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Everything posted by yukihito23

  1. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    i think its just a hiccup which happens once in a while when server side executes something earlier than something else. I've seen this prior to 1.70 anyways but it fixed itself on next restart so nothing really to worry about. its just arma-ing.
  2. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    You may want to retry as I've updated my server and client to latest Hotfix version but zeus still works for me.
  3. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Greetings..thought of posting this before I forget and somehow delete my screenshots. duplicate found below on map/grid
  4. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    had some time to test this out last night and I have the same results as bofhgr, functionality works but seem to get the same error spit out constantly after I go in to Zeus. below is the client rpt logs up until the point of error start. 1.6 was a great progress regardless though.
  5. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    question, if there is anymore work going in to this map or not as I've been noting down some more missplaced objects and such as i play around this map but wasn't sure if you guys were considering doing something about those or not. if not, not big deal as I'll stop noting them down.
  6. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    thank you very much for taking your time in investigating for Exile server support, I'll test this out later tonight myself as well.
  7. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    you may have to live with it as its an obsolete version now as 1.5 is released as of latest
  8. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    np, yeah that's the version I use as well until the author get's some time to look in to Exile Mod support.
  9. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    version 1.3 somewhat works for the time if you login as Admin to the servers. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dxfu6klzht46lmi/AABzAPSuF0GM2bPOtRi1R32ba?dl=0
  10. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    thanks, I'll further discuss with you on this over on message until we figure out how to get it working.
  11. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    Hi there, thanks for the reply. my cfgremoteexec is as below the only difference I saw was class Commands as mode = 1 so I tried that as well but seems no luck. mods are, Exile Mod, CUP Core, Cup Map, xCam Taunus, RyanZombies, Admin Toolkit. class CfgRemoteExec { class Commands { mode = 0; jip = 0; }; class Functions { mode = 1; jip = 0; class ExileServer_system_network_dispatchIncomingMessage { allowedTargets = 2; }; //Admin Tool Kit class AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest { allowedTargets = 2; }; //SLZ class slz_fnc_assigncurator {allowedTargets = 2;}; }; }; Client rpt are as below. http://pastebin.com/iPa3XdXN
  12. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    greetings, some more misplaced objects...if this wasn't mentioned earlier by anyone else. below is floating fence object. seems the entire square pen is floating around in that area shown in pic 2 (map) found right north of the southwest airfield. Missplaced stairs I suppose? Located in small village north west of Kolbenberg military base Not sure if on purpose or not ut rocks on the road. Here, south west of Weisskirchen
  13. yukihito23

    seelenlos Zeus

    Hello, I have been trying to get your latest version 1.5 to work on my dedicated server as I had it working on version 1.3 and have come across some issues in activating it. I currently have as below. @SLZ folder with mod files under it in server root userconfig>slz folder under server root userconfig>slz>slz_settings.sqf defining my UID have -filepatching defined in my server startup parameters in misssion.pbo>description.ext I have defined as class slz_fnc_assigncurator { allowedTargets = 2;}; as when I didn't have above, it gave me an error in my rpt logs as "allowed to be remotely executed". after adding above in to my description.ext, I now get notification as it states I am a curator now when I logged in to the server. Though, it doesn't seem to respond to the Zeus key I have assigned "Y" I have checked the key config and "Y" is set to Zeus correctly. locations my rpt logs mention about SLZ is as below. 15:44:08 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: 1 Curator(s) created! - (SLZ_fnc_initPre: 34) 15:44:08 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [preInit] SLZ_fnc_initPre (358.002 ms)" 15:44:09 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: Only SL Zeus curator modules in this mission! (SLZ_fnc_initPost: 24) 15:44:09 "SC/BIS_fnc_log: [postInit] SLZ_fnc_initPost (0 ms)" 15:49:55 SL_Zeus 1.5.0 [Notification]: ******** connected and is in whitelist - (any: 38) If I can get some help when you have the time, it would be greatly appreciated.
  14. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

  15. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    some more I found snooping around...
  16. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Some stuff I've found from my end.
  17. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    I used Zeus to plot down AI through @SLZ on my server and they seemed fine. tried in field as well as in town.
  18. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    are you placing them through the editor and then playing the scenario? I just plotted down blufor, opfor squads in mostly vanilla eden and played but they went on their ways. might be one of your mods. as well, ive been running this map on my server but all the AI missions that i have spawn from scripts are running fine on all factions.
  19. yukihito23

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    thanks a lot for the release I've been waiting for so long. probably the most detailed map I've seen which came out from the community. as "mcgough" mentioned about the bikeys, I get this as well when I run it on my test server. I've bypassed it by giving no values for onUnsignedData for now. (as it's a private test server) Some info I've seen so far, when I run it on my server, I see around 38000 lines within the first 20 minutes of server boot. Placement slopelandcontact failed on model ******\******.p3d. Missing landcontact or no points in it. as well, around 3000 or so lines like below. ******\********.p3d: house, config class missing it seems due to above two, my prt logs usually go up to 5MB and it takes the server around 20min to fully boot to playable status. There were a couple of clipping locations where player unit gets stuck on the map but I'll go get screenshots of them and report later on. Either way, awesome map.