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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. put invisible helipad some meters above see (10 maybe?) and let heli to do unload (Cargo I suppose). After unload done it supposed to keep moving
  2. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    is there any future plan to make the ground vehicles also smarter like you did for infantry? Infantry is breaking waypoints to engage the enemies but the vehicles are just keeping driving in their cycled patrol routes although they are aware that enemy is nearby. I opened a thread in scripting related to that and thanks to grumpy I created a script for my mission to break waypoint and move to detected enemy. This one was just a newbie script from my side as it just deletes the waypoints and creates a new one with combat mode red next to closest known enemy so if it kills those enemies it stops there at the moment. I will try to improve it to let it keep looking around for enemies and attack them (and in case no enemy return to original waypoint list) but I am not profi in scripting business like you are. So maybe you can consider improvement of vehicles in future if you have time and desire? :(
  3. Devastator_cm

    titleText during game via remoteexec

    Thanks! This is just a workaround right? My code was ok I assume but not working due to a BI Bug?
  4. Devastator_cm

    titleText during game via remoteexec

    kill me... :( How will I make the screen black then. I need to skip the time and I dont want it just a sudden change...
  5. check this one out https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188386-swifty-the-simple-and-no-hassle-mod-updater/
  6. I had this reaction only after I add ace. Yesterday I was checking which mod was causing it. According to Robalo his mod threats pistol as lowest priority so some other mod supposed to cause it and I was checking after which mod they start using pistols. I will do the workaround of removing pistols but still I have a feeling ace overwrite the asr ai priority
  7. Devastator_cm

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    I think it would be nice if someone writes a readme after figuring out how to set up the new version :huh:
  8. Dear ACE Developers, I have question :) I posted actually by ASR AI3 thread because I thought it is related how AI behaves and I am using that mod as well but looks like ACE has some AI adjustments as well. I use CSAT and NATO fire teams in close combat (10-15 meters). Some of the units prefer using pistols instead of their rifles (like Katiba). Is this intended? Such units have no chance if opposite side still uses their rifles..
  9. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Robalo I found the mod which causes it! When I run the mission with cba, asrai3, rhs usaf and russia all fine. When I add ACE3 with its optional RHS pbos some AIs are using pistol when it is a close quarter combat. I will post this by ACE thread now.
  10. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    hmm ok I will remove all mods try same case and will inform you Thanks for your fast replies as always! :)
  11. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    I use CSAT Fireteam this time and it happened as well. I think related to distance, try 10 meter or something like that. I see katiba is not even used and pistol is prefered
  12. Devastator_cm

    Civilian Occupation System (COS)

    I have some questions :) 1- Does this script work on all maps or just Altis? 2- If I put no towns in whitelist it populates all locations in map and if I put just some locations in whitelist it only populates those instead of all?
  13. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    I just put CSAT Recon team vs NATO Fireteam and both sides had someone with pistol FYI, I have several mods up and running in addition to ASRAI, i.e. RHS, ACE, etc.
  14. Hi Guys, I need small help with a code piece waituntil {!isNull (units group1 select 0) findNearestEnemy (units group1 select 0)}; This one is throwing error "Type bool, expected object" (units group1 select 0) findNearestEnemy (units group1 select 0) is returning object and in case there is no enemy it is returning null object which I want to use to wait. Can someone tell me the mistake which I made? :/
  15. Devastator_cm


    Thanks KK!
  16. Devastator_cm


    I have a feeling this might help https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/forEach
  17. Devastator_cm


    Thanks :)
  18. Devastator_cm

    AI not breaking waypoint during combat

    I tried also open fire even set the combat mod to RED by command but it still keeps driving between WPs.. :(
  19. Hi Guys, I have a mission where AI groups are patrolling on foot and by btr. When enemy shots some other AIs around, the on foot patrol starts moving to that direction but BTR still follows its patrol area without breaking the waypoints. Any idea? When I check with command findNearestEnemy both AI groups knows the enemy though.. I want my AI to stop its move waypoints and first engage the enemy before doing patrol again.
  20. Devastator_cm

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    yes you can use it without the dlc (at least my friends do )
  21. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    How can I use the debug options of the mod Robalo? I set them on but no idea how to check the ASRAI skill of the unit :( One more thing, any idea why some soldiers are holstering their rifles but using their guns?
  22. Do you mean you need this one? [player, 0.8, "leg_r", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit
  23. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks Robalo! :))
  24. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, I am using ACE3 together with your mod and noticed something which you might consider to tune maybe. When crew disembarks after a hit they go prone next to it. In some cases it is fine as they are trying to protect themselves. Issue is when ACE3 cook off kicks in. In that case there are several seconds until vehicle explodes. If the crew stays in prone next to vehicle they die eventually after explosion happens due to cook off. Maybe you can force them to run away if cook off starts? I am not sure how to check or whether it is possible to check cook off though..