rdperson.sqf"; if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; _vehi = _this select 0; thirdperson_allowed = false; While {not thirdperson_allowed} do { waitUntil {(alive _vehi) && (player == driver _vehi)}; player remoteControl driver _vehi; _vehi switchCamera "EXTERNAL"; if ((player != driver _vehi)) Then { objNull remoteControl driver _vehi; player switchCamera "internal"; }; }; link So this one works beautifully for vehicles. Any idea on how to use something like this for chairs (with acex sitting) or taru pods?
  4. Already did and forums too. I did quickly look at the "3rdView Restrictions" script but thought it was eliminating 3rd person since it had a red cross over it on the armaholic page. Anyways i'm gonna try it out now.
  5. @killzone_kid Oh ok. Thanks for the help and info. I have a camera view mod enabled which might be causing the fixed thing. If anyone know of any existing scripts (buggy or not) that prevents going 1st person, feel free to post them here.
  6. Hm this seems to keep the camera in a fixed position unable to look around or control the player and still able to go into 1st person. How do i force 3rd person when e.g. entering a vehicle/sitting on a chair and keep it 3rd person (unable to go into 1st and still able to look around) until exiting that vehicle/chair? Anyone know?
  7. Yeah i know, and i (kinda) already did in the "EDEN Editor BUGS" thread but there might be a better place to suggest it to them.
  8. Suggestions (if possible): - Ability to load a editor mission directly from the "map choosing page". - A search function in Arsenal.
  9. _leech

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Would it be possible that you could add container attaching?
  10. _leech

    Live feed control (LFC)

    Does any of you know how to make 4 monitors share 1 big picture instead of 4 small ones? ALSO does any of you have an easy solution to make a satellite zoom option? Or an uav control option to control the camera and adjust the zoom level yourself? Any help or pointing in the right direction would be much appreciated.
  11. @zooloo75 looks nice with blood on vehicles except how the textures floats once the vehicle is moved. Also i have noticed that blood splatters don't show on containers? And another suggestion: Burned corpse textures on bodies inside burning/burned vehicles. Right now bodies get removed once a vehicle has been blown up. Would be cool if corpses stay inside the vehicle with a nice and crispy burned tex. Could be a separate mod but could work nicely with bloodlust now that it already includes some extra features.
  12. blood splats on windows would be cool.
  13. i get this error: https://image.prntscr.com/image/5vUW5ASQQJyWW2a7fdK8pg.jpg
  14. I'm trying to create my own custom version of ace and i have a few things i need help with: - After removing a few pbo features and trying to launch the mod i get the message "Platform mismatch, 32-bit only". For some reason i can only run the mod in 32-bit now, so how do i bypass that error message fix it so that it works in 64-bit? - Which pbo's do i have to delete in order to remove weapon jam? - ace_overheating - How do i make the original rangefinder show range? - Remove blastcore smoke - ace_particles - Removing tap shoulder interaction/option (and stop the ai from automatically tapping shoulders) Thanks in advance
  15. Nice i thought it was disabled by ace and that you were forced to use the vector. Somehow my key binding was set to ' . Anyways i have no problem with removing pbo's if there's features that you want to completely remove and as long as it runs clean.
  16. Also, it would be cool if the blood were even brighter when using thermals.
  17. Same with bloody wheel tracks would be very cool.
  18. Also, i'd like to know if anyone know which files to remove / edit in order to make the vanilla rangefinder show range?
  19. My bad. I have the workshop version but apparently i used the files from an old version i had laying in the arma 3 folder and not in the !workshop folder. Yeah i get the "required dependencies" pop up message. I was not gonna edit or include the extensions, i just wanted my custom version of ace to work with the separate extensions if possible. Anyways after using the right ace files it loads without any errors.
  20. Thanks alot. Should i have a x64.dll in my ace folder? The original ace don't have that? I meant separate extension mods like the "placeables" extension for example.
  21. I guess it's not really that important that it runs in 64-bit, i just want to have this error message removed. The original ace don't have this error message of course, so i'm not sure why i'm getting it after removing a few of the features. Does anyone know how to fix this error and make it act like the original ace?
  22. Anyone know how to fix this? Any help is MUCH appreciated
  23. Ok, jamming was removed be deleting "overheating" pbo's.
  24. _leech

    Immersion Cigs

    suggestion: add cigarette bud on the ground once the cig is finished (like the bullet casings mod)
  25. so goood. please someone help makhno with dust effects.