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About chrispools

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. chrispools


    I second that, thank you indeed. Its good to see people still have a love of Exile.
  2. chrispools

    Placing bridge in editor

    Ok thanks for that
  3. chrispools

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    This script is outstanding, works really well. I do have an issue when trying to add custom factions from different mods though. I am trying to add opfor units using the FIA Faction. (or any other for that matter) I added this to the OpenMe.sqf. null =[["EOSzone1"],[0,0],[2,2],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[5,1,200,EAST,FALSE,FALSE]] call EOS_Spawn; And this to the unitPools.sqf. EAST FIA FACTION if (_faction==5) then { _InfPool= ["O_G_engineer_F","O_G_medic_F","O_G_officer_F","O_G_Soldier_A_F","O_G_Soldier_AR_F","O_G_Soldier_exp_F","O_G_Soldier_F","O_G_Soldier_GL_F","O_G_Soldier_LAT_F","O_G_Soldier_lite_F","O_G_Soldier_M_F","O_G_Soldier_SL_F","O_G_Soldier_TL_F"]; When i try it I get an error pointing to the mission path; "line 123 error undefined variable in expression _unittype"
  4. Hello, I am quite new to editing stuff in Arma 3 and was wondering if someone could help. I searched for clues online but found no real solution. I am trying to make a bridge for various maps to traverse water. I have made a lovely straight one in virtual reality so its nice and flat. When I copy it and try and place it over water, in chernarus 2035, the whole bridge follows the contour of the land. Is there an option to turn this off and just place it as it is? Many thanks Chris
  5. chrispools


    Thanks for the script EO, and thanks Nemanjic. I forgot about that
  6. chrispools


    Hi guys, been away for a bit so thought I would create a new ravage mission. Seems I cant enable the Ravage in game save option by double pressing "0" The in game Arma menu comes up when I do. I defo have a save module in the scenario. Weird.
  7. chrispools

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    Sorted. My resolution is at 1920x1080. I just changed this; to this; Same with the status bar text also.
  8. chrispools

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    Thanks for the reply George, you are most helpful. I will have a mess about and get back here. Thank you
  9. chrispools

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    Fantastic, I got it working. I restarted my mission and it shows now. One thing though, the bar is not in the middle, its at the right hand side of the screen. How do I adjust it. Thank you http://
  10. chrispools

    GF Ravage Status Bar script

    Good work. Having trouble getting it to work, will try again
  11. chrispools


    Sure am. 1.48? Just reinstalled Ravage and a few scenarios. The steam scenarios semm to work but cant for the life of me figure out why when I do a test map with Ravage modules, the loot sill aint happening.
  12. chrispools


    Hi everyone, Just thought I would let people know there seems to be a problem with loot spawning in the ambient furniture & wrecks. I played a few steam sceanrios that were working great but yesterday and today they are spawning no loot at all. I tried placing a loot and equipment module down on a test map and the same thing happens, not a thing spawns when searching.
  13. chrispools

    [SP] Ravage - A Mission

    Another great mission, for this great mod. Love it. Just one thing, my ai buddies remained on the chopper when I got out. The only option to order them was, move to, stop and hold fire. They cut up a few zeds then flew to the edge of the map. I could still see the rectile in the distance ooops, i'm such a noob, sorted now :lol:
  14. I cant get this one to work. It loads up and goes straight to the map, when i click continue it shows my player in the map for like, half a second, then goes straight back to main menu. I have the recomended mods loaded in. One thing though, I have; @CUP Terrains - Core @CUP Terrains - Maps This mod asks for, or links to CUP_Terrains complete. Is there a difference? I am a bit confused on this bit, thanks
  15. chrispools


    Thanks for that pal. Pleasantly surprised there's a wiki for this