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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    Briefing Room Desk & Screen Picture Size

    Thanks I will give it a try :)
  2. Is it possible to force the animation on all players in a server via cba settings?
  3. I tried to spawn the ship via simple createvehicle command but was still able to land on it... So no idea how MCC is spawning ship and how it makes the ship walkable as we do not have walkable ships :)
  4. mod is updated and there is a dependency to the core mode where weapons are. If you have an old mission where you put vehicles, you need to open it with the helper nod in modpage and then remove old vehicles and replace with new one
  5. when helicopter is secured the engine on/off animations are broken. It is unfortunately how attachto command is impacting. I opened a ticket for it but answer was "it will not be fixed". So if you want to turn on or off the engine you should do it while helicopter is not secured. At the moment defence system is only catching the antiship missiles
  6. How do you know you secured the helicopter? I do not see in your action menu the action. Are you sure you read the manual mate?
  7. and the grid where you were firing at was also at your 3 o"clock?
  8. give the ship names please
  9. Try putting the ships side by side. So something like | | with 5 meters max distance insted of putting them like this - |
  10. Devastator_cm

    HAFM NAVY (Ships) - v2.0

    By the way I would like to thank to @reyhard, @da12thMonkey and @Alwarren for some tips and tricks. Thank you guys!
  11. I just fired with it a GPS missile to the island at my 3. I really think your ship allignment to the target is incorrect. Would be nice if you show what you do via a video maybe
  12. which ship you tried?
  13. please check the manual first... Missile can be fired via GPS but your ship need to look to correct position so when you fire missile will not need to make some saltos or loops in the air. Rearm is via sailing next to the resuply ship and using action menu
  14. please check the user manual. 6 digit gps cannot be put anywhere. It has rules regarding the direction of the missile launch.
  15. we turned off the tracers as the videos for such weapons on the ships shows no tracers
  16. Hi Guys, I am facing a weird issue by a vehicle. Its inventory is not showing up in action menu. Is there any config entries or object memory points which might cause this?
  17. Hi Guys, does anyone know how Arma engine decides the position where the smoke should be spawned via smoke launchers at vehicles? Which config is adjusting that position?
  18. What you speak about is IFF system, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identification_friend_or_foe It is not for submarine sonar yet. By sonar they use pre recorded sounds to identify what the detected vehicle or thing is. So sound matching process to figure out if sound source you hear is something which was encountered, identified and stored before over a library in system
  19. haha good timing Aplion :)
  20. 1- It shows only torpedoes which are moving toward your ship in red. There is no IFF functionality in sonar 2- ofcourse and not just in active mode but also in passive mode you can hit a friendly. Torpedoes have their own sonars and picks up the target by themselves 3- ofcourse as radar guidence of AS Missiles detects the target by itself. There have been already several friendly fire cases in real life due to that. for 2-3 in general, you need to assess the situation with proper situational awareness and decide your attack method and and technique properly to avoid friendly fire 4- no. You can fire from any depth. AS Missiles are fired via dummy torpedo as cover and goes out when it comes close to surface. It is not using the pressurized system like the cruise missiles 5- no. Counter measure is a device which emits loud noises to distract a torpedo which has acoustic guidance. Wired torpedo has continuous target update over a fiber cable where target data is updated regularly from the vessel it launched 6- no
  21. I will send you the link in PM when I am done with small adjustments
  22. New weapon systems user manual is ready https://www.dropbox.com/s/k9jw6u0eioyrxts/Naval Weapon Systems.pdf?dl=0
  23. any helicopter can land on ships as long as their size do not cause any issue.
  24. Guys we are working on ships and didn't release it yet but you already started to make future requests. What to say..
  25. I do not remember the exact % but anti-missile missiles has something like 10% failure ratio so 90% success ratio in that case. This depends ofcourse on the distance to target missile. If you notice the missile to late success ratio drops dramatically as these missiles are fired with VLS system and it needs time to climb and dive which means too late if target missile detected closer than 1300 meters I would say. For close distances like above CIWS (close-in weapon system) are the last hope