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About TheCrackRabbit

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  1. TheCrackRabbit

    TOH South Asia Map

    You can make AI fly at any altitude *** heli1 flyInHeight 1500; *** or whatever the specific vehicle is named that you want to set its altitude. You can put this in the planes init and also have it change at waypoints. Though I should make mention that once the landAt command is used the aircraft will return to default altitude of 100m before landing so I would make your last waypoint near whatever airport you are getting your plane to "landAt".
  2. TheCrackRabbit

    How to improve visibility range?

    I myself mostly make missions for a max of four players. So long as you have decent "garbage collection' and cleanup going on in your mission(and given that you have a decent processor) it doesnt hit too hard. I am working on trying to get all lights to be able to be seen at that distance as well. For some reason vehicle headlights do not render at the same distance as environment lights do. Head scratcher. I have messed a bit with light attenuation but to no avail without having them look ridiculous when you are on standing next to them.
  3. TheCrackRabbit

    How to improve visibility range?

    Hmm. STrange. I have had no issues with it after the 1.70 update. Glad it is working for you though. It really is a game changer. 12000 looks amazing when you are really up there. I have been loving the UCAV.
  4. TheCrackRabbit

    How to improve visibility range?

    The CHVD menu is opened with Lft Control and backslash.
  5. TheCrackRabbit

    How to improve visibility range?

    you can set custom view distances for MP missions. Though without doing so it automatically will set it somewhere just under 2000 for performance. you can go here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27390 and place the CHVD files in your mission folder. I had the same issue running drone ops with friends. they were great in the editor because I could max the view distance but once I exported to MP it would be under 2000ish. This script allows you to set your View distance for when you are on foot in a car or in the air. Enjoy.
  6. TheCrackRabbit

    [Release] Simple Weapon Shop System

    Great work. Really enjoying this script. I would like to implement an addAction or an ATM that you can view your cash outside of being "in" the store. Many thx.