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About Mckinnon

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  1. So Slammer UP had its 120mm cannon back. But NOT visually. You can compare Slammer and Slammer UP cannons in Virtual Garage. It's still smaller. :)
  2. So Slammer UP had its 120mm cannon back. But NOT visually. You can compare Slammer and Slammer UP cannons in Virtual Garage. It's still smaller. :)
  3. "F-35" AS VTOL AIRCRAFT PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!! IT IS WORLD'S BEST !!!!!!!!!
  4. Mckinnon


    Can you add "F-35" (as VTOL) to ArmA 3 with Apex ? As pilots in ArmA, we'd really love that. And of course, the F-35 will be great with Tanoa terrain.
  5. Mckinnon

    APEX - Tanoa Questions

    Can BI add F-35 to ArmA 3 (as VTOL) with Apex ? As pilots, we'd really love that.