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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Squad name: Oğuzlar Askeri Birliği Timezone/location: GMT+3 (Turkey) Gamemode preference: COOP Contact email: see website Website address:http://oguzlar.forumieren.de/ Short description: Milsim Unit for Turkish players Language: Turkish
  2. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    try this for the submarine [this, _option] call HAFM_fnc_SubAttachment; _option is 1 for SDV 2 for DDS 3 for SDV + DDS
  3. Your workaround solutions are fine but there should be no get in get out loop if there is no alive enemy around.. They only disamberks if someone attacks them or somehow they get injured. Btw, I like missions where there is Zeus as it makes it more challenging and also not to have the guy who build the mission in a fireteam who knows what will happen when..
  4. 1- Yes exactly. That script is an open end script to allow you to do whatever you want when convoy reaches the final point 2- Give some more info. What exactly you need when ambush is finished? My code lets them to follow the initial plan when they survive
  5. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    Sorry. İ can't help if I don't know how to replicate
  6. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    Please show how you do the wp set up
  7. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    Point (2) future release of ships will fix it Point(1) Tomahawk has 10 meters of error probable, a.k.a. CEP. So do you mean that it misses the point up to 10 meters? If so they that is normal. If more than that, then please provide a video and let me see
  8. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    That was what I was listening while I was coding the systems :) It was in a loop and I started to dream it even :))
  9. Devastator_cm

    AI convoy. Best practices?

    you can try my convoy script. It was working in the past and I think it still does (as nobody reported issue in its thread)
  10. Hi Guys, some people who are using our mod are getting "DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_INVALIDARG" although most of the people has no issue at all. Do you know what the issue can be behind? We do not see any abnormal error in RPT files except lines like 16:49:58 CreateTexture failed : w = 440, h = 330, format = BC3_UNORM, err = E_INVALIDARG. 16:49:58 DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_INVALIDARG Thanks in advance..
  11. Devastator_cm

    DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_INVALIDARG

    and how to adjust the particle effects I create via script to prevent the crash by some users?
  12. Devastator_cm

    DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_INVALIDARG

    Info, when people set their particles,texture,objects and pip on max in video settings and crashes are stopping... Why the particleeffects which I used in mod causing crash by some people if these settings are low is unknown to me....
  13. Devastator_cm

    DX11 error : CreateTexture failed : E_INVALIDARG

    We do not have such texture in our mod, Aplion just double checked. So it should be a vanilla texture I think
  14. Hi Guys, are useractions not working for remote controlled units over Zeus? Action has onlyforplayer = 0; in setup actually... Thanks in advance
  15. onlyforplayer = 0 means it is not for player is it not?
  16. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    ah ok. Sorry.. I need someone who will tell "I am the boy who reported game crash and it is fixed now" :((((
  17. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    Did you have error before?
  18. Devastator_cm


    Hi Guys, is it not possible to create particle at a dedicated server in which script runs at server? When I run the code directly at server machine it does not create the effect but if I run it on global then I see the particle... I am using createVehicle command
  19. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    at the moment no rearming is possible
  20. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    Some people has crash/freeze which we are aware of but we are not able to reproduce it by our own PCs which makes it ultra hard for us to pinpoint the issue. @Digger James can you share your PC specs? Maybe a special type of hardware causes the issue...
  21. Devastator_cm


    damn! So I need to do remoteexec the particles on each player? :/ That is crazy....
  22. tha path shows ace, so I assume yes and maybe you can open a bug by their github
  23. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    This one is in to-do lists for future release (Aplion had the same request :) )
  24. Devastator_cm

    HAFM Submarines V2.0

    are you sure the torpedo is not hitting a under water obstacle? Especially in Tanoa map, sea is not that deep and there are some stones around. Torpedo is moving in 5 meters depth and might hit them..