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Everything posted by Hans(z)

  1. Hans(z)


    Hi, Is there any way to make my own new preset in weapon module. I want to make mission but I don't want some weapons in it .... I want only submachine guns and bolt action rifles to be in loot and to be equiped on raiders. As far as I know Haleks disagree with workshop regulations, so I don't want to edit ravage files cuz I can't share edited ravage files on workshop afterwards. Thx for reply
  2. Hans(z)


    Hi all In todays hotfix BI repaired white ammo boxes! I checked that also in game. Car patrol seems to be still broken.
  3. Hans(z)


    naah I figured that out lately, on Altis it works!!..... but in some workshop missions not, so I was confused .
  4. Hans(z)


    Hi all, I can agree with this. And I can't loot trash piles, wrecks. I played in-build Ravage Tanoa mission.
  5. Hans(z)


    Hi, I find colour filter glitch or bug.... When I aim through any colimator like RCO, ARCO, Holo.... my screen become darker and I'm not able to see anything through it. This problem occurs at late hours(or in bad weather conditions) and WITHOUT NVG. If I turn NVG on, problem is gone, but NVGs are really rare in this mod . I prefer playing withour colour filter but I want you to know this. Here is screenshot http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198305015162/screenshot/830196727536374129
  6. Hans(z)


    I can confirm this.
  7. Hans(z)


    I play SP. And if you are injured consuming food and water near camp give you small amount of HP (3-8%). I'm 100% sure that this works, but after some time in game (like 2-3 days) consumables don't give you HP anymore. So I don't know why this doesn't work :/
  8. Hans(z)


    Hi, I can see awesome step forward!!! Just one question.... food and water should give some health% up if it is used near campfire, but when I drink (eat) ravage only update my thirst (hunger) status and health doesn't change. It happend after long time in game so is in Ravage any healing limit for drink(food)..... should I use FAK? It used to work properly, I don't know what cause this issue. Thx for answer
  9. Hans(z)


    Goood job!! Nice progress Haleks. I'm waiting for 1.40 release! One thing.... has anyone experience with mag repack after exit arma and continue saved mission? I tried it and mag repack didn't work for me after I reloaded mission. Are traders in showcase? I played 3hours and didn't find any.
  10. Hans(z)

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    Hi, Is ERCO optics really fixed? When I go to VA and fire from 500m bullet fly 1m right of target, so I think BI didn't fix this bug. And where I can find some list of changes in updates?
  11. Hans(z)


    https://www.facebook.com/arma3official/videos/1091201150926614/ look at dev diary :D
  12. Hans(z)

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi, where I can find 1.0 download? :confused:
  13. Hans(z)

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    One question about FIA "skill upgrade" ...... when I upgrade FIA skill, does it upgrade my skill too? I note that if you place character in Eden editor, there is skill slider, so you can set character skill. Does "skill upgrade" improve both skill level for AI and for playable character? It will help not only with awfull aim shaking ;). THX for answer
  14. Hans(z)

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi, Does anybody know amount of money and Nato support for all mission types?
  15. Hans(z)

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thank's to barbolani for outstanding work!!! Just one question...... how does "steal static" work? I choose this function and I don't find stolen static mg anywhere. Pls help :mellow: I'm glad to see new "Perk" feature in this mission
  16. Hans(z)


    Nice!!!! Will be new version on PW6?
  17. Hans(z)


    Hi all, Haleks what about ambitient heli and repair kit...... is that plan make this helis unrepairable? I played cosmic10r mission and I could not completely repair ghosthawk only with repair specialist in my team, but it was still unflyable. I had rvg repair kit in my inventory and it din´t do anything. If it is you plan I understand you ghosthawk can be very OP beast. GL with new update!!
  18. Hans(z)


    can´t wait :clap:
  19. Hans(z)


    Hi guys, has anyone of you experience with MagRepack by Outlawed? I tried this mod but it didn´t work since I loaded save -_- . And mag repack in ACE is not compatible mod. I use VCOM for better AI driving skills http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27874 . It run without any problems ;). So it can be probably add in wiki GL Haleks and tester team. I can´t wait for new update!!!
  20. Hans(z)


    you can just do this in game: esc-settings-game-difficulty-match RECRUIT-ok-return to game-esc-settings-game-difficulty-match f.e. VETERAN-ok- SAVE BEFORE YOU RETURN TO GAME......... game is saved in Veteran difficulty anytime you want. ;)
  21. Hans(z)


    Hi Haleks I thing shortcut for SVD dragunov from RHS is wrong. In rvg_mainWeapons is "rhs_weap_svdp_npz_dtk" but I tried copy gear from Virtual arsenal and there isn´t this shortcut. And definitely in RHS there isn´t any DTK muzzle brake for SVD. How can I fix this?
  22. Hans(z)


    Maybe I didn't write it understandable, I mean build base or some barbed fence right when you are playing the mission.... like in Arma 2 final campaign mission. You could bouild armory, air factory , heavy factory. So is it possible to make something like this in ravage mission.
  23. Hans(z)


    Hi guys, Thanks Haleks for this awesome mod!!! (y) Sry for my bad Englih. Are you going to do any tool for rearming offroad or heli? Is it possible to make scripts for build your own base in mission? f.e you can find some material (sandbag, barbed fence, wood board,..... load it into offroad, unload where you want and build little base for some time pennalty. I haven´t any experience with scripting.... so how can I put some weapons, attachments that I want to add to Haleks base mission. I tried add weapon shortcut in lootlist.sqf, gearlist.sqf..... but I didn´t see that weapon whole game.