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Posts posted by oOKexOo

  1. On 3/2/2019 at 6:10 AM, Nichols said:

    I apologize for digging up an old thread but I hate that this mod creates a dependency; is there any way without using this mod to be able to access the hidden files from the 3Den Editor?


    I would keep two version of the mission: one with the extended objects (so you can edit it later if needed) and one where you apply the script below, which removes all extended objects and copies them as a script to the clipboard:

    rows = [];
        private _model = getText (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "model");
        rows pushBack format ["    [""%1"", %2, %3, %4]", _model, getPosWorld _x, vectorDir _x, vectorUp _x];
        delete3DENEntities [_x];
    } forEach ((all3DENEntities select 0) select {_x isKindOf "Eden_Exended_Object"});
    data = rows joinString ("," + endl);
    copyToClipboard ("{" + endl + "    (createSimpleObject [_x select 0, _x select 1]) setVectorDirAndUp [_x select 2, _x select 3];" + endl + "} forEach [" + endl + data + endl + "];" + endl);

    The script is meant to be executed in the debug console in Eden.

    You can paste the generated script then in the initServer.sqf, for instance.

    • Like 1

  2. Tried @benargee's approach, but it didn't work out of the box. It seems that all variables set on the vehicle are copied on respawn, which prevents you from adding the arsenal to the respawned vehicle. The solution is to reset bis_fnc_arsenal_action by adding the following to the respawn expression instead:

    (_this select 0) setVariable ["bis_fnc_arsenal_action", nil]; ["AmmoboxInit",[(_this select 0), true, {true}]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal;


  3. @Rockapes
    Ok, so they are spawned by the reinforcement module. Then it must be a different issue.

    The problem is that I'm currently unable to reproduce it. As I suggested in my previous post, you should open a ticket with all the details, which hopefully gives me a better chance to reproduce it.

    • Like 1

  4. I have no idea what you are doing... 


    was renamed to


    The only reason I could think of that something is looking for the old file is another mod that depends on Achilles. What mods are you running?

  5. Quote

    To everyone that is looking into the reason why Achilles doesn't work on servers right now.


    After some digging around in the building of our addon, testing on our public and test servers, we concluded that Achilles isn't the culprit of the issue. As you might have experienced, other add-ons are also affected by this issue. Common messages that are displayed are "Session lost", "Connecting failed", etc.


    After the 1.86 update, Bohemia introduced add-on signatures version 3, improvement to the current version 2 to combat cheating.


    Bohemia did not release 1.86 with signature checking properly, therefore, Achilles and other modifications and in some instances, the base game is affected and the only temporary solution is to disable signature checking completely. It's highly recommended that you don't take this approach but if you have to, then minimize risk by password protecting your servers.


    As Bohemia is working on a fix to their signature system, all we can do is wait for a hotfix from Bohemia.





    • Thanks 2

  6. You can execute the second code I posted, but you will have to reload the interface once more via entering and exiting remote control. No gurantee that it works though. SP is not really the environment Zeus was designed for. Same goes for Achilles.


  7. There are several issues with your test code:

    1) Don't use createVehicleLocal!
    2) setVariable for module attributes after the module's creation are useless. You have to do them before the module function is executed, e.g. init line.


    The code below should work even in MP:

    		params ["_player"];
    		"ModuleCurator_F" createUnit [[0,0,0], (createGroup sideLogic), "newCuratorModule = this; this setVariable ['Addons',3,true]"];
    		_player assignCurator newCuratorModule;
    		newCuratorModule = nil;
    ] remoteExec ["call", 2];

    Edit: Oh wait you said SP... SP missions are a bit problematic... This is independent of Achilles though. You will need to activate the addons manually:


    private _addons = []; 
    private _cfgPatches = configfile >> "cfgpatches"; 
    for "_i" from 0 to (count _cfgPatches - 1) do { 
     private _class = _cfgPatches select _i; 
     if (isclass _class) then {_addons pushBack configname _class}; 
    activateAddons _addons;
    private _curatorModule = getAssignedCuratorLogic player; 
    removeallcuratoraddons _curatorModule; 
    _curatorModule addcuratoraddons _addons

