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11 Good

About Cryofrost

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal

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  1. Cryofrost

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    quite exited about the news of a update to this mod.
  2. Cryofrost

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    hey mr. mikephoenix, on behalf of my unit. i would like to request if you, would look into the scrim again, please apparently its too bowl like, and i am talking about 1.2 here. its seems to be that it was modelled around the old helmet. its looks like the scrim is on a "shell" hovering over the actual helmet. if that makes any sense. as i prefer to use scrim helmet, i would love to see these "fixed", soonish. so i dont have to suffer from useing non scrim for too long :P that a side, the mod looks really good, looking forward to the next update.
  3. Cryofrost

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    the unit I´m in, will most likely look into adopting this as our kit, in the near future. especially when more vest variations start to appear.
  4. Cryofrost

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    I like both versions, and happy to both hear and see, about the bowman
  5. Cryofrost

    Armed Forces:UK Virtus Body Armour

    Will you be adding. variants of the helmets that include bowman headsets, or whatever the current one is called?
  6. Cryofrost

    Zero Dark Zero

    well happy to see you are still at it von, keep up the great work
  7. Cryofrost

    3CB BAF Weapons

    have the ladder sights been fixed for the L85 w/UGL, so that the irons actually align properly with the notches, at the different distances?
  8. Cryofrost

    AM BAF Equipment

    really looking forward to seeing some VIRTUS gear
  9. Cryofrost

    War Sim Studios

    well that makes sense, thanks for the info
  10. i wish there was some more combat engineering vehicles. more specifically I am look for a m113 engineering vehicles for the AAF. but any engineering vehicle would do. there are almost no tracked combat engineering vehicles out there, apart for the default bobcat.
  11. Cryofrost

    War Sim Studios

    what is the purpose of that, bronze looking cap on the underside of the "nose" of the sub?
  12. Cryofrost

    War Sim Studios

    my guess on your day time job srbknight, naval action dev. :P
  13. Cryofrost

    [WIP] CUP Frigate Retextures

    may i suggest an AAF version, because as an island nation i have always found it odd that, they have nothing bigger than Weaponized speed boats
  14. Cryofrost

    C.O.R.E -- Options and Ops Center

    sorry to hear about the storm damage, that always sucks, but glad to hear that a fix will be landing very soon.
  15. Cryofrost

    C.O.R.E -- Options and Ops Center

    any news on the "not being able to enter the FROGS sub form the CORE ops center" issue? IIRC i get some kind of scripting error when i use the two modules, i can try and get some pictures up later, if it would help you.